Another Opie lie

0  2014-11-26 by [deleted]

Just listening to the replay from Tuesday's show and during the redneck guy's call when he mention's Chris Matthews Opie says he never watches MSNBC. Anyone that listened on Paltalk for any length of time can tell you that every single morning before Ecstasy of Gold MSNBC was on in the studio, except when Opie was out it was always on Fox News. I always assumed he did it just to fuck with Anthony in a passive aggressive way, but now he "hardly goes there"


Opie isn't a person, it's a character. He didn't lie, it was a continuity mistake

I hope the 'character' becomes entertaining

Opie lies so much these days that he doesn't even know he is doing it. Most of them are completely unnecessary too,who cares if he watches MSNBC?


Some sweet boy uploaded this massive best of "Anthony Childhood Stories" on Youtube, I was listening to it all day. They were talking about how awkward it was to have sex ed, and then have to go home & hear it from your parents. Opie is like THIRTEEN, and claimed he went home and "climbed the highest tree in his yard, and wouldn't come down for hours," because he didn't want to have the talk. For hours, he claimed. Said his father had to 'talk him down.' I could see if you were six and maybe started a fire in your house & didn't want to confront your parents. But 13 years old and THAT afraid to have the sex talk? Ok.

And of course, the "concrete lunchbag" story was in there too. Ugh.

Which reminds me of my all time top fake Opie story. I won't bother linking as I'm sure you've all heard it somewhere along its development into the epic saga of dishonesty it wound up as but it concerns his brother, who I can't remember the name of so I'll call him Opie2.

Apparently Opie2 was in the bathtub attempting to blow himself (because sitting in a tub of waist high soapy water is a good time to try) suddenly their mother walks in and catches him. She shrieks and goes running down the hallway shouting to their father 'Opie2 is GAY!!!' while Opie2 jumps out of the bath and goes running down the hall after her with a full erection shouting, 'I'm not gay because I was trying to GET one, not GIVE one!!!'.

That was the most recent version I heard but I haven't listened to the show in a while so I imagine there's now a whole scene where his buddy who was hiding in the closet and filming it starts throwing up and falls over onto the camera, damaging the very pants he was trying to return.

I imagine there's a grain of truth in as much as his brother told him he once tried to blow himself but the fact that he told that 1970's tv slapstick story with all its forced wackiness and unrealistic dialogue always gives me the biggest douche chills.

Opie throwing a Seinfeld in to one of his stories would be the crowning lie of his career.

Just heard another one today. The thing is, he has to exaggerate every story, and usually for no reason. Just dumb details that make no sense. He tells Ant that he crashed on a mini bike once when he was a kid, making him forever afraid of motorcycles & the like. He said he had to have been going "20 or 30" miles an hour, and crashed into a sticker bush, claiming he was so cut up he needed "AT LEAST 30-40 stitches." He claimed he had cuts "on my nose, my eyelid, and one on the top of my head."

30-40 stitches? What, was there a fucking sword stashed in the bushes? Then they're talking about tree forts, and Ope was saying they built one between two trees that was AT LEAST 20-30' in the air. Get the fuck out of here, that's higher than a goddamn telephone pole, really?? "20-30 feet" high? That's taller than a two story building, for fuck's sake.

Opie is a nigger.

He CONSTANTLY talked about watching Chris Matthew's on MSNBC "just to annoy myself"

Maybe he stopped and went to CNN like he said a million times.


Since the show today during the Ferguson talks. And a few times last week I think. All very recent ya faggot.

I hope the 'character' becomes entertaining