I love OnA and hate niggers UPVOTES PLOXX

0  2014-11-25 by [deleted]



Sounds like someone's having a rough night. I'm sorry your feelings were trumped by facts. Best of luck with the rest of your trolling, sir. Hope you feel better.

I am not at all surprised that /r/opieandanthony is the comedic center of the /r/WhiteRights universe on reddit.

This was delivered with little tact. I will now take your awful thread and transform it into beautiful poetry.

I hope you're traveling through a culturally enriched neighborhood only to be confronted by a few youth hoods, they get to enriching your womb with some coon culture and 9 months in the future you shit out a fatherless poofter. When you stare into those qweeb eyes you soon realize that you can't recognize any of the genetic features shared by your family ties. The child's name is Zachary and there is no bridge too far, I just hope you bring a life vest so your torture continues perhaps a bit more.

Reported for vote manipulation.