listen to Rich Vos rates Oqie Rapio 10 out of 10

5  2014-11-26 by NhaterJR


Vos: I really meansh that honeshtly.

Not because his wife babysits my daughter, or we are real life friends, or he lets me broadcast on his channel.

Vos at his age should not still be trying to ride someones coattails.

Face it Vos, winning Last Comic standing was the pinnacle of your career, and it has been a speedrun downhill since then.

He never won last comic standing.

Pinnacle of his career

I shook my head in disgust and stopped listening to the show after this

Guess he doesn't realize how much credibility he loses when he says dishonest shit like this

Bonnie looks ready to sell me a new house in that picture.

or blow you if you're a b-list comedian

he also said they were talking about jim and fez will go off on their own in favor of opie with ron bennington, who is this "they" he was talking about?

time code would be great thx

Rich sounds like an alien trying to imitate human conversation when he's saying anything that's not a joke. He's so goddamned weird to listen to. Even when he says something nice it seems like he's being hostile or lying or repeating something he's heard a normal person say.

Punched-out after "majuhkle".
