The last Jimmy appearance on The Anthony Cumia Show was pretty good!

0  2014-11-28 by [deleted]

I'm normally on Opie's side, but fuck that guy.


Still too self deprecating. We get it, you don't like yourself.

He pretends he doesn't like himself. Self-deprecation is all he has in terms of material.

In reality, he thinks he's George Carlin. He thinks he's amazing which is why he gets all pissy whenever anybody says something negative about him.

Well he shouldn't.

I loved it enough to buy a month subscription to TACS. Actually watching two ridiculous people like Ant and Jimmy stare into the camera doing dueling Chips was hilarious to finally see visually.

jimmy belongs in TACS period, jimmy on video rules fuck opie raqio

I watched my first TACS last night and I hate to say it but I laughed harder in the first 5mins of Ants show than I have in the month of Opie Raqio.