The media snake begins to eat itself as SJWs now start going after Hannibal Buress for rape jokes

11  2014-11-20 by PCchongor


90% of this article is just quoting Buress' funny joke. The rest is this heeb trying to connect dots like they're shiny pennies.

"Unmentioned, however, have been Buress’s own contributions to rape culture. In his standup act, Buress has told rape jokes that explicitly imply sexual violence against women for a laugh."

I'm Jewish and I'd like to ram a Zyklon cannister up this cunt's turdcutter.

"rape culture"

I fucking hate this world.

I don't appreciate this comment, stop raping me.

Hannibal should accuse them of being racist

A nation of fucking tattletales. Disgusting. Hey, wait a minu-

Rich Goldstein

/pol/ was right again!

Ugh... I try to give these guys the benefit of the doubt and see if their arguments at least have some logical consistency, but this is just ridiculous. It's a great bit, and it doesn't imply rape whatsoever. I'm more embarrassed for the Daily Beast for publishing this nonsense than I am for this Goldstein retard

Ugh.did that article jus equate Hannibal bures telling a joke about rape to bill cosby rapin!?even if your the type of idiot who thinks you shouldn't joke about rape it really isn't the same.really

Did anyone one notice this.

"...explicitly imply..."

A total contradictory oxymoron without the slightest bit of snark or irony. Who actually pays this dumb fuck a salary?

Do they have a comment section? Im on mobile


And that's nothing to laugh about.

Fuck Earth.

Holy fuck they are stretching. What a horrible piece of shit article. The author has to be doing a bit.

Rape chokes?

OY VEY! At first I was a fan of Burress but now that RICH GOLDSTEIN has shown me the error of his ways, I now realize he is a perpetrator of rape culture. Rabbi Goldstein also enlightened me by showing me that a man making jokes about sexual assault and a man genuinely committing sexual assaults since the 1970s are morally equivalent. Tikkun Olam! Cost this funny comedian his career and let the healing begin.