How funny was it when Opie was tooting his horn about selling his video, then Sam said, "Yeah, Troy and Travis sold theirs too"...

30  2014-11-17 by mrwienerdog

And then Opie went quiet. And if sad had a sound, that was there too.


Before the reveal Opie wasn't telling any details about $$, simply saying that it was enough to pay for a restaurant meal, trying to downplay it. Then when sam said travis and troy sold theirs, first he did one of those "hmmphh" sounds. Then opie had to upstage them by saying he sold it for a few thousand dollars. Realizing it might not be impressive he has to ask how much troy and travis got for their vid. Such a fragile little ego in the Opester.

He must have taken Roland to dinner.

a few thousand? surely hes lying right?

i'm i'm i'm not lyying alright.

He really can't handle anyone else succeeding on the internet.

He also said it would pay for a restaurant bill while insinuating that he would take everyone out with it. 2k spread amongst a few people at a high end new York city restaurant is definitely doable and 2k for documentary footage sounds about right. I've actually heard of people paying more so actually Opie may have been slightly low balled. Obtaining rights to video/audio that you plan on using for a project that you're going to sell can get really expensive.

HA! Ah man, how do you keep coming up with these howlers!? You should call the show, they'd love ya! Haha keep it up thermite, love ya miss ya brother.

Is your mother dead yet?

And I doubt that was by accident. I can't really take Sam as the host, but Sam burning shit down is great.

Sam did great with East Side Dave as the co-host.

I haven't been listening lately. What videos did they sell? Videos of what?

They had videos of the Banksy art in New York last year.

I fucking hate art

Opie sold his video called "Is This Banksy?" to HBO because they were making a documentary about Banksy and approached him for the possible footage of this mysterious artist. I don't know about Travis and Troy's videos.

The cunt spends more time on his shitty videos than on the radio show.Opie is truly fucked when he loses this Sirius gig.

yeah wut vid?

Bam and Lynsi sex tape.

called "Is This Banksy?"

google it.

Then google "meatspin".

someone fill me in... were the videos Travis and Troy or the tweets or whatever used to the doc? I thought Opie watched it and would have seen that his coworkers also had their work included.

i know we dont give Opie a break and i know he isn't listening to every Sam Roberts Friday show but im pretty sure Sam had the director live in studio and explained that his co-workers had their footage archived/used in the film.

Wouldn't Opie have seen his staff's contributions? Were Troy and Travis' material used in the final cut of the film?

Sad Sound? Made me think of Opie's "Honkin' Tits" video when the horn sound effect effs-up. Kinda like "happy...happy.....happy-happy....lame...lame".

This is why I can't take you guys seriously anymore. I read this before listening to the show, now I just heard this moment and it was literally nothing. He said "Oh they did too, how much did they get" and in converation continued "so me travis and troy all sold our videos and none got used maybe they were buying all the stuff up..."

Talk about trying to make something out of nothing. Opie literally didn't miss a beat AT ALL.

Which video is this?


When people bomb trashing are no better than him.

What the fuck does this sentence mean you goddamned illiterate?

What the fuck does this sentence mean you goddamned illiterate?