Why is Opie always yelling?

12  2014-11-25 by snoopkhat

Since Ant left Opie has decided it's important to bark his words.

The other day when he was shouting about Starbucks i had to tap the fuck out,he can't express himself without shouting and emphasizing! every second! fuckin, word! He's slobbering on the mic as well, the cunt.


Mental illness. Pressured speech is very common in the mentally ill.

He's like a female Judy Tenuta.


cause he sucks.

Yep. He sucks a big floppy donkey dick

It's how weak people try to get heard.

The last few shows have been worse than ever. It's so fake and gay. Today's awfulness was "I DONT! UNder, STAND! why you would BURN DOWN your OWN NEIGHborhood!" over, and over, and over.





It's what children do to get attention.

Still thinks he's breaking new ground in radio by "keeping it real".


Everything about his speech is wrong. It is a miracle that he is a broadcaster.

Management thinks Opie Raqio is edgy, honest and... HILARIOUS! Subs are up too... Nice try on the hate tho.

ME: Louder = better. Nice try tho.

When you have nothing to say, just yell!

Extreme comedic inadequacy combined with a profound lack of self-awareness.

Hey guys, did you know that Opie invented saying "The Great" before people's names?

He's a broadcaster who thinks yelling is funny.

Opie yelling is just RIDI-CUL-OUS!

He's a PSYCHO, mahn. Yahhh.

Because, quite frankly, he's full of cum.

since Ant left??
you ever see the walkover incident video? he's been yelling for awhile now

Mock exasperation

ME: Leave it alone


His new contract includes a paid-by-the-decibel clause.

Also burp.s. Edgy mothafucka

He's masking the fact he has nothing of value to contribute. He's not masking it well, however.

He's been doing this forever, before though it was to derail when Anthony, and Jimmy were on a roll. As soon as they got something flowing Opie would need attention, and start screaming. As Opie would say he's sick of the MEEE, MEEEE, MEEEE PEOPLE, guess what buddy? that's you! DOUBLE GUNS

Keep listening!

Quit typing that, you douche. If you're going to keep posting here, try to use an actual insult.

Keep listening, fuckface! (better?)

It is an attempt, but not really insulting.

You get worked up over a guy pretending to be worked up about Starbucks. Yes, you are a faggot.