They need to get Hannibal Burress on

9  2014-11-15 by moegolden

I always hear that he's the next household name, and now you have the added dimension that his words kickstarted Cosby's career being destroyed.


I have a feeling hannibal is not a fan


Yea, same here... Opposite of Jimmy. Funny stand up, not a funny personality.


I enjoyed his appearance

Stern had him on the next day.... But Gregg loves eating out Howard's sloppy seconds.

He was on Ron & Fez a few months back, he was pretty boring.


Hannibal is the type of comic who does his bits on the radio, he is boring discussing real shit.

His material is good, but he is a black Mitch Hedburg knockoff, he copied the delivery, and the silly material.

Copied the delivery? The fuck are you talking about?

His style might have been influenced by Mitch, but his delivery isn't even close.

He had a tour of appearances a few months back. I'm sure he'll do the rounds soon.

i love hannibal's standup and I wish he did more shows and he too famous for all this nonsense now or what?

He just did the live Race Wars podcast last week for the standup festival thing in NYC.

They will have him on because little Yimmy is trying very hard to insert his name into this Cosby story.

I'm not a huge Hannibal fan, but people now just assuming that he is a SJW based off nothing in particular is pretty fuckin funny.



does he have a whyte ppl walk like this bit?

They should have had Hannibal Buress on two years ago.

This show use to introduce us to new up and coming comics. Now it's only established comedians.

He's too Onion AV Club for my taste. And even though Bill Cosby is definitely a serial rapist, he's not wrong about black men needing to pull their pants up and behave themselves.

Right, I forgot when the court found him guilty.

Everyone is so fucking anxious to jump on the rape train now-a-days, even grown ass adults, it's very sad to me.



How is he a "social justice warrior"?

He has a bit about Bill Cosby being a rapist.


So? Seinfeld didn't use a single swear word and it's fucking hilarious. Brian Regan doesn't say bitch and he's hilarious. George Carlin had several amazing bits that didn't revolve around any swears.

Why is it bad if someone doesn't want to say bitch in their act, no matter what the reason? Are they "uncool" to you now? What did you just learn about swear words?



Seinfeld is "fucking hilarious"? I mean the show was good, but he doesn't make me laugh more than the occasional chuckle when it comes to standup


I think I fucked up, got him confused with someone else who's been on JRE.

W Kamau Bell? That guy is a SJW and he stinks. Hannibal Burress is a funny dude.


I've seen a few of his sets online, and he was funny on Eric Andre's show. Other than that, I don't know much. I'm interested to know, what are some other examples?

I've never seen his act. I don't know what he looks or sounds like. I've never even heard his name prior to this thread...but I hate him already.

He's not an SJW and I don't know why anyone is saying that.

Even his bit about super drunk women and rape is pretty funny and makes fun of women who quote statistics about rape and stuff.

Can't watch in the UK. :/

He just did the live Race Wars podcast last week for the standup festival thing in NYC.

Copied the delivery? The fuck are you talking about?

His style might have been influenced by Mitch, but his delivery isn't even close.