Can we PLEASE all start ignoring trash sites like salon?

19  2014-11-19 by maynardsabeast

I don't know the best place in reddit to post this so screw it, ill put it right here. I would love to get this to a broader and more diverse audience so can you guys help me out with ideas? No matter how we feel about o&a I think we can all 100% agree about this

Can we all start ignoring Salon, Gawker, and Jezebel? I'm at the point where I refuse to click on any of their bait ever again. They are just trolling at this point. They will call and deem every and anything possible as "racist" and "sexist" just cause they know it will get them clicks and comments. It will enrage people online to the point where they will comment in the most vulgar and crass ways possible (even if it's one person) and After it happens they will say "see what we mean" (ex. Gamergate). This scientist being bothered for wearing his cartoon shirt is my last straw. These sites get us all thinking that this is the way the country thinks, but the fact is, it's not even close. It's one idiot who purposely wrote an outrageous blog, knowing for sure that it will make people mad. There's maybe a few thousand people total who believe this crap. The rest is flabbergasted people talking about how dopey it Is. But no matter what, there's only one way to handle it. DONT FEED THE TROLLS. Just like the Kardashians and reality TV, the only way to get rid Of it is to ignore it!. It's just a self perpetuated story that we have the power to put an end to. Just put these dummies and Children on the pay no mind list. No matter how badly you want to bash them, and curse at them, just ignore them!


This Man Ranted Against Our Website. What Happened Next Will Amaze You.

I'll save people the click. He got down voted as he is a fucking retarded/lonely person with nothing else in life to keep him going. Also, sporadic use of new paragraphs for no reason. Kinda weird.

I wish this kind of dorky BS didn't have to make it onto the O&A forum when it doesn't actually have anything to do with O&A.

It does. These are the websites that get ant fired and attack All our favorite comics. Plus you're being a flaming douche bag

Perhaps you should read the mother comment again

I think you're being optimistic in thinking it's only "a few thousand people that believe this crap." I look at different communities on various social media sites, and the people that believe in this Salon type bullshit is probably a lot more than you'd like to believe. It's scary actually.

The SJW assholes are likely highly over-represented in online communities, it is the only place they have actual influence.

Also realize though, in this day and age, all you really need is online influence. I wouldn't quite dismiss the internet as being some small thing that doesn't matter. The internet reaches everybody, so what better platform is there to form groups and reach out to others and share your ideology? I mean, if I was going to want to have influence anywhere, I would choose the internet.

Oh no doubt, I just meant that the % of SJW's on the internet is far higher than in the real world. Online you'd think that they are the norm, in reality they're fucktards.

Yeah I agree. I've never actually met one in real life, or if I did I didn't know it. Visit a liberal arts college though and I'm sure they're the majority. Or like, Seattle or San Fran.

Went to a Liberal Arts College and the professors their are beyond infuriating. As an example, they would speak on black issues and it's extremely obvious they've never had an actual encounter with anyone of any minority color. "We should uplift X..." that kind of phony shit.


Exactly, everyone getting their nuts twisted about the internet boogeyman (sjw) are as bad if not worse than these clowns. How is it effecting you you sad cunts.

Yeah perhaps you are correct but there just CANT be that many people down with piling on to this scientist. Dude wore a fucking shirt with cartoon girls on it. There can't possibly be that many retards out there. I know my girlfriend is legitimately embarrassed by her sex for shit Like this and gamergate. ESP gamergate, considering she's a gamer, loves punching the occasional hooker in face in GTA, but More than anything loves playing games like dragon age, final fantasy, and league of legends and uses the bad ass chicks everytime

Yeah I'm a girl and I agree with your girlfriend. I'm not a gamer but I support gamergate. Nothing made me happier than advertisers being pulled from Gawker. Salon's last straw with me was the "our soldiers aren't heroes stop treating them like they are" article right before Veterans Day. I always managed to avoid them before that.

I do think, however, that this whole offended by a t-shirt bullshit has really brought to light just how petty and ridiculous these social justice warriors are. I know for sure Matt Taylor now has 1000% more support than hate coming his way because people feel bad that there are so many shitheads in the world.

Salon's last straw with me was the "our soldiers aren't heroes stop treating them like they are

I think that was probably just testing the waters, and you'll probably see them do that from time to time until it gets them a result they want.

I suspect that many of them do want to attack the military, because it's a masculine paradise, yet has unquestioned support and loyalty in the general population. It's the same kind of loyalty that they want, but have done nothing to earn.

That's why you get bullshit like "There's a war on women" or "if you're not with us, you're against us" from people like Anita Sarkeesian. It calls back to the good old wartime days where people fell in line and supported you unconditionally.

Can you give me a quick synopsis of what Gamergate was?

Basically some female game developer fucked some gaming journalists who all coincidentally gave her good reviews on her shitty ass game. Her boyfriend at the time released that information on 4chan, revealing the issues of corruption and nepotism within gaming journalism.

Basically to deflect from the whole journalistic integrity issue, women and SJW's in gaming like feminist Anita Sarkeesian claim that gamergate is a "war on women" and all gamers are just misogynistic neck beards that don't want women in gaming.

So, with all of the misinformation in the media regarding what gamergate is actually about (protesting corruption in journalism,) the SJW's are really to blame for pushing their narrative, so it's also sort of become an anti-SJW movement. There are some good summaries online if you want to know more...I think knowyourmeme has a good one. Or just go on Twitter and hashtag gamergate with questions. People would be more than happy to help you out.


Don't leave out how much of a lunatic Sarkeesian is. She is the perfect example of these new "SJWS" who are actually trolls. They realized that when they push this insane, ridiculous, "feminazi" agenda, they get attention. So basically she just goes with it cuz she loves the attention, loves feeling important, and most of all, monetizes off of it. She's getting so many clicks and views (less than half is an insane, bull dyke, men hating, nazi fan base, and the rest are angry gamers, and flabbergasted, normal, people, of all sexes, Ages, and races) she likes to talk about how the gaming industry is mysoginistic, painting women into "damsels in distress" or sex objects eTc, but casually and conveniently leaving out facts like half of those games are period pieces where women were legit treated that way, or how there's a very small niche of games that are legit violent/mysoginistic (games like GTA- which is also equally violent and even racist towards men, blacks, red necks, gays, EVERYONE) lastly she leaves out how there's a ton of games with bad ass females (even though I'm sure she'll just cry about those cool, bad ass characters being scantily clad). In the end, the bitch is just a troll. I highly doubt she even believes a quarter of the shit she spews, and doesn't care that she's just dividing groups of people and making things vitriolic. She doesn't give a fuck about anyone but herself and her attention

And for a good laugh, the game she made, I'm pretty sure your character is just a gust of wind blowing around through leaves and stuff haha. What a bore! Her arguments are so flawed it's insane. First of all, no one is stopping girls from making their own games, but most Female developers are actually cool and want to make bad ass games. And If they want to make a wind game, or whatever Sarkeesian supports NOONE WILL WANT TO BUY IT, including women) basically she needs to be ignored and that's it. She's the worst

I couldn't agree more. Not sure if you've seen thunderf00t's youtube or not, but he demolishes every argument of hers, showing just how retarded she really is. And let's not forget, they play these videos in schools. We're only breeding more feminazis and SJW's.

Nailed it. Her and Lindy West are the same. It's insane to believe their "outrage" comes from anywhere legitimate. It's flame marketing and nothing more.

I'm a girl and a gamer and I stopped clicking on these sites. It's disgusting. They made a Rocket Scientist apologize for his shirt. WTF!!!? I immediately went to the site to buy my husband the same shirt and it was sold out in every size. More importantly, they ignored his achievement. Why? Who is organizing these people to ignore scientific achievements?

I hate women like this. And like "Dongle-gate" and every other precious we are not included movement. I work in IT. I've never had a problem.

Yes, these are just housebound SJW's with too loud of a voice. They need to be stomped down. FFS, they destroyed O&A. They didn't listen to the show, they just needed their daily blood feed. I hope they all die. Slowly and painfully.

It's insane. The best thing I've heard is "smart people don't care about shirts, anyone who reads/sees this story and can only focus, or come away with shirt critique is just a simpleton. Pure, full blown, retarted

To bring it back to O&J, they fall for this trolling & click-baiting all the time. I'd love to count how many times Jim refers to someone as "getting in trouble". Trouble? Cuz 1 person wrote 1 blog that people pass around to talk about how stupid it is?

You're appealing to 9,195 truckers to ignore a website. Just saying.

Didn't know I was a trucker. Are you?

It was a joke wasn't it.

Dude that's what I've been saying. All I use reddit for is here and pro wrestling. It's not a good audience. I figured I'd drop the post here and then hope that some of you guys are better with the reddit and know the good subs to drop something like this

10.4, rolling out.


Sad but true story.. I literally spend my day on the Internet between here, Gawker and Drudge.

I found out about Ant from Gawker for Christ's sake.

I go out of my way to ignore anything posted by Chan now though. Fuck him and his semen filled cunt.

So you give money to the place that employs Chan? Giving them clicks gives them money.

The only way to beat this SJW clickbait shit is to STOP CLICKING ON THEM.

I have been ignoring them my whole life. Never clicked on that shit, never will. I'd rather be watching porn. What do I win?

Amen. "Gawker" sounds like some website Valley Jim would write for.

45 Reasons Only Catholic Kids From the 1240s Give A Care

Ich don'aht geuen a cayr.

I agree with the point that these shit blogs should be ignored since they are driving people to suffer consequences because they aren't following some agenda. But this isn't the subreddit to bring this issue up on.

Agreed. Unfortunately my simpleton ass only frequents this sub and the pro wrestling sub and had no idea where to post it. That's why I figured id turn to you savages for help

Dude that's what I've been saying. All I use reddit for is here and pro wrestling. It's not a good audience. I figured I'd drop the post here and then hope that some of you guys are better with the reddit and know the good subs to drop something like this

This is ironic, given that I've not heard of Salon, but you have my unwavering support

When I hear a mention of Jezebel, it evokes a feeling of pure rage. Really wish they would stop existing. Yes, agreed on ignoring them as much as possible.

I never click those SJW sites. Just go to /r/tumblrinaction. You can observe their crazy from a safe difference without giving them the clicks.


There have to be better uses of your time. Maybe not and you are a completely useless fuckhead.

Seems uncalled for. Unless you're one of the petty little birches that flood this place that I may have exchanged words with once and now you remember my name, occasionally follow Me around down voting me, and hold a secret grudge. Good For you though, I don't recognize your name at all, you nothing

Yeah I'm a girl and I agree with your girlfriend. I'm not a gamer but I support gamergate. Nothing made me happier than advertisers being pulled from Gawker. Salon's last straw with me was the "our soldiers aren't heroes stop treating them like they are" article right before Veterans Day. I always managed to avoid them before that.

I do think, however, that this whole offended by a t-shirt bullshit has really brought to light just how petty and ridiculous these social justice warriors are. I know for sure Matt Taylor now has 1000% more support than hate coming his way because people feel bad that there are so many shitheads in the world.