This is all very depressing

0  2014-11-11 by maynardsabeast

Yes O&J is not even close to O&A&J (duh)

And TACS is in the same boat

Both shows are still entertaining enough but this still sucks. And apparently people are jumping off the ship so the numbers I guess are down. And ants subs are sure to drop off a little after the initial buzz. We need them to reunite God damn It. And then take the little good things that each show adapted in its desperation (more comics as guests, actual prep, and a visual element) fuck that would be great. I even miss not hating you people. Like I hate all your guts now, but I ised to actually respect your awfulness


did you see the episodes of A&J? that's what we need.

It was fantastic. But I'd still rather have ope there. I can't hate him like the rest of you do. He's not funny (I mean he's funnier than normal people) but we're also comparing him to comedic geniuses with ant and Jim. If the show reunited ope can go back to steering ship, which no matter what you people say, he is good at. And the fact that he was the one who discovered and hired both guys means he deserves to be there for life. Opies alright Man, you guys are just holding his current position up to a standard that is impossible to meet, and nitpicking his every word. It's brutal.

I mean he's funnier than normal people

no he's absolutely not. the degenerates who post on this sub are normal guys and theyre fucking hilarious. He's not funny and he can't "steer the ship" for shit unless that means interrupting funnier, interesting people and derailing conversations so they can talk to some dumbass trucker. Yelling "HOLD ON, HOLD ON!" while a funny conversation is happening isnt steering a ship, it's dropping anchor.

I'm beginning to wonder if they even could get back together, at this point. Things have not played out like what I thought, except for Ant's show taking off like it did, even though I thought the growth would be slower.

I'm not entirely sure they all want the old show back. I don't know that they have any interest in doing it again outside of Sirius, judging by how they haven't sat down and discussed it. They all seem happy where they are, for now, and there doesn't seem to be any interest or effort in changing it.

Its starting to feel like when you break up with someone you were with too long, and put off breaking up miss them, and are sad that it's finally over...but you're also happy it's finally over, and you can move on. That's the feeling I get from hearing them talk.

I don't know. My gut feeling is, they'll never work together again in any show sense, ever again. They may do a guest thing together, but the show is done, my gut says. Wish I was wrong, but there's no feeling of "we gotta get back together" from any of them.

Funnily enough, of the 3, Jimmy is the one who seems to miss it the most.

Everything you said has been said a thousand times before in defense of Opie, come up with a new fucking argument. I can't believe you just repeated the same nonsense again.

What does "steering the ship" even refer to exactly?