Thought I lost this pic, yes it's real

76  2014-11-18 by swarrrm


Double guns!!

What's that?


I can just see Uncle Paul coaxing Chip...
"Come here, little Chippah...let Uncle Paul show you how to make a baby."

"Lemme show ya what your muddah and Lamah like to do...."

Lamar and my muddah used to make me work the grill while they wrestled in the front.

Yes UNCLE PAULS burger buggy CHIP van

The first time I saw it there were a few kids there getting food but I didn't have time to take a pic. It's only there in the summer, next year I'll get a better pic and make sure I go there to ask if they have french fired pataters.

Double references, cocksuckaaaaaauhhhh

Is it called Uncle Paul ' s Burger Buggy?


Shuuuure... We surve burhgers to all the li'l boys and ghurls....

Sardine Errl

And for dessert we play a li'l frickle frackle...

Shuuuuure, me and my pal Jerry used to play that game with Victor #1 and Victor #4

That Victor #1 is a li'l liah! Jerry was innocent! They nevah shoulda broken up their relationship. They loved each otha.

And I nevah got my videos back. It's Art!!!!

I just got chills from reading that...

Fuck me. That's good.

I was looking for the owned by Ted Shecklers burger truck emporium graphic.


Chip and Uncle Paul in one picture, this place is going to explode.

Chip: Wasdat? u want two babee burgas?? wats dat like two burgers wit diapers or sumpthin? ....snort....TWO BABEE BURGAS COMIN UP! U MUDDA FUCKA!

Uncle Paul: haah?


I'm sorry Uncie Paul, but the sign says "exit only"

where is this post apocaylptic hell scape? do people live in places that look like that?

In Good Year Auto Centres? Not usually

I assume you've never been to the midwest?

I'm in Newfoundland, but to be fair uncle pauls chip van is in a horrible looking location. Thanks for the contribution though faggot :)
