You're starting to figure out what's going on behind the scenes about management tinkering with the show but it'll still be doomed and won't fix things.

0  2014-11-12 by [deleted]

These couple guys figured out what's going on behind the scenes with management monkeying with our show. And it's not gonna work because sirius is like a myspace.

What recommendations would you have for Opie and Jimmy?

I think they should get the fuck out of sirius now before shit goes down the hole even worse for them. They're already starting to lose respect from their old comedian friends. Keep that shit up till the contract's over, they won't have any old friends left.

Here's what those couple guys said in that other thread:

[–]BeerCanThick I could have been a model 4 points 7 hours ago*

They had a direct contemporary and rival, Howard Stern, who went down this road. Despite landing the AGT gig, it has been a disaster. As for AGT, he's been an overpriced prima donna who brought the show its lowest ratings, lowest viewership number and lowest 18-34 demographics result in its history.

The Howard Stern Show itself is pitched to mommies: Kittens, AGT talk, politically correct revisionism and heavy censorship of tapes, Robin reading Yahoo News and 90+ minute interviews with fossils from the 1960s and 1970s. It hasn't meant shit. THSS has never been more irrelevant.

What do you suppose Tim Sabean's "media destination" blather was? It was a pitch about watering-down and defanging the normal show.

Howard Stern called his shift to the woman and elderly an "evolution." Opie is pitching his as a "new direction" and a "reinvention." If you don't like Stern now, you're an unevolved caveman. If you don't like Opie's new direction, you're a dim-wit and the show has "passed you by."

Same shit from the same SXM asshole.

As others have said, the show is controversy-free pablum doing ketchup tastings, Daddy Talk and 50 minute conversations about 1970s rock bands. Both Stern and the Opie and Anthony show brands are neutered borefests and the execs could not be happier. permalink save report give gold reply

[–]PrinceCharmin 4 points 6 hours ago

On top of your excellent points, there's an overriding issue: radio, as a destination, is dead. Streaming and on demand is the new destination. The music industry is dead - no gold or platinum sales last year, that's unheard of. Nobody listens to the radio anymore - they despise the hack bits, commercials, and corporate playlists. Everyone has smartphones now, and they want to stream in the car. Sirius is clinging to a business model that is dead - without their car deals, they'd be out of business. People don't want to pay to hear the Oprah channel - they want the Oprah SHOW - which isn't on Sirius. I think. I just went to look, and Sirius's web page WON'T FUCKING LOAD.

Howard and O&A have an older demo. Enough to keep the lights on, but most people under 40 don't care, don't know anything about them, and either listen to Spotify, or the occasional podcast. To them, Opie and Jimmy are contemporaries of their fathers - and Howard is contemporaries with their grandfathers.

Reinventing a radio show is pointless, in this day and age. There is no new audience. They're not going to get housewives. They're not going to get hipsters. They're not going to get kids. They're going to get exactly who they have now for years - guys over 40, and the occasional 30-something girlfriend of one of them. Opie's "Webjunk 2014" format is playing to an audience that doesn't exist, and never will.

And...Potsy? Really? A year ago, they would have played the hang up game on him, if they even allowed Roland to finish saying the guy's name. It's fucking embarrassing.

It's been 15 minutes, Sirius' page still hasn't loaded. What a fucking joke. SO glad I canceled my sub. Yeah, great media destination, that doesn't fucking WORK.


Where I work, we have the lifers; the people who probably peaked early in their careers when they were young and excited about what they were doing. That is, until they hit a huge wall and suddenly they saw themselves stagnating and not keeping up with the technology out there. The company of course won't fire them, because they're doing an adequate job, but they're certainly not star performers. They'll work just enough to stay employed. They're not happy, but they're not unhappy. They're just there.

Sure, they'll look around for other jobs, but they soon realize that while they've been stuck in the mud - mostly by their own doing - they weren't doing anything to keep up with everyone else around them. They start to realize they're way overpaid where they're at now, they'll never get another job that pays as well as where they are today. They can tread water and do just enough to stay under the radar, and before they know it 10, 15, 20 years have passed by. They essentially become button-pushers and the guy who has just one job - but he's the only guy who knows how to do that job, so management keeps him around because they're too lazy and too dumb to train someone else to replace him. This guy is cruising to retirement, collecting a good paycheck and doing as little work as possible.

This guy is Opie. Opie is an SXM Lifer, cruising to retirement (or wherever this leads to) with his fat paycheck, doing just enough to stay under the radar.


Wasn't Sabean fired at the beginning of the year?

He was also a friend of the show for a long time in the previous form of the PD from WYSP (O&As charge back into boston vs WAAF)...I don't know why people act like he came in as a dark ninja to screw the show.