Political Opie Part Deux: "Carlin never voted!"

5  2014-11-22 by panjshirlion


Oh, and a nice split EP of Greggshells and Political Idiocy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baocHlJyu9k

Opie doesn't understand Hannity busting his balls by pretending he's a liberal and takes it personally.

Everybody in the room realizes Opie is a dunderhead and they don't want to bash Hannity because they go on FOX News and Hannity also has pull in the radio industry.

Such a Greggshells moment. Nobody can tell him he's being a stupid cock.

They definitely don't want to bash Hannity, but I think they genuinely just understand that he's joking. Norton says it at the very beginning: "Isn't he just being silly, though?" But as soon as the Greggshells ball gets rolling, no one stops it.

Anyone notice towards the start where opie says about the hannity clip"i already said this" and it got a laugh from jimmy so opie had to say it 3 times?

Carlin never voted, Opie never did any good radio on his own.

Opie on WBAB, I got Pearl Jam with Evenflow!

thumbs up from the program director

Nice to see he has gone back to his roots, washing, rinsing and drying management balls for a paycheck.