Ant showed my picture

0  2014-11-29 by [deleted]


ewww you attention whoring cunt


I feel that a link to the picture would have been common sense.






My apologies! ☺️


ugh ant fans

Another failed thread by you. Just stop trying. Opies YouTube videos do better than this.


Yeah but even your anti Opie threads get downvoted into oblivion. So what does that tell you? No one likes you. You can't even get support for an anti Opie thread on a sub that hates Opie. Hahahahahaha.

I know what I'm doing. I know what I say is going to draw a lot of hate around here.

Oh and keep replying jackass. Remember when you said you were done? And why would I be jealous? Your insults don't even make sense.


Blah, blah, blah... No one fucking cares.

Also curious as to why you deleted this lengthy post? Haha. Who in the fuck does that? You're more and more like Opie everyday.

"Oh, you poor child. I return from my nice nap where I dreamed of pinatas and free beer, only to find Mr. Babblebrooks still babbling. No, dear I DON'T remember where I "insulted" you for writing lengthy responses. You know why?? Because I never did. It's tough to remember something that never occurred. And pumpkin, I didn't know this was a points game, but if you're needing,and you ARE very needy, to add points for your self esteem, then you're in a world of hurt. Because you see, I can see "points" just like you can,dear. AND I have that added luxury of knowing how to count. YOU'RE the biggest loser. love. It's right in front of my black and white. Mr. Babblebrooks....I'm going to recommend a book called "Basic Addition." I learned it in the first grade, so it might not be around still. But I'm sure you can find something comparable. And I know you keep responding because you're getting free psychological advice and I don't think that's funny. BUT,this might be the best advice so far. Read it slowly and carefully. There's no pesky addition, but it might be a little advanced for you. If you want help, just ask. It's apparently what I'm here for. You obviously didn't study the "Circular Conversations" book, because once again, you're babbling about the same shit AGAIN. So annoying. Just read the book. Here's the last installment of free help, for today anyway, you sly advice stealing devil!! "When you use projection or emotional reasoning ("feelings equal facts") in a debate or conversation, it is an unconscious lie. When we are gripped by a strong emotion that doesn't fit the circumstances, we interpret what is happening in a way that fits with the emotions we are feeling instead of the facts presented to us. In other words, we seek to confirm what we are feeling and ignore evidence that does not fit, maintain or justify the emotion." There you go. Study it and study it so you KNOW what it means. One last question, chief...?? Do you like or NOT like your mother?? It's quite simple. It's a yes or no question, I have faith in you."




And why does it matter if I call you a fucking bitch? Spaces still come after comas retard no matter what you're called. Also go through your comment feed retard you've done it more than twice.


How are you going to talk me about maturity when you've literally told me to die and you go around using the word cunt to describe people you don't like. Just shut the fuck up and stop now. I don't care why you told me to die, joking or not it's still childish which is exactly what you're trying to call me out for. Figure of speech, joke, or a way of expressing yourself by your standard it's still immature. And when you use cunt that sounds rather girl hating too. Don't tell me you haven't called people cunts either because I also have that quote ready to go.

You are a fucking crazy person.


Didn't read this stupid shit either. I just think it's funny you're going back now and deleting posts. What a thin skinned little faggot you are. Can I call you Opie?


Why did you delete that post? Oh that's right you had been calling me out for my long posts, and then you wrote that fucking novel. That's right. You're full of shit and you're the dumbest fucking cunt I have ever met. For someone that said a week ago they were going to ignore me you sure do reply to everything I say. What an idiot. That's why you're thinned skinned cunt. You can't help yourself. I still don't know why you would go back and delete old posts. I mean what's the big deal? Why would you care if the post is to long? I mean what does it matter?

And don't talk to me about hateful comments you told me to die two times. Pot calling the Kettle black maybe? You also use names to express yourself. Look at your comments about Opie you ghoul.

Oh and your Twitter is fucking embarrassing. Trying to be Anthony a little to much. And this thread only got upvoted 28% of the time. Proof no one thinks you're funny.


Oh really you've never called me out about the length of my post? Really? Do you want to try this one more time before I start posting quotes straight from your comment feed.

The fact you said you weren't going to reply to me but still do proves you have thin skin. Again you sure you want to try this before I embarrass you? I have the quote directly from your comment feed ready to go. If that doesn't work I also have screen shots. So how do you want to do this?

Also your explanation as to why you deleted that shitty post absolutely sucks. Why not just leave it? Unless you had something to try and hide there is never a good reason to start deleting comments especially right after being called out for it. Say what you want but you're full of fucking shit ONCE AGAIN.

If telling me to kill myself is an expression of speech then what's the difference between that and the names I call you that you get so worked up about. I'm simply expressing myself too ya dumb ghoul.

How many times are you going to say once again? Learn a new way of phrasing your sentences. And don't try and call me out for replying to you when you do the exact same thing. Which means you aren't above anyone. And you can't call people out for bring childish when you've told people to kill themselves. That makes you a hypocrite.


I am the uneducated one huh? You're the one that told me you were done replying to me and yet here you are. Since you are won't shut the fuck up I'm just going to start quoting you from here on out.

I also want to know how I'm uneducated, and disrespectful towards women because I call you names but you're still able to tell me to die, and you go around call people names just as much as I do. You've told me to die, you've said I'm stupid, you called Opie a cunt, and you even called my mother a cunt once too. . So how exactly is that not expressing yourself immaturely?

And it's still hilarious how you went through and deleted a comment that I had just called you out for. Your explanation fucking stinks. You can reiterate your shitty point over and over again it doesn't change the fact it's an absolutely retarded justification.



You're a delusional fucking retard. I understand sarcasm, and figure out speeches but that's still not an excuse to tell someone to die. That's like me saying when I call you a bitch it's just sarcasm, or a figure of speech. What in the fuck does that mean?

It doesn't matter what kind of context you said some of these things under because you've talked about maturity, and language but have wished me to die, and called me names. PWhy is it okay for you to call my mother a cunt, but if I call you one I'm all the sudden an anti-women, immature, and stupid. All things you've called me. And just because it's a figure of speech doesn't mean you haven't used it poorly or immaturely.

No bitch I fully comprehend everything you've said but you're explanations suck. Just like when you deleted that post. You only fucking did it after being called out, and made fun for it. Who cares if it was a long post? Why delete it? It literally makes no sense unless like I said you're just trying to to hide it now because of how shitty a post it was.

And don't talk to me about repeating myself. Bitch that's all you do. You're a fucking hypocrite with a thin skin. Word of advice when you say you're 'outtie' and you don't 'fuck with youngsters" then actually be outtie. Don't just keep responding. No one reworded shit. You literally said you were done replying to me and to have a nice Thanksgiving. That was several days ago and you're still here.


I don't live to argue you stupid bitch but when you're literally telling me you didn't say something, and I know you did because I'm starring at the quote I feel insulted. I feel even more insulted when you tell me to watch my language but it's okay for you to casually tell someone their a cunt, and to go die. You're a hypocrite but atlest you finally admit it. It's also funny that you would call me out for certain things like repeating myself, while you continue to repeat yourself as well.

And maybe you live to argue? You've responded to me just as much as I hav to you. What's that say? You project these things upon people while you literally do the same shit. Instead you could have just ignored me and I'd be gone by now.

Oh and sorry I'm typing fast on a phone with auto correct. That's why it said "figure out speeches". I messed it up once but continued to use it correctly the rest of the time. I find it ironic that you would call me out for grammar when you literally can't figure out spacing between comas or paragraphs. You're a run on sentence monstrosity. Again you project your shit onto someone else literally while you do the same thing. Don't call me out for grammar when you write like a child. Got it?

Oh and no one gives a fuck if some comedian retweeted your stupid shit. Harass anyone long enough an I guess they'll eventually find something you say funny. You should stop trying. Your Twitter sucks and Anthony is never going to invite you to the compound. And is calling me hotrod like supposed to be an insult?


"couldn't care less"



You still haven't learned how to space shit out have you? Remember when I said everything you write looks like one long run on sentence?

And apparently the names I called you do bother you or you wouldn't have reprimanded me over being anti-women. That's beside the point. You have told me to watch. my language several times because it's immature? How in the fuck are you going to deny that? The biggest issue is you tell that I'm immature while you tell me to die and call me a cunt. How do you not see the hypocrisy? I mean really how fucking doped up are you? And you did tell me to die twice. You also said Opie should kill himself. Would you like to see a god damn screen shot you fucking stupid idiot. How do deny these things with a straight fucking face?

And I haven't been crying you cunt faced retard. I'm pointing out how you're an inconsistent retard that talks about maturity but meanwhile you resort to the same petty insults I used against you. How do you confuse that as crying exactly? Maybe because you're stupid?

Also you can reiterate yourself 100 times a day it doesn't change the fact that you're a thin skinned, hypocritical dumbass that simply digging more and more of a hole for themselves. You honestly look stupid. To be clear I don't care what you say to me just don't talk about maturity when you've used petty insults yourself.

You did tell me that you were done talking to me and you know you said that. Why do you deny it over and over again? You said you were "outtie" so do us a fucking favor, shut up, and be outtie already you fake wannabe nigger. I don't care if it was some sort of figure of speech or not. You said you were done with me and yet here you are.

Also I don't care if you reply to me just don't try and call me out for something when you've literally responded to everything I write. I'm simply pointing out how you're a hypocritical piece of shit. I'm not pointing fingers like you do. There's a difference.

And we all know you deleted that post because it sucked and you got called out for you it. You did delete it almost immediately after I made fun of you for it. How are you going to deny that? You got tired of seeing a long post? Really? That's your best excuse? Who goes through their on comment feed that often it would bother you? Also you've written several long comments since then (like this one) so again you have no point or basis.

Love the usage of the word drivel here. Trying hard to sound like Jim Norton are ya? It's not the first time you've ripped him off.


You did say I was anti women I have the fucking quote. You also told me to kill myself which in return would mean you want me to die. Enough with you're fucking semantics you moronic piece of shit. It doesn't matter if you told me to kill myself or not it still makes you immature which is he very fucking thing you have been going after me for. Mature people don't go around tell people to kill themselves. The second time you said that you weren't joking. Give me a second. I'm pulling quotes.


Remember when you said you deleted that one post because it was to long and you were tired of seeing it in your comment feed. So how exactly do you explain your last two comments? Which might I add are longer that the one I made fun of you for.

Also I have been doing a little research and now that I am on my laptop I can clown your stupid ass even more. First of all you want to talk about maturity, and you act like you're above petty name calling however I found this quote from you which accuses me of homosexuality, and being anti-women. I'm sure you'll play it off as a joke, or figure of speech but we all know you were serious.

It's not everybody else's fault that you have latent homosexual tendencies which make you hate women. Especially women that are clearly smarter than you. Hate is a tricky thing,lil man. Save yourself and just admit you're gay. It's not a bad thing. You have to be happy or life isn't worth it

You also told me my life isn't worth it.

Here are the two times you told me to kill myself. Opps I mean 3. Doesn't sound like you're joking to me, and even if you are its still not very mature. Don't lambast me for my speech when you're equally as childish.

kill yourself. That's right, I said it. Now go do it. And be's fucking Thanksgiving you selfish cunt.

PLEASE, Jesus God, kill yourself. Literally.

Please never talk to me about maturity ever fucking again. You resort to absolute pettiness faster than anyone. At least I can admit that I've called you names, and I don't beat around the bush with horse shit excuses like "figure of speech".

Keep calling my a loser like I give a fuck. You're literally doing the exact same thing I'm doing. You've responded to every single one of my comments over the last few days. I'd say we're both losers.

Also, why in the fuck can't you learn to space these giant fucking posts apart? Seriously, do you no know how to use paragraphs?


You're an idiot aren't you? I posted the definition to "anti" and "hate" and they are literally synonyms for one another. Do you know what a synonym is? You can't take the literal definition to something and then turn it into whatever horseshit you want. I mean you're literally fighting with me over semantics.

I don't give a shit if a woman is smarter than me, or if someone doesn't like me I just think you're absolute garage. I'm not speaking about all woman here just you. And you don't really even have a point because at first I didn't even know you were a female. I honestly thought you were a guy so how could I have been a woman hater?

I, literally, answer to everyone of your questions or remarks but you never answer any of my questions or acknowledge the fact that I answered yours at least 5 times. You just keep posting the same shit I already explained. Why do you do that??

Because your explanations fucking suck? I've also don't really read anything you say. I look through it quickly for the highlights but I really don't give a shit. I know you have a hard time understanding simple concepts so I don't even bother.

see above. I never said I didn't care and once again...I TOLD YOU I WAS GOING TO REPLY EVERY TIME YOU RESPOND. ARE YOU FUCKING DEAF AND BLIND?????

No but I do remeber the time you said you were "outtie" and to have a nice thanksgiving and then you proceeded to reply to me again, and again, and again...

I don't care if you respond to me every time or not. My plan has worked. This is mostly fun for me.

When someone comes at me angry, name calling and trying to be a bully, for NO FUCKING REASON, I will bury you in your own shit. It's the angry, name calling, cursing gratuitously people like you that always wind up being the most insecure, crybaby, pussies EVER. And you, once again, proved that to be correct. Thank you for playing.

Oh the irony and the hilarity of this comment right here has literally left me rolling around on the floor. You're going to bury me in my own shit? Are ya'? Are ya' really?

I guess you're as insecure as I am because you've done nothing but call me names, and tell me to kill myself. You've also done quite a bit of curing. I went through and found some examples. Here we go:

Yes, I said your mom is a cunt, because she is and you know it.<

Hughes lies CONSTANTLY and he's stupid, boring and far from entertaining with absolutely no talent.<

THOSE pussies that got there cunt in a twist and brought it front and center. Publications like this and the cunts that read them.....fucking shite. Embarrassing SHITE<

Those are just 3 examples of some of your comments. I went through and did a search for the word cunt. You use it all the time yet you sit here and tell me that I express myself immaturely. LOOK WHO THE FUCK IS TALKING.


Oh really? Because you've literally denied saying things and I immediately quote you for. You lambast me over my maturity, and insults yet you go around telling people their cunts, and to kill themselves. Which by the way is the same thing as wanting me to die. Again, with the semantics.

I don't give a fuck about what a non biased person thinks you stupid cunt. You're a piece of garbage and that's it. You're comprehension skills are the worst.

Honey, your 3 little piddly comments are adorable. None of them are about you. Sweet....

THAT'S NOT THE FUCKING POINT!!!!!! How are you so stupid? I'm simply showing you examples of your own speech while you lambast me for cursing and acting immaturely meanwhile you go around insulting peoples mothers, telling people to kill themselves, and telling people their cunts. How in the fuck are you going to call me immature when you can't even express yourself like an adult? THAT'S WHAT I AM GETTING AT! I DON'T GIVE TWO SHITS ABOUT WHAT YOU THINK OF ME!

·´¯(>▂<)´¯· wah...wah....little crybaby....hee hee

I'm crying? That's news to me. I'm really not sure what this is supposed to accomplish but its not a very mature move. For someone that's all about maturity you sure do suck at it. I've literally done nothing but quote you and point out your inconsistencies but okay? I love how in two posts you couldn't address anything I said.




Huh? That gave you douche chills? Um, okay?

Don't ever call me out for one of my typos ever again. You're the same person that's needed to be corrected over "i could careless" and "I couldn't careless" two times now.

If you don't "give two shits about what you think of me" then why so angry and defensive, lil man?? Me thinks someone is lyyyyiiing...:D

Am I angry? I'm pretty sure I'm doing just fine today, and have a little fun with this. Just because I choose to call you a stupid cunt doesn't mean I'm angry, or that I care what you think. No one cares about your opinion. Name calling, and being upset don't necessarily go hand in hand you know. And I could argue that you've been just as defensive as I have by all the times you've used "cunt" to describe something, or someone. Okay, little girl? Or what about those super long posts you write with no paragraphs? Oh, that's because you don't care? Please. You're full of shit.



"couldn't care less"


No I'm pretty sure I've only brought this up once and again its an example as to how you're nothing but a hypocritical piece of shit. Also isn't this whole debate between us rooted on who gives a shit? In the end does any of it matter? Just don't call me out for my grammar when your own grammar fucking sucks. If you don't know the difference between "could careless" and "couldn't careless" maybe you shouldn't be calling me out for simple typos. Got it?

I also find it funny that in your first sentence you say this "You have nothing of relevance or importance to say, so you just keep harping on the shit NOBODY cares about." and then almost immediately after you say:

ONCE AGAIN..didn't say I didn't care.

So which is it? Either you don't care or you do.

Oh and your twitter is fucking embarrassing with all those Anthony Cumia memes. You're fucking gross.


How are you so stupid? I'm not going to start with you over grammatical errors because I don't care. I know I can't spell shit. That's not what I was doing. You over the course of our argument have criticized me for grammatical errors several times now YET you make grammatical errors all the time. You use incorrect punctuation and you don't know what a god damn paragraph is.

That the difference. I don't care I'm just pointing out how you're an inconsistent retard. If you're going to call me out over "to" and "too" (which you have one time before) then maybe you should know the difference between "could careless" and "couldn't careless".

And if its irrelevant then why did you bring up my grammatical errors in the first place? This goes back several days now.

Anthony Cumia "memes"...?? You mean the pictures I made?? Mostly Beavis ?? Well, sir, you might not like them, but I have received over 1700, that's seventeen hundred, favorites and retweets. And a lot of those are from Ant. And yes, I like Ant a lot and I like that he likes and acknowledges my shit. That's not a crime, not even that weird. Don't hate...Opie

So fucking what? At one point I had over 4,000 karma points on Reddit. Its not that hard getting internet points. 1,700 retweets isn't very much at all considering the amount of Anthony Cumia memes you've made and yes they are memes. The Opie and Anthony has a fanbase that probably ranges around around a million+ listeners and you're bragging about some fucking internet twitter points?



"couldn't care less"

Oh really you didn't? You've NEVER once called me out for incorrect grammar?

Four days ago you said and I quote

Now, run along and learn how the English language and grammar are used. So your comments make sense and are grammatically correct.

19 hours ago you said and I quote

And you keep spelling "too" wrong.

So who exactly is the pathological liar? You've called me out over grammar many times. Those were two examples that I found in less than 60 seconds. Word matching on Firefox is amazing.


That's beside the point you just got caught lying. It doesn't matter if those are the only two examples or not you literally said you never corrected my grammar when you did. Don't say it doesn't matter either because it does or your wouldn't keep correcting me. You're full of shit and that's been my point all along. I don't care if it's annoying or that it's something a 2nd grader can figure out. You still haven't figured out paragraphs, or spacing and that's certainly a concept most 2nd graders are aware of. Stop trying to correct me when you make grammatical errors just as often as I do.

At least I am honest with myself and know my grammar stinks. You're still in denial.


It has nothing to do with crying or being butt hurt. Why do you keep bringing these things up? You said you didn't do something, and I showed you twice that you did. You corrected my grammar more than once because I quoted you twice. There's more examples if you look. I just posted 2. So why do you keep lying?

Now, run along and learn how the English language and grammar are used. So your comments make sense and are grammatically correct.

19 hours ago you said and I quote

And you keep spelling "too" wrong.

So how are you going to say you only did it once?

Because girls won't give you the time of day. That's blatantly obvious. Oh, I know you're going to lie, deny it, say I'm crazy or I spell wrong, or I'm a fucking faggot, or I'm a dumb bitch, or I'm a stupid cunt, or I'm a fucking retard, or I'm a fucking idiot, or I'm fucking retarded, or I'm a fucking stupid faggot cunt, or I'm a retarded fucking stupid bitch. I know you will say all those things. And I also know it's because that's ALL you have to say. You're a man of fine intellect and manners.

Like any man would give you the time of day? I know you'll lie and say some men pity fuck you, but we all know that's not even true you fat slob. I know I say all those things to you. You've also told me to kill myself, that I'm a cunt, I'm stupid, my mom's a cunt, and so on and so forth so who are you to talk about intellect and manners?

Remember when you said this:

THOSE pussies that got there cunt in a twist and brought it front and center. Publications like this and the cunts that read them.....fucking shite. Embarrassing SHITE

and this

No one else cared or even knew about Ant's tweets till this fuck ass cunt made a big deal out of it.

Your mom would be the dumbest cunt you ever talked to

and this

because it's a serious question....are you retarded?

and this

Gawker and this cunt is what got the whole stupid ball rolling.

and this

And you keep saying I go around calling other people names....really??!!! Do I??!!! Hahahahahahaa

Funny you would say that because I just posted several examples of you calling other people names. So let me continue.

And there you have it...! Your sad resort to immature name calling means game lose.

More hypocrisy.

He wishes he was that cool. He's just stupid.

and then


Those are not all the examples of you name calling either. There's more but I'll stop for now. Next time you sarcastically call me a man of "fine intellect" and "manners" just remember everything you've said in the past. It doesn't matter if those comments were for me or not its just an example of how use petty insults to express yourself just as much as I do.


Actually you told me to kill myself 3 times which would imply that you want me to die. Are you really going to deny this after I quoted you saying it?

And no a man wouldn't give you the time of day it's the reason you stalk Anthony cumia and even he doesn't care about you.

For fuck sakes learn how to properly quote people on reddit. All of that looks like one big jumbled mess. I can't make half of it out.

I also don't remember calling you out for repeating yourself anytime recently however I do remember catching you in several lies and I don't care if you call me names or tell me to kill myself just don't do it and then talk about maturity when you in fact resort to childish name calling just as much as anyone. How do you keep confusing pointing out your inconsistencies with being butt hurt?


Again it doesn't matter if you are actually want me to die or kill myself or not. I never thought you actually did. nothing to do with any of that. Haha you miss the point again. I only bring it up because you on several occasions called me immature and childish and I'm telling you that when you tell people to kill themselves, despite the context, that it's just as immature as me calling you a "fucking bitch". I can at least attest to, and admit when I act petty so why can't you? And why do you make excuses? If you can bust balls and tell me to kill myself, why am I suddenly immature when I call you a name? Maybe I'm just busting balls and being sarcastic to.

Why does it always go back to me being butt hurt when on many occasions I've told you I don't give a shit?


Who said I'm pissed off? Because I called you a fucking bitch several times, although had I only done it a few times I wouldn't be pissed off and you would agree?

Um, okay, whatever you say bitch. I didn't know that I'm angry. I guess I am? I thought I was just killing time at work but okay apparently not. You've somehow figured out mind control and suddenly know how I feel today based on an Internet argument. Haha.


I didn't say you have called everyone names I said you've called other people names, and it's definitely been more than just Opie. I think you even called my mom stupid. It doesn't matter who the insults were directed at I just find it ironic you would call me childish when you do the same thing.

And if you can call Opie every name you can think of then I'll do the same for you. It's only fair. But don't take it out of context when I call you a "bitch" it's just a figure of speech and I'm only joking around. Sound familiar?

I don't expect that an Internet argument would hurt your feelings. Stop making shit up you dumb cunt.

And if opies my boy friend then I guess you're one of those sleazy sluts Anthony bangs? So that would make you 13?


Shut up bitch no one cares about my gurtoutious remarks. You're on the Opie and Anthony sub bitch. You throw cunt around like it's nothing bitch . Do you think you sound smart when you do that bitch? When you say "the people at gawker are cunts" do you think people turn around and say "what a smart person she is". Bitch.

You're so full of shit that it's laughable and if you haven't figured out that I'm doing it on purpose now then I don't know what to tell you bitch.


Telling someone to kill themselves and telling someone to die are the same thing. How do you confuse that? What do you think happens when someone kills themselves? I'm just curious.

Telling me to watch my language is just a way of saying you have several times now called me immature and childish for calling you names that you call other people too. Like cunt.

So what are you rambling on about? And I guess you'll have to delete this post like your other one since it's long and you probably won't want it in your comment feed. Haha.

And it doesn't matter when you said you were outtie because almost immediately after saying it you still kept replying to me. And just because I say something like to you doesn't mean you have to respond.


It doesn't matter stupid how many times I've called you names vs the amount of times you've called me something. It has nothing to do with that. You can't say you didn't say something when you did. Even if you only said it once you still said it. How do you not grasp such an easy concept?

Don't talk to me about maturity, and acting like a child when you admit you cuss all the time yourself. What's mature about calling someone's mom a cunt? Not that I care I'm just saying you're full of shit.

I also converse with a lot of people? What are you getting at? That like you're some expert at communicating? Because I don't see it and again, how am I offended? I've pointed out when you're inconsistent but I don't remember anything you say hurting my feelings. Haha.


No one cares about the shitty books you recommend and I bet every single one of those couples divorced. You can have a degree in anything it doesn't mean you're good at your job.

And do you call people cunts while you're working? Just curious. For a professional you sure do handle yourself poorly outside of work.

Normally counselors wouldn't joke and tell someone to kill themselves. In context or not that's something counselors take very seriously. So I know you're full of shit and lying. You don't do shit bitch but ask people "can I take your order" which I guess is a form of communication.


You're an exhausting retard that's probably sitting at home with nothing to do. Well I'm done with work at 11 pm. Which is now. I officially accomplished nothing today which was my goal while everyone else took extended vacations. So you have a nice day bitch. Hahaha. I am done here.

Blah, blah, blah... No one cares about you and unlike you I'm actually done. Watch.







Wouldn't girl hating and being anti-woman be the same thing? You are arguing with me over simple fucking semantics. Do you know the definitions of "anti" and "hate"?

Anti: a person who is opposed to a particular practice, party, policy, action, etc.

Hate: to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest

Its basically the same-god damn definition except hate is actually a stronger way of saying you dislike something. And you're calling me stupid?

And how you are going to call me angry, stupid, and moronic when you've literally just wrote two posts that are longer than some novels? Are you telling me you aren't angry? Right, because that's what people do when they don't care... they keep responding.

edit: and many woman would argue that saying "cunt" is actually woman hating. So why do you use that word?





Okay I fucking heard you ya' stupid bitch you're going to answer me every time but what in the fuck does that have to do with anything here? If you're going to quote me atleast respond to what you quoting me over don't just start going off about something else.

I was showing you there is little difference between the words "anti" and "hate" and how they are similar, and pretty much mean the same thing and you start talking to me about awareness and how you're going to respond to me every time?

Um, okay?

Also, what does calling you a bitch have to do with me being angry towards women? I use bitch to describe more than just females. I honestly don't care that you're a woman. I don't know why you keep bringing that up. I have nothing again woman? I'm not sure what you're getting at, but you use cunt just as casually as I use bitch so what's your issue? By your definition wouldn't cunt also be woman hating?


Are you retarded? I don't need you to explain every goddamned nuance to me because your definition of a girl hater is not the definition of hate which is almost the same definition as "anti". If you hate something, or you're anti something, its the same thing. There is no difference. You can't just make up definitions for words because you feel like it, or it fits your agenda.

No one but you knows that "girl hating" means you hate girls that are smarter than you and "anti woman" means you hate all woman. If you asked normal, everyday people on the street if "girl hating" and being "anti women" are the samething all those people would agree with me. I showed you the fucking definition of the word and yet you argue with me. Anti, and hate are fucking synonyms you idiot.

And don't worry no one else considers you a woman either which is exactly my point how am I a girl hater then?








Telling someone to kill themselves and telling someone to die are the same thing. How do you confuse that? What do you think happens when someone kills themselves? I'm just curious.

Telling me to watch my language is just a way of saying you have several times now called me immature and childish for calling you names that you call other people too. Like cunt.

So what are you rambling on about? And I guess you'll have to delete this post like your other one since it's long and you probably won't want it in your comment feed. Haha.

And it doesn't matter when you said you were outtie because almost immediately after saying it you still kept replying to me. And just because I say something like to you doesn't mean you have to respond.

You're an exhausting retard that's probably sitting at home with nothing to do. Well I'm done with work at 11 pm. Which is now. I officially accomplished nothing today which was my goal while everyone else took extended vacations. So you have a nice day bitch. Hahaha. I am done here.

Blah, blah, blah... No one cares about you and unlike you I'm actually done. Watch.