Who is worse? Opie or Sam?

0  2014-11-13 by furmp

I honestly cannot decide. And that is impressive on Sam's part to have caught up to Opie like that. Who is easier to hate? The phony contradiction machine that just speaks to make sure noises are coming out of his face or the passive aggressive half breed who sounds more grating than Fran Drescher?


To me this is like asking "would you rather die by a bullet to the head or by a bullet to the heart?" There is no right or wrong choice.

That's stupid, a bullet to the head would obviously be preferable.

Unless you want an open casket funeral. Now I'm arguing my point that I said there is no right or wrong answer to. It's clear to me. The answer is a bullet to the heart is a better death. AKA Sam is worse.

"AHHHH good morrrning. that was "Bullet to the Heart" by Godsmack. They rule! I almost discovered them."

What other songs do you like by Godsmack? ME: Actually I don't go that deep with the Godsmack.

The head wrecks a funeral if you want it and gives you no time to reflect on your life or say final last words.

Not as easy a choice as it first seems.

I'd rather make Sophie's choice.

Opie is worse. While almost everything about sam annoys me, he is able to actually be funny sometimes.

Sam's always been annoying. Opie was fine before Anthony got fired (for the most part).

At the Sirius/XM building, I want Opie to walk off the air, and Sam to walk off the roof.


if you hate Sam on newer eps definitely avoid older eps. he used to just creep around whispering gossip into O&A's ears. then mid show O or A would be like "well we were told Erock doesn't like Pete the intern!!" and they'd just reem everyone involved while Sam cackles in the background. infuriating.

The first time i showed my girlfriend the Opie and Anthony show, she enjoyed it but asked what does Opie do? Sadly before that i didnt realize how much he sucked until a first time listener 30min in said . Hes useless .

Sam i hope he gets cancer


oh valley pete... us city folk will never get you


i got this one fellas... Opie. Opie is worse.


They are both cancer on the airwaves, but Sam is far more hatable. At least Opie "paid his dues" and was part of creating one of the most successful radio shows.

Sam managed to lick enough sack to get hired after being an intern and has managed to weasel his way into the studio. Now he apparently thinks he can hang with the big boys and earned a seat at their table. He isn't funny. He isn't interesting. They should turn his mic off.

Basically what Kevin Pollack said.


Opie is worse for a lot if reasons


did everyone always hate opie or is this recent? but what makes you like the show if you hate one of the hosts?

i listened to ron and fez when it was getting really rocky with tons of dead air. you listen because you hope it's going to change. i think a lot of us are hoping Jimmy snaps and tells Opie they need to do more show prep / whatever it takes to stop them from going down tangents about pizza sauce or sweaters.

Opie is far worse. Sam is reasonably intelligent and can hold his own in most discussions.