Annoy Sam! Support E-Rock!

0  2014-11-21 by doritosalsa

So i was screwing around with the On Demand player and popped on to Erik's show. I also saw Sam's show sitting there. I know they dont get real "numbers" but it would have to get around somehow if E-rocks on demand show was trouncing Sam's. Im going to run that shit in the background just because and also because its better than the shit that is on 4 hours a day anyway.



Ok, terrific!

Annoy everyone, support ROLAND!

If O&A have said in the past that management never gave them numbers what makes you think E-Rock and Sam would know?


Erik is a witless, lying sack of shit who only kept his job by being fun to pick on. I'm always amazed by the undeserved support he gets from the fans. Do people just feel bad for him? Is it some fatso solidarity thing?

Shut up, Sam.

I'm seriously curious, what is it that people find endearing about him?