O&A on Fallon (2009) | Opie's listening skills found wanting.

5  2014-11-11 by serraphim


This poor excuse for a man deserves every bit of disrespectful mockery coming his way.

Anthony looks embarrassed to be associated with that dunce http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=CBnGs7-C8fM&p=n#/18;21

I got trapped in that loop and it felt like being in hell.

The look on Ant's face says it all. It's like he's apologizing to Fallon for bringing his dumb kid brother on the show.

Opie looks to have aged 15 years since this

Nah his neck aged 25 years

Fucking brainless dolt


Where can I watch the whole thing?

The buffoon is completely oblivious to the fact that he just repeated what Ant said seconds earlier.

"Take some advice from us and lose some weiaaght okay??"

This is a strange clip, I don't think he is oblivious. He is clearly listening and hears what Anthony says and then repeats it...for NO fucking reason.

Maybe it's just his habit where he repeats the last funny thing that was said to try and get a laugh like always and Fallon was just like "the fuck??" or maybe he is just a very stupid man.