About hating Opie

40  2014-11-19 by [deleted]

Hi. I don't live in the USA so I don't have daily access to this radio show. I came here because I listen to a lot of Patrice O'neal and Louis CK episodes I downloaded in mp3-format, most of it is about 5-7 years old. What I know of Anthony's firing and the subsequent directions these guys have taken is second hand. And I have a question for you.

Everyone here seems to hate Opie. I guess that's fair, even if I wouldn't necessarily agree with that hate (imo, he's more like the editor while Ant and Jimmy are like authors ... if that makes sense) But I don't really understand why you all keep listening to someone you loathe with such vigour. There's people I don't care for coming on radio or tv in my country, but that's when I use the remote. So I guess my question is: Why come here and spout frustrations about someone you could just as easily ignore? If you don't like tomatoes and you yourself ordered the spaghetti, why go online and give the restaurant a bad review?

I understand this may be trolling in your opinion, yet I seriously want to understand where all this is coming from. As it stands, it's hard to make out whether this subreddit is for fans or haters.


The fans are just doing what o & a did for years and bash thing's that have turned to crap.

Except o & a didn't listen everyday to the shows they bashed in order to mouth-diarrhea on an Internet forum about said shows.

In fact, they listened (to clips a producer put together) to those shit shows for a limited amount of time and then moved on quickly because they didn't want to waste their time listening to something they found to be shit.

So stop, you aren't doing what o & a did. At all.

Shh, they're circlejerking with their tears

This. I also just want Opie to be aware of his inadequacies as a radio host. I don't want him to retire thinking he did a good job. The guy loves patting himself on the back and I hate that so god damn much.

ME: Management LOVES the new show. HATER.


I'm sure I'm not the only one who has taken to skipping to the end of posts of this length to make sure they don't turn into Chip talk before reading the rest.


Pretty sure you misunderstood me. My point was that we're all so paranoid about being 'got' by another Chip thread that we skip to the end first to make sure we don't get halfway through and realise we fell for it yet again. Nice try on the hate tho

Edit - I should also point out that I haven't listened to a full show since the second show after Ant's firing. I will still listen to a clip if it's posted here as an example of something to mock but if you're going to claim that makes me a fan you might as well call everyone here (and everyone involved with O&A) the world's biggest PFGsciples.



Well now you done fucked up

Problem is, as you say Opie was the "Editor", but now that Anthony is gone he has tried to move into the "Author" position. Hence, the hatred. The chemistry of the show has been destroyed.

nice try with the hate tho - euro opie

We are trying to get him to jump out a window

yep.. same


Saying that Opie is the editor of the show makes no fucking sense. Imagine if in 1984 when Winston is sent to Room 101, you turn over the page and somebody has written on it 'AWKWAAAARD' - or you get three pages into Lolita and the book suddenly ends, with a note from the editor explaining that, as a father, he couldn't allow a book about a pedophile to be released.

You showed him. FACE

In between each chapter there's a page with two words in 50 point font: HOLD ON

"I'm all in on Dostoevskyyyyyy."

But I don't really understand why you all keep listening to someone you loathe with such vigour.

Who says we're still listening? This sub is still entertaining. The show, not so much.

i havent listened in months! i just come to keep up on opies follies to see what desperate move he'll make next. yeah the opie hate is WAY better than any episode ive tried to listen to lately. if somehow they could integrate that maybe they'd have a good ep on their hands.

This sub is sad... O and A doesn't even exist anymore. Yet people act like stalkers here, fuming that their old show is now moving on to other listeners... Personally I don't really care for O and J, but I let them be out of respect for the comedy gold they've given me over the years, so I'm not gonna bash them... Are people aware that they have the ability to change the channel, plug in an IPod, or just sit in the dark under a burlap sack and listen to paint drying if they don't like the current state of O and J/TACS?

Spewing hate has to get exhausting... But it shows no signs of stopping on /r/opieandanthony, the largest community of homeless radio fans for shows that no longer exist.

Like I said, this sub is pathetic and sad.

Hey maaaan, you're making ME sad

Seriously, that guy's a bummer.

Not as sad as analysing Fez in point form.

At least I have a show to analyze.

I also listen to the Ron and Peppy Hamburger show ;)

I don't listen anymore. I can't, it's garbage. I come on here to check for classic bits and the rare day where someone says, "Hey, there were 4 comics in today. Wasn't complete shit."

Now, why do people come back here JUST to shit on Opie? A lot of fans bought into the "Opie created the greatest/most honest/REAL radio" because Opie spoon-fed listeners "his" greatness for years. Then, they started picking apart shitty little radio stations around the country. Encouraging fans to demolish their adorable little show with photos of the worst the internet could offer. Shit, he expressly told us to non-stop Jocktober Todd Pettengill and his new show...

The veil has been yanked down with the absence of Ant. Opie has been proven to contain every hack-radio-douche quality that he has bashed, and told us to destroy. Fake stories, "The Hole" (stepping on lines, vortex of funny), "I've done radio since I was 18", hack morning zoo bits (cockroach eggs? ketchup contest?), Viral Video delusions, etc etc. Remember when they listened to Stern have a kitten-givaway and they just kept talking about how washed up he was? Or how Todd Pettengill was proof that his co-host was the real talent....

He is finally exposed for being everything he has claimed "everything that is wrong with radio". He's a glorified producer that hitched his wagon to a talented tin-knocker from Long Island. For all those hacky morning zoos he has bashed and torn apart. This subreddit exposes, bashes, and tears apart Opie's new show, for it is "everything that is wrong with radio". A perpetual Jocktober for a man that made millions making fun of hacks.

To your second point, many people are fans of the comedians that are regular guests on the show. Many people are fans of Jim Norton. So they tune in to listen to those people. It's kind of like hating the CBS TV network, but tuning in when your favorite football team is playing. Nothing wrong with that. I hope you get what I am saying, if you don't put a shotgun in your mouth.

Here's a game everyone can play. Count how many words these OPs type before they get to the one word that links all 700 of these threads together: "why".

It's like you said, you don't have daily access to the show. People on here are stuck in the grind of listening live every single day, it's a hard pattern to break even if you hate what you're listening to.

Full disclosure, I stopped listening about 2 weeks before Ant was fired.

I was one of those fans that kept listening despite hating/complaining about the show almost every day. The things that annoyed me are the same things that are still annoying listeners today. I only check this subreddit to see what's going on and to see if there's anything worth listening to the replay.

Why did I hang on for as long as I did? Since the players were more or less the same, I always felt that they were capable of putting out better radio. I was hoping that the old show would come back. So I waited... and waited... and waited. I finally realized that Opie, Anthony, and Jim just didn't give a shit about the show anymore. Opie only cared about being more famous, Jim only cared about meeting celebrities, and Ant only cared about his compound. The show became the means to get the things they really cared about. The show was no longer that important to them. No radio bits, no show prep. They were on cruise control.

I think the people that are complaining now are still hoping the old show comes back.

The whole thing about Opie "steering the ship" is bullshit. He's a hack, and that's all he can do, and even that he does poorly. He's in a room of comic genius and he interrupts, injects horseshit, and otherwise ruins a good time. I think the hate is justified.

What is his claim to fame anyhow?

"Anthony Cumia, Jim Norton, Patrice O'Neal and Colin Quinn were speaking and I helped make that funny."

What the fuck? Does a "ship" like that really need any steering? It looks to me like that ship is on autopilot.

Listening to old clips, it is quite amazing how the best shows are the ones with brilliant and insightful people speaking and Opie keeping his mouth shut. Opie passively keeping his mouth shut as geniuses acted like geniuses somehow became this active and productive "steering the ship" crap.


Edit: It especially gets more apparent as Ant and Jim get radio experience, and the producers get more radio experience, that Opie's "ship steering" is an irrelevancy. Maybe the show needed steering in 2002 (debatable) but by 2012 when Ant had done radio for nearly 20 years, Norton for more than 10, Erock and Sam and Travis for about 10, what the fuck editing and censoring and ship steering was needed? None, that's what. That is why the Nopies worked so well. By 2012 Ant and Jim and Erock and Sam and Travis were more than capable of doing the basics to keep a radio show moving.

Well said, you put it better than I could have. I honestly think the only reason Opie wasn't jettisoned years ago is because of the show's name recognition.

But I don't really understand why you all keep listening to someone you loathe with such vigour.

Because it's funny to Jocktober the show.

For the same reason we loved Jocktober. It's fun to mock shitty radio. And Opie is very successful and very haughty for no real reason, which is aggravating.

It's less like ordering spaghetti when we don't like tomatoes, and more like ordering pizza from one of the best pizza places in town. The only drawback of the pizza is that they insist on putting anchovies on every pie, no exceptions. The rest of the pizza is great, but 90% of the customers are still pissed off by the anchovies and as we pick them off we complain about them to each other. Lately there have been a lot more anchovies on the pizza.

I realize that's a terrible analogy, but you got the meatball rolling on the italian food thing and I'm hungry.

Here's the British version of the daily "why come here still?" bit.

I understand your point. But I don't listen. I only listen to old stuff on YouTube and Ron and fez. But watching Opie hate is like a reality show version of The Office

I don't quite get it either. The show isn't what it once was..i cancelled Sirius and now listen to podcasts..problem solved

This sub is in a permanent state of Jocktober.

I defended Opie as the show's helmsman for a long time, but it became abundantly clear after hearing enough Nopie shows that his "editing" was not to the show's benefit. Ant and Jim were supremely entertaining when allowed to go off the rails on a subject without constantly being rerouted into some shitty soft news story.

I don't listen - I just come here to hate - it makes me happy

We hate them cause they re-signed.their punishment?having to know the fans think they are traitors/unfunny.do they care?opie no.jim it would seem.but he can convince himself otherwise

Oh and fuck you.listen to some jocktober eps.laugh.and get a better understanding.

The "why don't you stop listening"people are the worst.cause we're scum.like o and a used to be and we want people who make a shit radio show feel bad.ESPECIALLY if they leave their friend out to dry like the did Ant

Ant left them out to dry when he decided to be a fucking idiot on twitter. Why would O&J leave Sirius? They have guaranteed money, cheap healthcare, probably stock options, access to guests, etc. It would be the worst career move ever to follow Anthony to his basement. You think O&J is bad... have you listened to TACS? That thing is a piece of shit. My least favorite part of O&A was when Anthony would monologue about guns, racial issues, etc. Now you've got a full show of that so enjoy.

That's like hoes before bros

Because I have nothing else to do with the feelings I get from wanting Ant back

I listen almost never now. When these guys post something I'll listen to that or sometimes look on YouTube for new clips.

If your not an up 'to date listener', i think you will have missed some really hate-able things that Opie did. Prior to Ant being fired he was complaining daily about how bad Sirius was, that he was not re-signing and a constant barrage of calling out 'hypocrisy in the media'. In the 5-7 year old episodes your listening to Patrice and Ant riff and bust balls which was a golden age for the show. I think if you listen to the last 6-12 months of the show you will catch up and become a 'hater' too

I stopped listening to the O&A show years ago. The show sucked even when Ant was still there. I only come here because it's funny to watch bad radio shows get beat up and the posts and comments are fucking funny.

I don't really get why people would listen to a shitty show either. The Simpsons used to be the funniest show on TV and now it's a pile of dog shit that I pay no attention to. I suppose if there were a subreddit where people brutally shat on The Simpsons, I would go there too.

I think it's a mix of people are annoyed that their show they enjoyed for over a decade is no more and an on-air talent has to be the target of frustration. Also Opie isn't doing himself any favours acting really hack lately. He's always been on the border of hack at times but Ant and Jimmy carried the comedy. Now Opie has to step forward and there's no Ant there to bounce off. Also these guys aren't in their 30's anymore. They can't act like they used to in their late 40's/early 50's. Ant is an exception because he truely is the maniac he plays on the radio with all his guns, women and video games and what not still. Jimmy is still the same as he's always been the degenerate but when Opie the family man isn't the same person he was 20 years ago it's obviously going to change. I think the fans are a bit too extreme at times, people change, Opie became a family man. You can't blame him for that.

Since Ant left I don't listen as much but I still listen because I like listening to Jimmy. I listen for things like "R-man", him asking guests terrible questions,and just being silly in general, which he has had to step up since he doesn't have Ant to bounce good jokes off since Opie doesn't get them. Sometimes I can't tolerate Opie, sometimes I don't mind him, but now I can't ever help but notice how dumb and not good at being on the radio he is. But listening to the show was never about listening to Opie. I listen because i like other parts of the show, and while I'm listening to that, I hate him. If it was ever just him, I would hate it, AND I would never listen.

EDIT: opie had a funny moment today though. The benny hill music over the ET rape audio. gotta give him that one.

It is funny how people used to always rag you on Twitter, Youtube and other messageboards, this place as well, if you rightfully criticized Opie.

You were always accused of "turning this place into Wackbag."

Now, Wackbag hasn't given a tupenny fuck about the show in at least a year and is doing its own useful things, like posting naked jailbait and MILFs, joking about race and politics and watching shitty movies.

This place in any given month says more negative stuff about Opie than Wackbag does in a typical year.

It is just odd how that worked out.

I started listening to the show in 2007, it took me 2 years as a daily listener before i began to despise everything about opie. his voice, his laugh, his personality, everything about him became unbearable. so just like you inferred people should do, i quit listening in 2010. unfortunately for me, o&a was/is my favorite source for entertainment and in a mere year i was back listening. it really sucks to hate a 1/3 of a show you really like, but i love anthony and jimmy so i learned to tolerate opie as best i could.

I don't listen. I come here to find out if the show's even worth pirating. The last 3 months it's been maybe 2 shows. That and I come here for the Chip stories.

I don't listen. I haven't listened to them since Ant left. TACS and this reddit are the only positives to come out of the end of O&A.

How dare you post something that makes sense! Prepare for downvotes!

Well OP, I think the best way to describe is that the show is more than something people like, its something they loved. They don't want to give up hope, maybe, just maybe, the show will be reunited or get better somehow. People are reluctant to move on, plus other than O&A I can't think of any other good radio or podcast. It used to be YKWD for me, but then Bobby decided to have 50 people in the studio at one time and ruined the show for me.

Point is, niggas don't want to say goodbye, and they'll put up with Opie for a while longer to see if there's any light at the end of the tunnel.

I considered ending my time at this subreddit but then I saw that little audio/image of Opie and his honking tits. I'll probably check in until this sub completely dies based solely on that.

Opie thinks he's funny and that's why I can understand the hate.

That's the thing, I don't listen to them and I never had XM.

You think I'm gonna pay money to get some shitty archaic technology.

They are trying to destroy what is left. Also this is the only place where anyone listens to them. If we want to read about the boys, we HAVE to at least glance at what they have to say. In your personal life, you consider them autistic, narcissistic, or retarded, and ignore/avoid them.

Not everyone hates opie. But I don't have the same history as some of these other guys.

It makes me sad that Anthony's subreddit usually has about 1/5th of the readers of this one. Why do people keep listening to this show? I admit I still hang out at this subreddit to get my daily two minutes hate of Opie, but I don't listen to that garbage show.

Because they are sick obsessed stalkers. They are empty shells of human beings.

These mouthbreathing faggots have nothing better to do. You try living in your moms basement until your 40. It get's boring.

Just so you know, the only reason you care enough to resent the Opie haters is because you become insecure when a lot of people think differently from you. Otherwise you would just read it, downvote your disagreement, maybe say you disagree, and then move on to the next thing.

That's the only explanation. Your insecurity. There's no other possible reason to react with anger. So don't ever act like no one told you how pathetic you are the next time the topic comes up (in 15 minutes).

Who are you fucking Dr. Phil? Go choke on a pizza roll you fat neckbearded faggot. I don't even disagree with the Opie Haters so your theory is bunk.

You showed him. FACE

In between each chapter there's a page with two words in 50 point font: HOLD ON

"I'm all in on Dostoevskyyyyyy."