For all of you Gossip Queens in your mom's basement

0  2014-11-17 by [deleted]

I have never fucked Anthony. Nor is it your fucking business... try not being so jealous... and what I do during the time that my kids are with their father is NONE of your fucking business... Don't like me cuz I go to the compound? get a fucking life. All you people do is go on here, and talk about a radio show host that you DON"T EVEN KNOW, and who has ZERO interest in even speaking to you unless you are female.... Keep crying about how ugly and fat I am and blah blah blah... I honestly don't give a fuck... I think it's pathetic that you sit on here ALL DAY and comment on a person that you don't even know... Sorry that you're all so fucking jealous of my FRIENDSHIP with Anthony.... you do understand that he thinks all of the hate I get just for hanging around him is stupid, right? He also thinks that you all are a bunch of whiney ass bitches.... How pathetic is it that you sit around and SPECULATE on what happens in someone else's private life?? Why don't you fucking pussies come and say all of this shit to my face?? OH... I forgot... ur "hero" might block you on Twitter or laugh at your pathetic existence of a life... you sit at home all day and type on a keyboard about people you have NEVER met in your life... you make up rumors about them and say horrible, disgusting things about them... that is truly the definition of pathetic.... I mean REALLY.... Keep my name in your mouth though... you're just giving me more attention and keeping me relevant... so THANK YOU!!! Have a great day!! :) xoxoxoxo - Linz


I love when people think they are more important than they are.

typical broad, full of nonsense and periods

Great read!

Dunno who this cunt is, but I am sure from looking up her pic that Ant didn't smash it. Jimmy, Dennis, or Bro Joe definitely banged her though.

Is this a joke account or is she really just that insane?

What's insane is the lengths you people go to in order to tear someone you've never met down... trolls....

kinda like how you're doing with your post?

Who are you?

I guess it's a good thing u don't know lol. According to reddit, my husband is a cuck (we're separated) I fucked Anthony ( never happened) and lots of other lies

No one cares. Go ramble somewhere else.

No one cares?? hmmm... welp... there sure are a lot of posts about me n here with ppl talking shit... fuck off.

Now go home and get your fucking shine box.

Oooohhhhh!!! WOW!! a Goodfellas reference.... i'll show this to Ant...maybe he'll invite you to...... oh... wait.... HAHAHAHAHAHA

I found you unattractive after seeing 1 or 2 photos of you on Facebook.

You tell these ASSHOLES!!


Um I dont want to go to his house hes 30 years older then me?

Not alll of us want to go to his house, shocking I know. its a radio show thats all to me.

Isn't this the girl that got shit on by Alex Jones of all people. Something about get back in the kitchen and make me a steak?

Yep. That was the clip that turned me around on Alex Jones, he really did shit on her.

Got shit on??? Ha ha ... yeah... totally... lulz


  1. Anthony's Compound crowds are a blend of the Star Wars cantina patrons and the hookers in the Red Light District in Total Recall. All of you Anthony asslickers are mutants. Maybe 1% of his listeners want an invite to socialize with you losers.

  2. Pictures and video of you behaving like a desperate attention whore at "The Compound" is why your husband is divorcing you. Your Twitter (and other social media accounts) are gone all of a sudden, and you're here trying to defend yourself, why? Did you find out all your whoring will work against you in divorce court? Hopefully your husband saved every selfie photo and video of you endangering the lives of your children in your car. I hope he gets full custody.

  3. Take notice of my use of paragraphs and punctuation. Try them sometime. They're nice.

  4. Nobody is jealous of a fugly, insecure midget with a room temperature I.Q. and no friends other than the pseudo-friends she collects on Twitter.

I left my husband. Twitter accounts are gone, because I am too busy to deal with anything social media related. I am divorcing my husband, so your assumptions are AGAIN wrong. None of your fucking business by the way, but it just goes to show how you ACTUALLY took the time to look me up, view my selfies, videos, etc just to make fun of me. THAT is pathetic. Also, I had no idea that there were pictures of me whoring it up at Anthony's HOME... It's not a compound... It's someone's house. Anyways, have a great day.

You made your pathetic life everyone's business, "Selfie Queen."

No one cares. Go away. The threads don't exsist.

There's always this presumption that we "haters" desperately want to be friends with Anthony in real life. That presumption is steeped in folly.

When has this place ever talked about her? Maybe a few months ago when she showed up in one of Anthony's pictures. This post feels like it just came out of nowhere. Also, lulz at her thinking anyone here gives a fuck about going to "the compound". Her and Brother Joe both think the fans look at it as some kind of Mecca. It's his house. Big fucking deal. He's got a pool and a movie theater. So does every house in every rich neighborhood. No one cares about it, but that's all the coattail riders seem to think the fans care about. Enjoy swimming in his pool and neglecting your children. I'm also 90% sure this is a fake account so who gives a shit.

Neglecting my children? The see their father on the weekends. I have them all week... But whatever... U know my life... El-Oh-El

El-oh-el?? Yuck. And cows I compound trip for you now ......hahhahahaha rofl coptor!........

Says the guy that's named "Shinkleboutit" BAHAHAHAHAHA suck on Jim's nuts a bit harder.... Ew!!!!

Says the girl who wakes up with ants chlorine smelling 60 year old dick in her mouth....ewwy! Grossy!

I've never fucked Ant... His chick is friends with me, so whatevs... But u know cuz ur there, right?!? Lmao!! Oh... Wait...

I want you to see where my piss comes out

Good one.

Sounds like a call to CPS is in order folks.

But she did fuck me at THE COMPOUND.

Successful Joe Cumia: 1

Reddit retards: 0

Wow... What an ignorant, ditzy bitch.

Go away.

Ignorant?? how so?

The fake accounts on here are starting to outnumber the actual accounts...

If this was the real Linzbella, she would upload a picture of herself on imgur holding a piece of paper with todays date and 'reddit' written on it.

Also wearing sexy lingerie too. So far she's giving excuses on not uploading a pic so this Linzbella is fake.

Yes, you obviously don't give a fuck.

Ok... Jess is a Mess... Lol I know all about you my dear...

How pathetic is it that you sit around and SPECULATE on what happens in someone else's private life?? I mean REALLY.... Keep my name in your mouth though... you're just giving me more attention and keeping me relevant... so THANK YOU!!!

Noone is speculating ANYTHING about you... You chose to comment on MY thread... And u shouldn't throw stones is what i'm telling you..

"throwing stones" means I'm somehow being hypocritical. You understand that, right? Hypocritical, like someone who claims not to give any fucks in a thread created to clear their name to the people they don't give any fucks about. Or making a post about how fans of the show obsess over people who don't know them or care about them, then claiming to "know all about" people who don't know you or care about you.

I'm not "clearing" my name.. It's annoying as fuck to read dumb made up rumors and have ppl calling my phone flipping their shit on me over this dumb shit... Bottom line... I've read the posts before... They're old... I've not given any fucks since reading them... However, it upsets ppl that actually know me, and for whatever reason that they care, I have to hear the fucking drama... So shut the fuck up. What's funny, is that you felt the need to comment on the thread.. You could have just kept scrolling... But... Nopes...

You realize you could have "just kept scrolling" instead of obsessing over the handful of times anyone has ever mentioned you, right? You hate 'fucking drama' yet you're here creating it.

No one is "obsessing." I responded to soemthing that was brought up to me, and I can do that if I fucking want to. Go snap a few more pictures of your naked tits and beg for some more attention and shut the fuck up. If you don't like what I said or have to say, you can keep on moving, Sweetheart.... I said what I said because all of the bullshit lies on here upset MY FAMILY... I have a right to respond. Stop acting like a twat and shut the fuck up.

So you ARE able to recognize twat-like behavior...?

I've never even heard of u.

I have no opinion of you either way. All the best.

Thank you. same to you.

Jesus Christ. You need to set your prescriptions to auto-refill.

I feel like I know everything about you by the way you type, and I had no idea who you were until I googled your creepy twitter page.

:) xoxoxoxo - Happy Scrappy

Report this thread. This is an impersonater

Yeah, but they'd have to be impersonating someone notable.


Nice one

I feel sorry that people spoke badly about you. Sorry for those individuals because you're a fucking nobody. Who gives a shit about this broad?

EXACTLY!!! no one should give a shit about me, or what I fucking do... NONE of anyone's business... yet... threads about me...

What threads?

It's all in your crazy head, you dumb cunt.

thanks, white knight.

You need reading comprehension skills.

Read it again dummy. Maybe out loud will help you.

Who are you ? LOL

Design Flow Wraps is a fucking pussy

Go and say it to his face... I dare ya... In fact come say it to mine..... but oh... wait.... keyboard warriors.... lulz

Let me show you where the pee comes out

had absolutely no idea who you were or knew people were even talking about you until you posted this.

Well that's great...

Really though, if this is actually you, you don't even need to post a pic, just tweet something related to reddit right now.

I REALLY don't think people on here give enough of a FUCK about you to start making up RUMORS about your PATHETIC hanger-on existence.

Oh really?!?! Why the cuckold posts and spreading rumors that I'm fucking Ant?? GO FUCK YOURSELF!!

Why don't you link one of these posts since they seem to be "everywhere" according to you.

There was another comment made 16 hours ago on another thread... Still talking, losers... Only reason why I even found out about it was because my kid's father called me...

Most of your post is simply you plagiarizing the lyrics of Lindsay Lohan's 2004 hit single "Rumors":

this sub hates people who are hateable. doesn't matter how shitty our lives are or what it says about us. if everyone here hates you it's because they think you suck and you probably do. end of story. i'm gonna go jerk off to your pics in the worst way.

Hates people who are hateable? You spend time talking about ppl you've never met... Kinda lame.. Hateable or not... But whatever. I said what I had to say.

Yes. This sub hates people for nothing other than being shitty. If you weren't annoying in some way you wouldn't get hate. I've never seen you on TACS but you probably do some annoying shit and if you toned it down you wouldn't have to deal with the inevitable anxiety of having a large collective of people you don't know despise you and call you midget-tits. Also, stop using so many ellipses. That's no way to get a PRICK stuck in ya.

They hate people no matter what. It's a pathetic existence... It's fine if that's your life. I have better things to do. I posted the thread to address some shit.. I have, it's done and overwith... It's pathetic and that's it..

Ummmmmm no really who ?

Who's this now?

kids? you're damaged goods.

Well thank god I'm not looking to hook up with anyone lol

I'll snatch that awful wig off your head and serve you a bowl of scalding hot soup in it you malignant cunt.

wig?? Come snatch it off.... go for it... I'll wait.... oh... yeah... exactly.... lololoolololol Keyboard warrior!! How's ur mom's basement???

Who is this? I think we got off on the wrong foot. Your methadone prattle post just triggered me is all. Are you the one that has your eyes constantly rolling around in your head because your SSRI's are out of whack?

You do all know this isn't the real Linzbella and that this is an impersonator just baiting for bad comments?

Some of the comments are pretty damn funny though!

Is this real? If so you should team up with Brother Joe Linzbella, you'll never be able to best the reddit haters on your own. Their belligerence and obstinacy is too much to overcome without a coordinated plan of attack or stratagem. Check out BroJoe's YT to see examples of how he took the fight to the haters' doorstep. Text posts in and of themselves will not suffice. If you're fat you already lost, excessive weight is an insurmountable obstacle to overcome when engaging in "hater warfare". I'm sorry.

I'm not fat... I weigh 92 lbs... ppl just say I am

Bulimia is worse I'm afraid, you'll need to put on a few pounds before you can lock horns with these silver tongued devils.

Why don't you and opie team up and fight the haters together??? Face!!!

Ant banged Jen while Linz diddled herself in the corner. Nothing more, nothing less.


FYI, this isn't the real Linzbella.

She's as real as /r/BenSparks and /r/DannyJRoss

Really?? Yea it is me... It absolutely is me...

Well prove it!

How do I do that?? It's Lindsay (Linz) I don't know how else to prove it. I don't go on this site... All I know is that ppl on here talk too much shit about me, and my Dumb Fuck separated husband reads this horseshit, and it causes problems for me.... so I'm fucking OVER it.

Take a picture with you holding a piece of paper with the date and reddit written on it.

Otherwise you're gonna get reported from the mods here for impersonation!


or better yet, a pic of her cunt. i'm sure a lot of people here would verify it's actually her.

How do I post a pic??

Reported. Psycho.

oh god...whatever..

Any psycho ex-girlfriend of Ant's should know how to post a picture on twitter.

Maybe not

Way back when, Twitter very clearly stated the minimum age requirement for anyone signing up for a new account on the social network: 13.


Prove your the real Linz.

Please tell me you didn't fuck ole Joey Pies.


Who are you?

kinda like how you're doing with your post?

Neglecting my children? The see their father on the weekends. I have them all week... But whatever... U know my life... El-Oh-El

Noone is speculating ANYTHING about you... You chose to comment on MY thread... And u shouldn't throw stones is what i'm telling you..

Good one.

I want you to see where my piss comes out

Hates people who are hateable? You spend time talking about ppl you've never met... Kinda lame.. Hateable or not... But whatever. I said what I had to say.