I'm Jerry the guy who called out Opie on-air twice, and the show just blocked my phone number this morning...

105  2014-11-17 by [deleted]

I didn't even think the show could stoop to such a jocktober level of protection. This is officially a new low for the guys.

Long story short - this morning when Opie and Sam were trying to talk about football, I wanted to call the guys out for chatting about a subject they know NOTHING about. They were sounding like absolute idiots and deserved a beating.

The screener took my call, and when I told him my name he said "hold on a second." The line clicked, and it cued up generic hold music. After 30 seconds I heard a few rings. The line was answered by a man explaining "If you want to act like a fuckin peckah, at least tug on your prick and let me sit on yer face until my prostate starts leaking on your phone you no good cocksucka." After that the line hung up.


Holy shit did no one here read the whole thing?

You people are dummies

Pretty much every comment below this is retarded.


....said the retard who read the first comment

Nope, order the comments by age and you will see a pattern emerge.

Im bored with them already.

Maybe in this sub...

But if this caught on in other subreddits, I would be soooo happy

Mostly "victims of sexual assault" subs would enjoy "chip pasta"

how the fuck have i fallen for every one of these so far

These make me laugh every single time...... EVERY SINGLE TIME!

I am pushing all my chips into the center of the table on these gags.

so like, you rollin' chips for chiproll or somthin

Godlike Chippy-Pasta. Bravo.

Chiprolled again

Fuckin piece of gawbage

Right outta the park, Chip. Someone should hang your head above their fireplace and call you fawkin Mickey Mantle or sumthin.

I'm Ted! The guy who called Opie out on-air sixteen times! I tried calling again this morning but Bam wanted me to help him find ghosts! I was frightened.


We heard you.

Now this is a man who gets "the bit", the bait and switch is key for this to go over, nicely done sir.

I was all ready to shit on this guy for thinking he's some sort of celebrity vigilante...luckily I read to the end.

thats the bit

Yup. Looks like a couple people missed it though. Just happy to be slightly smarter than them.


Peckah juice

Best yet.


tssss fuckin' homerun

I don't like how this sub went shaggy dog all of a sudden. How about respect for the reader and their time.


tsst tsst

I read some of Sam's Twitter on Sunday about him being upset the Giants were losing. He's a fraud.


Ooof, if his prostate is leaking from his asshole he might need to speak to a medical professional.

Reading is hard.

Ahhh! The MAn Nigger!?! It is you???


but butbut... How are you supposed to get some attention :( poor dear.



less howling on this one

Is that an exact quote?

So you wanted to act like you know more than two other people who know nothing like you?

Pathetic, nobody knows the show or even seems to acknowledge the show sucked worse when it was Ant and Jimmy only.

Go ahead, play-act your call for us....something about Back to the Future...we'll play-talk over it.

Why you wouldn't record that for our enjoyment is beyond me. Use Google voice to get a new number and route your calls through it.


Lady trucker is even dumber on the internet

Opie fans don't want to hear calls like yours chump.

They want to hear truckies and housewives complementing him on his Tweets and the new format.



The hypocrisy of the show is overwhelming. In fairness to the staff, if they don't block anyone critical of Opie they could lose their jobs.

Awww, poor fella is butt hurt.

Jerry you're an idiot. All radio shows have numbers they block. All of them. You sound like Lady Di right now. Entitled. Why should they let you on the show every fucking time you want to air a complaint out? Why are you still even listening, and the best part is you did exactly what Opie called you out for. Just can't stop coming to the sub and bragging can you?

What's jocktoberish about blocking callers? Here let me let you in on something. Opie and Anthony always blocked numbers. It's why they pay a fucking phone screener. They did it with Anthony around too. Stern does it. Imus does it. Mike and Mike in the morning do it. What's your fucking point Jerry? A little butt hurt are ya?

This nigga mad dumb yo

Hilarious how much effort went into this response. Gotta upvote this so everybody can see

Maybe less than a minute? It's still shorter than what OP wrote which is what I replied too. I'm sorry that 20 seconds of reading is to strenuous of a task for you but for most of us it's nothing.


That's gonna sting.

You'll be fine, I doubt anyone here will throw this back at you when you next try to run interference for Greggshells.

What a little pussy bitch you are haha


Maybe you should try reading before reacting, you blithering moron.

Enough with Jerry already. The guy is a needy, entitled, attention wanting cunt. Reminds me of Bobo and Lady Di all in one.



TP, you're either a brilliant troll or a bumbling oaf. Do you think I should give you the benefit of the doubt?


Dude get a fucking life already. You're boring.

thats the bit

Maybe less than a minute? It's still shorter than what OP wrote which is what I replied too. I'm sorry that 20 seconds of reading is to strenuous of a task for you but for most of us it's nothing.