C'mon guys the show is still funny!

9  2014-11-21 by MrSanta4012

Opie is so full of shit I can't help at laugh at how pathetic he is!


Opie is so full of shit I can't help to laugh at how pathetic he is!

Me: Thanks bro, glad you love the show. We are killing it lately

Oh hey Opster, how is your next viral video coming along?

  • "Working on it brotherman. Its going to put up HUUUUGE numbers. The company that handles my videos, in the UK by the way, are in the process of marketing it to Spielberg who wants to use it in his next fliCCCCK. Stay tuned, its going to be huuuuge. Wait Hold on hold on hold on HOLD ON, we got snowy from Michigan calling in; hey Snowy, hows the weather out there? eat any good ketchup recently?"

  • "Whats up opi..."

  • "Hold on Snowy, I forget to take a pee pee before we did this segment, lol, anyone else?"

  • Jim : " we all went to take a piss before"

  • "ohhh, haha, sorry, I thought I was the only one, my bladder lately is acting up its...eh, whatever, what was I saying?...snowy you still there?....GO!"

He does these impersonations, you would think there the real people

uncanny. bravo sir.

Ugh. You're making me want to murder the screen.

God damn. That could have been en exact transcript!!!!

Please do an AMA

Love it. You capture his douchebaggery exquisitely

You forgot opies patented deep nostril inhale. "Words words words words Snnniiiiiiiiiiiifffffffffffff words words words"

This is the kind of mental condom I wish I had.

Fuck I wish I was a sociopath too.

To be fair I've laughed more at this show lately than I have for most of 2012 and 2013. It's very The Room-esque lately. It's actually so hilarious that I don't even need to listen to it to find it funny. I just come here and crack up!


"Haha, what a story, Ma-" "WAIT WAIT WAIT HOLD ON PAUUUUUUSEEE!!!"

Opie: People are gonna hate, but I'll go to this call

Snowy in Michelin: stutter stutter hammer time stutter


'you get a warm cookie? you get a latte?'


And yet he doesn't give one Fuck about you, but you hate him and still listen to the show.

So who's really pathetic?

"Nice try with the hate, tho."
