Opie told Ron that he was trying to get Accelerated put on Raw Dog channel...

0  2014-11-22 by LairdFatFat

He brought it up on yesterday's show. Discovered this morning that the "Best of Jason Ellis" plays every Saturday from 10am - Noon on Raw Dog. I think he might be a little jealous.


Why would Sirius/XM put Opie on Raw Dog, I thought it was a comedy station?

Opie needs to be Accelerated into a Wall

Don't know about all that , but Ron's suggestion to air the Unmasts 3pm Fridays on Opie raqio was brilliant.

Great idea. Although static would be an upgrade over the current programming.

The best of Jason Ellis?? I hope that's just the sound of a gun firing.

Mr. Ellis of course contributing the screaming and crying that precedes it.

Don't pretend you think Jason Ellis is good just because he isn't Opie.

I heard one of their shows recently where they played some horribly gay Password Game with Dr. Drew in studio. Holy shit it was fucking horrible, twice as worse as O&J has ever been.


The best of Jason Ellis needs to be taken off there and Opie Accelerated needs to be not played on there.

It's a professional courtesy between two friends/radio hosts. The opieradio channel plays R&F replays. What is the actual difference?

I would assume Ron has no control over the Raw Dog channel.