This is hilarious #face

0  2014-11-12 by [deleted]


If Opie worked an office job he'd be printing shit like this out and pinning it to the bulletin board (of course with a post-it note "posted by Opie")

posted by @OpieRadio on Instagram and Twitter

#face makes me want to punch him in his

in his what, dude? don't leave us hanging!

It's "gunt", right? or "gits", maybe?

His asshole, elbow deep

He couldn't even fucking set the joke up the right way. He is so fucking stupid.

Haaaaaa, he blocked a bunch of us commenting with "Hold On" - keeping it "real"

I wish opies #face got stuck in a roland fat roll

Haha thats hilarious

It's funny but shouldn't it be BDNN or something?