Chelsea Perettis new special is top notch

4  2014-11-15 by maynardsabeast

She is probably the funniest girl doing anything right now and just overall one of the best comics in the world. Her special was hilarious. It was 90% standup with 10% silly/goofy sketch stuff. It truly was really good. It's funny too cuz I can see her and Norton being absolutely ridiculous together and hilarious. Anyone else watch yet?



It was OK. Not worth all that tho.

The weird cut to audiences and little random spots had me laughing, and the standup was great. I enjoy her sarcastic style, and honestly think she's the funniest female doing it

Being the funniest female is bragging you're worlds tallest dwarf.

Another version of the smartest retard joke. How refreshing.

Was she the strap-on girlfriend?

I've always wondered this. All of those sex stories with Jimmy's "ex" I've always attributed to Chelsea.

there's two exes he refers to. chelsea and jennifer carmody, who had an interview with chip on her podcast carmody central that is very worth listening to for anyone who hasn't heard it. edgar and uncle paul, and some actually new characters (to us) make appearances as well. including chip's mother.

Bonnie Mcfarlane, much funnier. Duh


She's with Peele from Key & Peele now. I just can't picture her being dirty enough for Norton. So weird. I do remember Norton talking about her pussy lips being big

those two are definite homos. Key and Peele that is.

No they're black

They're "bi"racial, as they interestingly love to say.

I saw it last night. I wouldn't call it "hilarious", but it was fine. You can tell that she and Bonnie McFarlane run in the same circle just based on timing and topics.

She did really good. The funniest female comedian no but she did make me laugh.

The white knight joke about reddit was actually really funny.

I've never found her that funny. I'll watch this eventually but I don't expect my opinion to change.

I like her, although I fucking hate her brother.

Never heard of him. Just googled him. Dude must be fucking loaded. Why do you hate him though? Huffpost used to be alright when it first started. Buzzfeed is just a trash site. Doesn't make him hatable though

It's fucking tremendous!

I like Chelsea. I'll give it a watch

I love her nose.

Check out any of her many appearances on comedy bang bang podcast. She is also very funny on the kroll show.

Hell yeah that Farley character is the best

She's gotta nice ass, maybe ill check out the special

saw her in person once. meh

maynard is an opie fan, anyone who cant recognize how awful opie is has no business saying what stand up is or isnt good.

I've never heard of you

The fuck?

How much is Jim paying you intern?

She's funny, for a girl.

I gave it a try...stopped it after 10 mins.