Has or can Anthony get Sam, Erock, Troyquan etc. On the show?

12  2014-11-13 by arkhamasylum88

Has or can Anthony get Sam,Erock, or Troyquan (preferably all together) on his show or because they're sirusxm employees they cant go on? That would be a good listen. I LOVE the Opie hate , he sucks . But i dont get the Sam hate. He plays well off of Jim and i dont think id listen if atleast he wasnt there i couldnt deal with just Opie having to play of Jim alone


I really have a hard time with a 32 year old man that listens to pop music and watches wrestling. He's a skinny nerd. Can you imagine working with someone like that? Constantly starting shit like a reality TV cunt...

At least e-rock doesn't scream 'fag' on a constant basis.

Sam is 32? And he tries to come off as the hip young guy? I figured he was mid-20s tops. Wtf.

I'm the same age as Sam, which is why I laugh when his defenders say that he "relates to a younger audience". I have nothing in common with him besides our age.

And Troy is over 40. They both think they're way hipper than they are. Nothing is worse than Sam's condescending "if it's not popular now/if it's old, it's not cool" attitude.

The Troy thing is a joke.

Not its not. While he's not over 40 I believe he's around 38 now.

Didn't he say he was in Wolfpac in high school? Even if it was college, the album he was on came out in 2001. Which would put him in his early 30s like Sam.

He said he was 36 like two years ago when Joe DeRosa and him had their fight

Oh ok.

The wrestling, pop music, and dietary choices are indefensible, but his shit-stirring has directly led to some priceless show moments.

Yeah he really stirred the shit, with his CAWK, in Sam's ASS asumpthin', tsss.

Fawkin' homerun, Chippah.

I'd like to hear Travis but Troy is an aging hipster and Sam is just a genetic disaster. Both are probably queebs.

or quays

Definitely moes.

They are neither queebs nor quays.

They are sweet, talented boys.

I've never been able to enjoy Sam's voice/on-air persona. I also don't like his fake cackling anytime Opie says anything. I know he's the boss and you wanna make him look good but at times it's just brutal. He will be silent during a funny line by Jim or a comedian in studio but as soon as Opie says anything he will be sure to get his face into a microphone to cackle.

Doesn't Travis do things for Ant? Does she still work for O&J?

Im pretty sure he got a job elsewhere but i dont know if its with Ant

He was just on the show today, unless you mean a 2nd job.

Ant always makes reference to people who still work for Sirius but he can't mention who they are. I always wonder if it's Erock or Travis.

It's apparently Travis that came to Ant looking for work.

Ant has taken good care of Travis off air. Ant put his family up during Hurricane Sandy, and I got the feeling that he's given Travis some off-air work over the years. I think Travis did the right thing and offered his help. To what degree Anthony can use him, I don't know, but I'm sure he's happy to help a guy he clearly likes.

Why is that apparent?

Ewwww, why would you want those man children on Anthony's show? They've already ruined o&a/o&j with their nonsense.

Fuck sam. Nassally cunt

Troy Quan sucks

I like all of those guys, but considering how cunty SiriusXM can be, they'd probably look for any petty reason to shitcan them and replace them with someone cheaper that they can get. Did you hear Stinky on Ant's show talk about Sirius? They fired someone above him, gave him all of their duties but never gave him the title and he didn't get a raise in SEVEN years. ERock is probably the one at the biggest risk of that because he came over with that XM money. He's probably #1 on their list to cut. Sam and Troy probably don't make squat though, but hey, steady work in this industry seems kind of rough to come by, so why risk it?

I don't think Sam would strictly based on his loyalty to Opie, I'm not sure about Troy's situation being he still isn't allowed on the air on Sirius/XM whether he'd be violating any kind of terms in his contract if he were to show up on Ant's show. Erock deep down doesn't think Anthony ever liked him so i dont see him going on as he probably figures he'd just get roasted the entire time, although i think a one on one convo between those two without the constant fat jokes might be more entertaining than people think. The only one in the group i could see showing up is Dr. Gay, I obviously don't know how his contract works but if anyone were to show up on TACS or even make a jump employment wise i figured it be Travis. He and Ant are close like Sam and Opie are and always seemed to have good chemistry when shooting the shit at Sirius/XM

I've always enjoyed the staff(yes even Danny even if he was an insufferable prick)

I would not want any of them on Ants show.

Sammy, lets talk Rob zombie and Kurt Angle.

Erick, lets talk food and Kurt Angle.

Troyquan, lets talk about bullshit overhyped bitch stories, and how good of a DJ I am.

I would rather see a real comedian on Ants show, not the O and J hanger ons.

3 old assed hip dudes... Opie Juniors.

Why the fuck would anyone have Sam on their show for anything other than a punching bag?

I like Travis I'd rather hear him than Opie.

I could never hate Sam because of the Special Delivery shows. Dave was the star, but Sam played the straight man perfectly.

Is it wrong to say I'd love to beat the shit out of that half a nigger?

Same Here

Special Delivery was an awesome show! ESD for the Compound Network- that ginger bastard cracks me up!

I feel like Sam looks at Opie like he did Scorch. Before Ant got fired i've always heard Sam grunt or moan or even passive agrresivley call out Opie on his bullshit


I like the little prick. He's definitely added to the show in a good way since ant left.