Anthony on Race wars with Sherrod Small & Kurt Metzger

18  2014-11-13 by [deleted]


I like Anthony on these podcasts. He really is a funny motherfucker.

Yeah, its been said a thousand times, Ant needs a co-host and people to bounce off of.

"Anthony is the Willie Mays of radio" - Ronnie B.

I don't get it, as I don't know anything about baseball.

Willy Mays is considered the best all-around baseball player ever. He was a great hitter, runner, fielder, thrower, etc. He could do it all.


The OnA/NYC comedy circle made aspiring women comics so self-aware that they overdo the "can hang" to an annoying degree.

"just one of the guys"


I thought it was 1 girl. Her voice was fucking terrible.

It's one normally, but lately Kurt's girlfriend has been making appearances (ew?)

I don't mind them. I've heard worse girls on podcasts.

One time I watched Adam Corolla, he has that really awful hole.

I don't know who was in that day, but Alison Rosen is actually pretty funny and says cunt a lot. I feel like she works well on that show.

God bless Joe Rogan for not caving in and getting a hole cohost.


whats up with all the awkward motherfuckers asking pointless questions "how do you perceive love?" what the fuck

I'm 100% sure that was someone who was fucked up / drunk / etc. They sounded completely out of it and confused moment to moment. I've listened to hundreds of live podcasts, those were two of the worst questions I've ever heard.

Why did they cut off the beligerant liberal who was attacking Anthony

Were they afraid of an interesting conflict happening

I wondered the same thing. I was at that taping and the guy had a mike every time he spoke.

I rewound it because I couldn't figure out what the fuck was going on. I think they cut him off because they are standups and do host / crowd work, and the guy didn't have a solid point or question, he was fucking around and wasting everyone's time so they sounded like they wanted to just move on.

anyone watched one of the recent ep where they talked about gamergate and how average looking chicks pretending to like nerds? they were very uninformed on both topic

But the latter point is correct, though its not so much nerds as it is "he plays call of duty, such a nerd"

Sherrod is unfunny.