Is the Opester actually a plant?

2  2014-11-26 by oskimon

He sure has the timing and personality of one, and judging by his crazy frat-stories he doesn't seem to be able to tell the difference between shit and a banana.

He is (or so he says) pretty sure that it was banana and not poop in the toilet. Any human should be able to tell the difference without hesitating, so the only logical conclusion is that Opie is a plant with banana-like feces.


So lets smoke him.

Darn it, I was gonna steal that joke!

He is a ficus.

haha no wait wait. He's like a geranium or sumthin.

Opie appreciates a semi hard penis in his face.

He like to milk pre cum out of it without making it fully hard, it is an art his wife showed him one night with a masked fella who left on a skateboard.