18  2014-11-25 by LacanZizekFreud


Meanwhile, Ant resembles a Puerto Rican meth addict with bad skin.

Tunisian blackjack dealer? Can't remember colin's exact line

Back alley Tunisian knife fighter. Colin is a funny motherfucker.

He looks like a North African arms dealer.

There was also the Corsican pimp haha.

Dried out Corsican Pimp

This would be a valid point if Ant's criticism was about their appearance and not specifically their behavior.
Or it would be valid if it was true that "Meanwhile, Ant loots stores and fathers children with multiple women and takes no responsibility for their well-being." But actually he isn't part of this problem. He merely points out that it is, in fact, a problem.

The irony when ant gets riddled with bullets when he gets mistaken for being a Latin King gang member.

There is no race war. Just niggers chimping out.

There is no Dana, only Zuul

Oh Zuulie, you nut now c'mon.

Four FEET above her covers.

chipping out??

Holy shit.

Goodbye Ferguson. RIP

Rest In Pieces fawk yah!!!

White people won again. High fives for my fellow whites!

I'm not white, I'm brown. Can I still get a high five?


There is no race war, the rioters are fighting buildings and cars, not other races.

A race war is when they don't burn down the buildings in their neighborhoods, and come to yours, and burn your house down, and try to kill you.

I really should be going to bed, but I'm enjoying Anthony so much!

How disappointed would those looters have been if racist mcwhitey got indicted?

Celebratory looting.


Rest In Pieces fawk yah!!!