What mental disorder does Opie fall into?

0  2014-11-18 by cleffL


85% hack, 15% cuckold faggot

He's half retard and half faggot

Naaat funnyism

Frown Syndrome


Delusional disorder, previously called paranoid disorder, is a type of serious mental illness called a "psychosis" in which a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined. The main feature of this disorder is the presence of delusions, which are unshakable beliefs in something untrue. People with delusional disorder experience non-bizarre delusions, which involve situations that could occur in real life, such as being followed, poisoned, deceived, conspired against, or loved from a distance. These delusions usually involve the misinterpretation of perceptions or experiences. In reality, however, the situations are either not true at all or highly exaggerated.

Dr Steve...Comment?

Low T


My diagnosis is nothing exciting or exotic. Opie "suffers from" simple, unvarnished stupidity.

He's missing his humerus bones. He's also an asshole.


"His maladjusted antisocial tendencies are the product of his berserk substandard pituitary gland." -C&H

No one has said it yet?

Narcissistic personality disorder. 'A person is excessively preoccupied with personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity, mentally unable to see the destructive damage they are causing to themselves and to others in the process. It is estimated that this condition affects one percent of the population.'

Pretty obvious.




He's a cuck.


Dunning Kruger

Love to hate, hate to love