The Opie Show = The new Ron and Fez.

3  2014-11-12 by HugsMcbear

R&F have been doing the same new show for years i.e. Fez being a mess, Pepper is a drunk, sports talk>comic>celebrity interview format. It's not as good without ESD, but anyone who didn't like it has stopped listening; now they have a smaller audience made up of only love. Opie wants the combination of what they have - no one shitting on him ever (Ron) and only talking about himself / issues that affect him (Fez). Along with the daily chance to meet 'celebrities' and possibly 'go viral' every so often. Anyone thinking SiriusXM will fire them will be disappointed - Fez literally says he is scared to go on air and adds nothing to the show, yet they apparently pay him millions in healthcare bills. No prep, no hate, no effort. Opie will coast for years, become less relevant, and enjoy doing it.


Made up of only love? Clearly you haven't read anything from those Goddamn twitter responders!

FUCK ALL YOU TWITTER RESPONDERS - Fair point, I meant for the show in general though. Few people are still hanging on hoping it will change like they are for O&J

I tend to agree with that. I think the last time I really saw anyone hope for/expect change from the show was last year when Ron really went at Fez prior to the contract renewal/channel change.

As for O&J, I expect the hatred will just turn into apathy like it has in the past. I remember getting mad when he would fuck up a Patrice appearance, but it just kind of turned into, "eh, that's our Opie" over time.

Except the "Fez" on this show won't shut the fuck up.

i couldn't give a fuck less if sirius fires Opie nor if he is milking that company for way more than he is worth.

My gripe is his lack of communication skills, arrogance, attempts at humor, steam rolling over anyone and everyone, flip flopping on management, becoming howie, trying to go viral, reading ability on air, selfishness, emotional outbreaks, a constant need for approval from the people around him, jim florertine being his eternal judgement on what men can and can't do, always taking calls from those he knows who will lap his ass, getting NOpie shows removed from youtube, bringing the show to a screeching halt, lying to pump up a story (unless he gets called out on it and has to try and re lie his lie to try and sell it), belief in Sam being on air radio talent, obsession with celebrity gossip, pretending he doesn't know someone if they refused to ever do his show, pretending something sucks if they wouldn't "hand him an envelope", asking callers about the weather in their area, screaming like a man child when someone dares question him, "twitter voice", obsessing over some unimportant detail of a story because he thinks it is on the tip of his tongue which leads to him demanding people google it to give him closure and the whole show is stopped for 15 minutes for this OCD outbreak and there is never any pay off, assuming listeners (haters) are creating multiple accounts to dislike his terrible videos, taking credit for things he didn't do and spreading blame throughout the whole show when he fucks up and it is mentioned on air.

The worst part is that's not even half the list, just the top ones.

He is the worst.

you forgot "loves the internet guy"

wow, this post made me hate him even more. didn't think that was possible..

I've only been listening to (and loving) R&F for about a year. If it was better in the past, oh well, it's still miles and miles better than O&J. It's even better than the later days of O&A.

R&F has a formula, but at least they try. There are bits, contests, real discussions, the ibang, trashing pepper dicks, etc. Also I can't imagine a better ice breaker than Fez. "Hey look at this weirdo" has gotten some hilarious shit out of guests that would probably be pretty unremarkable otherwise.

I WISH O&J was the new R&F

If it was better in the past,

The difference between current Ron + Zero Fez and historical Ron & Fez is about as big as the difference between O&A and OpieRadio

You forgot one thing though, Opie lacks wisdom ,intelligence & a sense of humor.
The great puppet master Ron can do what he does ,anywhere he wants ,cuz he gots the skills. How many shows does Ron have ? How about Opie?

Fez and Opie are eerily similar. Both offer no reason for listeners to like them, but cannot understand why they aren't universally beloved. There's nothing to like!

And on the other hand, hopefully Anthony takes off after this. He's doing a pretty damn good show considering he's casting from his basement. Imagine a cable channel or netflix picking him up and throwing some money behind TACS. I hope Ant becomes the deserved tv/radio star that Opie so badly craves, while Opie drifts into obscurity.

That would be great but ant doesn't want to answer to no one

I see that, but I'm sure there are plenty of entertainers that retain full ownership and say of their shows, like Louis CK.

and Opie's a cunt.

You're living in La La Land if you think TACS will be picked up by anyway. Anthony caused too much of a shit storm with his dumb fucken twitter.

And I'm a Anthony fan.

It's nice here though. You're probably right. I just want to see Ant do well, much more well than Dope. Stop smashing my dreeeeams!

Ron and fez don't have anyone on their show as douchey as opie and if they did they would call them out.fez is still funny when he talks

Funny how? Funny, as in he amuses you?

Are you calling the Ron and Fez show bad?

I vehemently disagree with you.

Ron could take a shit on air 3 hours a day and it is gold compared to Opie.

Ron learns all he can about a guest before he interviews them, look at how great his unmasked series is, he makes boring fucktards funny, relatable, and interesting. He knows how to steer a show, and knows when to stop things, or let them roll.

I am fucking offended you compared Ronny B's show to Opies.

I hope Gawker picks this up, and you are fired from your job bagging groceries at Stop and Shop.

I hope that was an ironic missing of the point - I said the only people who still listen to R&F are the ones who love it; clearly including me. I was more pointing out that Opie wants to be them with a clearly formatted show, not the 'go with it' style of past-O&A.

I agree with you that Ron at the least puts effort into the interviews and tries to carry a show by himself. God bless his heart for having to deal with that leach Fez. Jim was a good interviewer if he had Ant to bounce off of. Anyone that provided some edge or anything remotely funny (Danny, even though he is a bit of a dick, Troy, and now Ant) is gone and what's left is not giving a shit just and just a collect a fat paycheck to put his kids through college Opie.

so true

yes a lot of the shows are like that but ron always has a new and different take on it, whenever opie and jim bring something up you know exactly what they will say about it, opie will say something stupid and obvious and jim will say he's never heard of it, and when ron and fez and stretching a bit out it never feels forced like OnJ, you can almost feel them looking at the clock.

Goddamn, this sums up the Ron & Fez show after East-side Dave quit, as well as Opie's mentality pretty well. For me it does.

Pepper is hated by many, Shelb is hated by many. Fez is hated by all. It certainly isn't all love on RnF.

I don't see much hatred towards hicks.

I love the drunken dick sucking centaur... And how dare someone compare O&J to anything involving Ronny B
