Lets fuck with Gawker today!!

0  2014-11-24 by AChansSemenFilledCnt

It's probably a slow week. You know that there are just a slew of faggity posts and replies coming out a mile a minute over there as we speak!! Let's blow up the comment threads. I've already started this AM with our cunt friend Alek's story about Cliff Hugstable.

Cmon People, focus the hate where it belongs!!!


I know it was some of you fuckos that caused the whole comment gate with the dead body pics etc.. Kudos to you!!!


not your personal army

See below



Ok Great.. Thanks for the history lesson.

Everyone can continue bitching into the wind about how they listen to a radio program they don't like.

Aw, are you upset we don't want to run down the valley after you, holding your Gawker flag?


Nah.. Just proves you're all a bunch of hypocritical douche bags.

Definitely butthurt.

"If you won't accept this mission, or me as your leader, you're a bunch of fucking SHEEP."

Never said that.


No.. Just upset at my Nparents.. whatever the fuck that horseshit is.

Definitely butthurt, mr. Stalky McStalker.

"N Person"

It still annoys me that the show was taken away by people who never listened and never would listen (no, not management). I'm not doing this though.

Gawker's business model is based on page views, that's why it was a big deal they lost big advertisers.

The best way to hurt them is to NOT give them page views. They don't care about the comments, as long as the ads are there on the same page. Every time you comment, even with Ad Block on, you're paying their salaries.

See my response below

Stop giving people directions like they're hungry for your point of view, everyone's dismissing you. Defend yourself or slink back into the swamp of mediocrity you crawled out from.

See above

Ugh, who fucking cares anymore. It's over Johnny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLo-ylNPXyE


Naa.. Gamergate doesn't need someone who just celebrates the "fuckos that caused the whole comment gate with the dead body pics".

GamerGate hasn't done shit lol.

Yes, it has. I know this hurts to hear since you are so used to every other industry folding over when a whiff of militant progressivism floats over the border, but a line has been drawn in the sand. Multiple sites have adopted ethics policies which were not in place before, every game company that wants to market to anyone but the most casual audience has been permanently soured to these sites after they insulted their main demographic, and there is now an entire campaign that is eagerly anticipating the next fuck up coming from these people. Every time I think that GG is finally fading away the other side over plays their hand and breathes more life into it.

The toxic nature of SJWs (get over it, that is a valid term) has been dragged into the spotlight, and GG has successfully forced them to radicalize and alienate the neutrals. The best part about all of this is that it's a creeping victory where the true effects won't be seen for months or years, as advertisers quietly pull out.

You guys are no different than the SJW's. I wish both sides would get into an actual war and kill each other off.

See below