Opester "Haterz" logik

0  2014-11-14 by nolasen

I DON'T THINK Artie's tweets were hatespeech, just observing this:

*Artie tweets jokes about fucking Cari Champion = "Obviously not hate, going for jokes"

*People make jokes about Opie's old lady screwing Bam = nice try of hate by "haterz"

Very objective.

IMO, neither are "hate".


The difference is that she is an attractive and successful woman, the joke is that Artie is a slob who would never get to fuck her and he's saying something sexually and racially inappropriate, the joke is self-depreciating and relies on the premise that she is desirable. She isn't the "victim" in any way.

Opie is accused (possibly quite accurately) of being an impotent cuck. He is the target and the victim of the humor, which relies on the fact that it hurts his feelings, the implication being that he is able to satisfy neither the listening audience nor his young wife. This isn't "hatespeech" either, but he is most certainly hated.

they're both jokes who make fun of someone.

Ya faggot.

Artie's joke is making fun of Artie, and race issues.

This sub isn't "doing a bit" making fun of what would be inappropriate to post on reddit, Opie really does suck, and he really is made fun of with a viciousness that he earned through making bad radio after decades of insulting bad radio.

I'm getting really sick of people trying to philosophy whats going on with Opie.

He's a dork. Simple as that. Same as he always was....the only difference is he doesn't have Ant to hide behind.

I know in both cases it's just jokes. I just wanted to point out that when it's directed towards someone else it's fine, but when it's directed at him it's bad. I like biased inconsistencies. That's all.