Joy Behar on Opie and Jimmy

1  2014-11-17 by hansel4150


Jim's face around 3:05 makes me cringe so much I wanna feed him a shotgun salad.

Anytime I watch one of these videos he comes across like a robot trying to convey what he thinks human expressions and emotions are like.

Does anybody know exactly what the fuck he has? Like the twitch and everything?

Mild to moderate retardation

has anyone else noticed Jim blinks a lot?

And although the old broad couldn't claim any context issues, if you are going to label a video "Joy Behar bashes Bill Cosby, Rush Limbaugh and others.." you shouldn't then have so many fuckin edits.

Jim has a weird eye tick. He tries to control it on TV but on these videos it's really obvious.

I disgree with Joy Behar on most things, but I love how direct she was.

I cannot fathom how she makes a living doing comedy.

Remember when this show made fun of the view? I wonder what ant wood hav sed wen jimmy and joy were discussing how great certain female comics were.this show keeps getting worse

remember when they made fun of

The View

Russell brand

Tara Read

Artie Lange


Some of the Star Jones bashings were fucking great.

This is not going to be a popular opinion on this subreddit, but Joy Behar is 72 and looks fucking great for her age, and she's sharp as ever.

Opie was at his absolute worst in this interview. He back-tracked on every point he tried to make, he constantly said shit under the expectation she'd just agree with him and when she didn't he would panic. He was interrupting her to clarify his dumb questions/points to stop her from disliking him. It was horrific.

You'd figure between the size of Gregg's tits and the number of loads Jims had drizzled over him they could have offered that viewpoint themselves.

"You don't care about climate change? So you don't care about your children?"

Yeah, as if anyone ever said "I know it's happening, but I just don't care about it," and not I think it's bullshit.

That's what I want out of a stand up comic, a blatantly dishonest talking point slinger.

She's just a jew hen

As if Joy Behar and Greggshells Hughes should be judging what is and isn't funny. Two of the most humorless and narcissistic people on the face of the earth. Can't decide who I hate most in this clip, political Jimmy, Joy Cuntface, or Fat-tits Hughes.

Why does Jimmy act surprised when they talk about Joy losing her job when Al Gore sold Current? Jimmy was on her show. He knows she was employed there and he knows Al Gore owned the station.

"I don't think Rush Limbaugh is racist"

Yeah I don't think Elton John is gay.

After watching this, Behar doesn't have the right to call anyone an idiot.