How often does Opie actually know what he is talking about?

8  2014-11-21 by mtx093

Yesterday he claimed to like Faith No More and the movie Touch of Evil (a movie from 1958). Thing is, he didn't go into specifics about either, and rarely does about anything he claims to 'like' or to have knowledge about. When Howie Mandel came in most recently, he got caught lying saying that he 'loved' his show. When he got caught, his excuse was that he has alot on his plate and that half of the time he doesn't actually know what he is talking about. Is 50% accurate, or is it a lower percentage?


opie doesn't know shit except one thing. Raqio. Not sure if you guys heard, but apparently he's been doing it since 18 years of age.

A broken clock is right twice a day.

That is two more times per day than Opie.

Opie: I'm all in with Faith No More.

Translation: Oh yeah, Faith No More! They had a huge hit once that I had to play on the radio alot. But it had this pretty cool video with a flopping fish that was kinda controversial so it was cool to like them.

Opie: I like the movie Touch of Evil.

Translation: I heard it was a cool movie and I read the synopsis on It's also just obscure enough of a movie that some people may not call me out on it. Also, it's got Charlton Heston in it and now that Ant is gone I can pretend I know about ol' Chuck Heston.

He actually did a good interview with Al Michaels the other day, because he clearly read his book and used details from it to navigate through the interview.

Everything else, like you said, goes along the lines of "Faith No More...I like them....what's one of their songs, someone help me out..." because he really doesn't listen to or watch or read that thing.

The most glaring example to me was when Breuer was in and they came back to Battery. Opie kept asking who this was and Breuer said it was Metallica and insecure Greggshells had to pretend that he didn't recognize the intro because he was used to "the radio edit". It was so obvious that he was lying but he's incapable of just saying "Oh, my bad. I didn't recognize this at first." He has to make up a lie to go with it because he's so insecure.

it's called "doubling down on a lie", and it's proof of mental illness

any at least somewhat normal human being, when found out, fesses up to the original lie and moves on

the opieopath tries to lie his way out of being caught in the original lie, which is like trying to dig up

Opie is very good with Daddy topics and .....Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


How many threads have you posted about opie? Get a fucking life!

Tell us how you really feel!