Opie washing Artie's balls.

0  2014-11-14 by TruckerLarryMustDie

I just listened to the Bobby Lee and Artie segment. I was kinda disgusted how Opie was, "come back and see us Artie." "Artie plug your Pittsburg dates."

Isn't this the same guy that wanted to fight Artie in the Sirius bathroom? I like Artie and all, but it's not like he came out of hiding to do the show. He's just another comic promoting something.

Stop acting like a star struck Howie fanboy Gregg. Have some pride.

Bobby Lee killed.


I have no problem with any of that. I do have a problem with the ass-kissing of "Artie, you look good!" Because he really really doesn't

Artie is hilarious. Having Artie on is also a big FU to Howard.

What's the problem? Totally, Opie shouldn't be plugging a comedians dates and inviting a very famous comedian back. What a douche.

Get real.

Artie is hilarious. Having Artie on is also a big FU to Howard.

Blech. The "war" ended years ago, with Stern standing atop O & A's dismembered, flaming remains. They never even came close to competing with him.

...and it's over now. Opie lost the battle severely and he needs to accept it and let it go. He isn't Howard Stern and he never will be.

It's not an FU to Howard. Howard has completely moved on. He hasn't mentioned Artie in years and years. If Opie actually planned this as an FU to Howard, he is even more stupid than I thought.

I don't like Opie, as of late, either. But you're just reaching here.

You've never hated anyone then ended up being friendly with them? He was a guest comedian. Not some cunt trying to sell a shitty book.

Stop acting like a spoiled child.

I was going to say some of the people I hating the most upon first meeting have actually on numerous occasions ended up being really good friends of mine . OP is definitely reaching here.

I thought he was a great guest and it would definitely be awesome to have him back, so I see no problem with Opie saying that stuff. If Artie could become on a regular it would be a real boost to the show and god knows it needs one at the moment.

i like how after 10 years of the fans wanting him on the show Artie shows up 2 days after saying he will do TACS! He was obviously squeezed in between the other guests.

Opie being a rat once again to Ant.

It's not that outrageous for someone to be disliked via association. Now that Artie isn't directly associated with the HSS, Opie can be friendly with him. I doubt Jim would have done all those shows on the road with Artie over the years if O&A hated Artie.

Opie is doing what he needs to, to try and improve his show. Radio feuds are probably heavily fabricated and what legit anger they had toward one another has probably blown over. There really is no reason to hate Opie on this one. Hate Opie on a lot of other things but Artie did a good job and so did Lee.

Opie said later that he had his problems with Artie a few years back, but he was pissed about shit the other show was saying back then and he took it out on Artie.

In other words, he dope actually admitted he was wrong. Very rare thing, but I give him credit.

Unless Artie Lange changes, a lot, he will not live another decade. I feel for the dude. I've loved him since Dirty Work.

Oh god shut the fuck up already.

On a side note wounder if Artie would take the third chair? Dude has experience doing a radio show and is pretty funny. Artie could really help out the show lord knows it needs an infusion of funny.

I like a good Opie flogging as much as the next guy, but I do have to say that this is reaching just a bit.

Yes. I am totally reaching. I am surprised by the lack of support for my post, and the actual common sense coming thru!

Was that the bit? I thought this might be in jest since it seemed so absurd.

Give yourself a bell!

The bathroom incident was started by Opie after Artie said "Hi" to him.