Ant talking about the O&J Artie appearance.

15  2014-11-15 by snoopkhat


Yikes, he was def. rattled

I wish I enjoyed Ant's show, but I just don't. I miss the Ant + Jimmy chemistry

I really think Ant is tiring of doing his show a little bit, he misses the old days :(

Yeah I liked it when it started, probably because it was fresh. I'll still listen to an episode here and there and definitely when he has a great guest on like CQ, Kelly, Vos, and of course Norton. But he's just not capable of being very funny when it's just him or him with a random guest.

This is the first time we've seen Ant actually state that he misses the Opie and Anthony Show. He doesn't drop his guard very often but this was very telling.

I think Ant dropped the ball on this one. Artie reached out publicly on Twitter and said they should talk. Why was he relying on Keith to make it happen? He should have been working with Artie personally.

I'm thinking Artie's manager probably told him not to do the Cumia show. It's not a smart business move for a man trying to stay away from being labeled as a racist.

I agree. Why wouldn't ant tweet him? Opie will tweet celebs himself, not rely on the o and a show Twitter to. Why does the anthony cumia show even have a Twitter?? Should just be ant

For me, Ant's show was never gonna work out to the level we all wanted it to. O&A was all about Jim and Ant's back and forth...their unparalleled comedic chemistry. Also, once the notoriety and scandal cooled down, he could never compete with Sirius in terms of getting big guests.

I hope his podacast does well and allows him a decent little income...but if he was bitching about property and school taxes while on his SXM salary...just wait a few years. Godspeed you Raul Julia looking funny bastard.

I would suggest going back and listening to the shows in 2014 that were just Opie & Anthony (most of these shows were on Friday), in my opinion these were the best O&A shows in 2014. Their chemistry was great and the shows went unexpected and really cool directions; you won't be disappointed by any of these episodes.

That's not to diminish Jimmy's abilities, contributions and comedic value, rather it is to dispel the current belief that O&A was all about Jimmy and Ant's back and forth.

Just listen to any of the O&A only episodes in 2014 and you'll understated what I mean.

i thought the same thing, they were finally getting along and it sorta had the same energy the show had before jimmy showed up without the douchey jocktober style they used to do so it was great.

Ope and Ant riffing about some shitty chocolate company shortly before the firing was one of Opie's best moments in ages. He really stepped up to the plate and had some great lines. Anybody remember that bit? Opie hate was pretty strong back then and even so this subreddit agreed Opie did a great job pulling the slack on that episode.

Are you referring to the June 30 2014 candy talk? (That's what I could find based on your description)

If so, you're unknowingly agreeing with my comment because Jimmy was there for the candy talk you mentioned.

Nah, pretty sure it was this. Too lazy to listen and find out though.

And I was "knowingly" agreeing with you, not "unknowingly."

I saw that one too but went with the other one because it was from June and this is from January.

Yeah, I can't defend that but I can blame Sam... ;-)

Truth be told even when O&A were at their peak you could cherry pick an awful twenty minutes from any given four hour show.

if he was bitching about property and school taxes while on his SXM salary...just wait a few years.

I don't think that was ever the issue. He could be ensured to make Stern money for the rest of his life, and a hundred bucks going to welfare would still have his mouth dripping with acid and resentment.

Anthony isn't coming back. I'd love to be wrong, but him getting fired made Jim and Opie completely subservient to management, and his salary has already been divvied up between them. No way management is going to invest millions more dollars into the show to get him back. No way no how.

i dont know, but this nigga seems like hes outta pocket.

This is why I think opie and Jimmy stayed at sirius. They need a national audience with easy access to celebrity guests. No matter what I don't think Ant 's podcast is sustainable. Not when they're are other really great podcasts that are free. Same thing with artie.

The artie and bobby lee bit would never have happened at Ant's.

So you're saying you don't think an ex cop makes for a good talent booker?

No I don't think you understand, You ARE doing the show.

I like Ant's show a lot, but TACS got hard capped when Jimmy resigned. It's at best gonna be a 7/10 show. If Jimmy went with Ant the sky would have been the limit.

"That's the line that you crossed" was a pretty fucking good line by the way.

Yes, it was.

It was a sad clip, though. It's a shame Artie has Ant on the pay no mind list. They'd be really funny together, and they could have some great conversations.

It kind of feels like TACS is running on fumes. And Artie is going to cut into Anthony's subscribers.

And it will be the better show; Artie's got more comedian friends, he's more centrally located, and he won't muck up the works by constantly harping on racial issues.

He'll muck up it by falling off the wagon, again, but I think he'll put on some good shows until he does.

constantly harping on racial issues

His tweets were 1000% more racist than Ant's. And I don't think Ant has been going too hard on any racial shit, at least the shows I watched. Ant needs a cohost, Jimmy was the best possible option, but really anyone could fill the role to an adequate extent so long as they aren't retarded. I think the show is lagging at the moment because Ant is constantly by himself.

And honestly, just going by twitter, I think Artie might be embarrassed considering Ant called him out for apologizing.

he said he wouldnt harp on racial issues not that his tweets were more racist, sure i guess you could say they were but on arties last podcast he didnt complain about blacks the whole time.

I don't see TACS complaining about blacks all the time either. Maybe I missed some shows.

There's been a lot of racial talk on TACS, but maybe you're watching/listening to a different TACS than I am.

The show's way too "heavy" for me. I want Dice impressions and goofing on bad movies and tv shows; I don't want to hear about Ferguson, how black chicks are raising violent black kids, or watch Ant comment on Worldstar fight videos.


This clip makes me sad, he needs to just go back to Sirius

this is why I can't listen to his podcast. too sad and lonely.

Do you think they would take him back? He'd still have to do the shows for the subscribers that bought a year sub, right?

Sirius won't have him back ever. Just not going to happen.

I think we're fucked till at least October 2016. But hopefully I'm wrong.

What's the deal with sterns contract? Maybe if stern leaves sxm will make something happen

Stern still has another year on his contract. It is up December 2015.

he can do 2 shows


Ant will be fine when he makes these changes to his podcast IMO...

  • rent office space in the city or convert his apt. In the city to a studio. Even if your sending a car sevice/limo, it's hard getting ppl to come out to Long Island and back again in traffic to do a single podcast.

  • Do live podcasts from venues and festivals, rent out a restaurant, club, theatre split the door and sell merch and take pictures. He needs to travel more and have live audiences.

  • make it Free on itunes, I feel he's limiting his exposure by charging, I think it's near sighted thinking. Ant is talented enough to have adam carolla esque numbers in daily downloads, he's got to get his brand out there more. I listen to over 20 podcasts weekly and Ant is the only one charging.

  • hire a legit talent booker/ assistant who has connections already formed in the industry.

I'm sad


he really shouldn't have set it up at his house. he should have used his apartment in Manhattan as as studio. going to long island is a massive pain in the ass for those of you unfamiliar with the area. the LIRR sucks, the highways are very small and therefore are congested constantly, and there's nothing else in the area to do for a comic unless they're doing one of the gigs at Governor's. I thought there'd be more guests on his show. I really do feel sad for Anthony.

It feels like I didn't even register how bothered I was by the firing until I started reading this subreddit around the time the boys re-signed with SXM. I feel now like how it would've made sense to feel at the time. The firing was so surreal though. It just sucks to know this thing that we really loved is gone.

Ants show has 30k listeners. His guests have shown up do to past loyalty

How would you know how many listeners he has Danny?

"Fuck all those guys, i've had it" LMAO.

oh wow it looks like the hissing is gone from ants show


Ant needs a second mic. Period.


I Hope they get back together in a year.

Well, I found this clip to be honest and thoroughly entertaining, also I laughed a couple times. These are all things I can't say about the Opie and Jimmy Show, and 99.9% of podcasts out there, so I think I'm going to stick with it.

It's definitely funny to watch people swinging so strongly back and forth when, frankly, the show hasn't changed except to slowly become more refined. It's also so much more dynamic in it's overall sort of arc, you really don't know what's going to happen with Ant, like mentally and concerning his relationships with different people.

Did seem like Artie was gonna go on ants show first.. But the opster pulled the rug out!

I think he had a choice. He knew Howards audience would tune in if he went on O and J. And sadly I don't think he is going to do Ant's show. Just because he has a little loyalty to Howard.

if he had loyalty he wouldnt have done O&J, i dont think stern would care about artie doing ants podcast rather than a sort of rival sirius show, i think he did O&J because it has a bigger audience and the host dosent talk about race like ant does.

Is there any chance sirius hires him back? Seriously there's nothing I'd rather see.

Well when Opie and Jim re-signed Opie said that Scott Greenstein said he left the door open and will look into it in the future cause he isn't ready to do that yet: Whether that happens who the fuck knows, would be a great thing though.

Either Opie, Scott or both of them are full of shit. There is no way they will hire him back.

It's a lot easier to say there's a chance than no. But realistically, with the quickness that he was fired, it's over. They don't want him around, nor the press that it would bring.

They should meet with Greenstein every day if this is the case. Actually make a push for it. Hopefully Opie will realize it's the only thing to stop the haters and that the show, has in fact, not been great and the only thing to make it great again is Anthony.

There's hope. If the stars align and Howard doesn't re-sign, O&J are willing to bargain hard in 2016, listeners start lobbying SiriusXM around the same point, and Ant is willing to take a pay cut from pre-firing (possible since I can't imagine his podcast is making him much money at this point...) I think there's a solid chance that the Opie & Anthony Show will return someday.

I just don't know if I ever see the O&A show back in it's original form. I think Jimmy would jump at it, Anthony would probably go back if they offered him what he had before. But I think Opie is happy with the way things worked out. His name is on the wall now, why would he want to go back and share it. We know he's delusional. If given the chance to go back to normal, would he even know it would be best for the show? He'd probably think he's doing fine without Ant. Why does he need him now?

And Anthony is realizing doing a show all by yourself four days a week is tough. No one to bounce things off of. It's probably very hard to get excited about everyday knowing it's all on you.

TL:DR Opie probably doesn't want Ant back.

Opie's name has always been on the wall so not sure what you're getting at there. I also think as hateable as Opie is to some people here, even he knows the show is at it's best with Anthony.

Ope and Ant riffing about some shitty chocolate company shortly before the firing was one of Opie's best moments in ages. He really stepped up to the plate and had some great lines. Anybody remember that bit? Opie hate was pretty strong back then and even so this subreddit agreed Opie did a great job pulling the slack on that episode.

i thought the same thing, they were finally getting along and it sorta had the same energy the show had before jimmy showed up without the douchey jocktober style they used to do so it was great.

if he had loyalty he wouldnt have done O&J, i dont think stern would care about artie doing ants podcast rather than a sort of rival sirius show, i think he did O&J because it has a bigger audience and the host dosent talk about race like ant does.