DOWNVOTE: New viral Opie video with Fatso - "Woman has Ebola scare on NYC Subway"

37  2014-11-10 by buryonedeep


How many videos does she have to do for him until he pays for her gastric bypass surgery?

Dude, thats his sister!

... How many videos does she have to do for him until he pays for her gastric bypass surgery?

i actually KIND OF feel bad for her. She is a comic, and i found her funny. I know she has had a real rough time since her husband died, and every time i see her do one of these videos i cringe. She is just hoping it will go viral too so hopefully she will get noticed or something. talk about exploiting people.....

I haven't seen any of her standup, but in these videos she seems to have the idea that the more she (over) acts the funnier she is. That's a terrible sense for comedy.

Yeah, in these videos i do not find her funny. I used to laugh at her facebook posts, and when she would do podcasts and other things. I just think she does what he tells her to do, and that is where the real unfunny is coming from.

I see the hater with his 127 fake youtube accounts already worked his magic.

Viral Death Spiral


Topical and humorous wheat else do we need.

I know


I was 100% expecting Philly Crew

fawkin hilarious

How to chain your viral spiral

So he hired this terrible actress to do this garbage all over NYC. That's even worse that he's paying for this.

Right. At the very least get an actor who can, you know, act. This fucking human feedbag is awful. He literally could have paid a homeless guy in sandwiches and gotten better acting.

How does a man who has been hanging around comics for 20+ years not have an ounce of humor rub off on him at some point. Unless his career is some avant garde art piece in which case the jokes on us I guess. Opie is the definition of a 'tool'

That's the bit.

She's fat and ugly. Now THAT'S the bit.

That's a big bitch.

Don't remind me, facepalm, him repeating that fucking line over and over until he got ANYTHING from Jim or Ant.

Oh come on. You can pick on a lot, but that was one of the lines he actually delivered well. Unlike a lot of his stuff, that's one he didn't repeat over and over and over until it got a reaction. He'd just go, "Man.... that's a big bitch" and move on.

Sure, he would do it again tomorrow, but it's not as cringey as the pronunciations of "Gee-ZOS" or "GAWD" or "The Jhuh".

It was even more enjoyable because I was always commuting or working whenever that show was on, so when I finally did get to see her, all I could think was, "Man... Opie's right. That's a big bitch."

lol I liked how there was that awkward silence because no one in the room knew what he was talking about until he gestured to one of the TVs and then it got a polite half chuckle by Ant.

Not hired. That's his side piece.

Not mutually exclusive.

Haha that video is getting demolished. Great.


I just saw Opie's tweet promoting this and he included "@huffpost" to the tweet

Fucking disgusting

Yeah he usually tags random website like huffpo or guyism in all his tweets... he stinks

The same angering debate skills as Norton, hit with a solid point and instantly goes into that 'awwww baby boy' shit. Fuck Opie in his asshole.

No no, he likes it in the ass. Might as well just punch him

I think it's safe to say Opie titty slapped the shit out of him

Only thread I have ever upvoted every comment in it. I wasn't doing it to just do it, the comments were making me lol.

13 upvotes, 51 downvotes. lets get this to 1000 downvotes.


ME: Video doing VERY well.

Extremely well, even. Nice try on the hate, tho.

ME: Video going ebola!

I hear Management and the Company are happy.

ME: They LOVE the direction of the show!

Yeah, I'd love to see him have another meltdown

Another? Did I miss something?

Since Opie got a fair use video removed, you could flag this video as "Hateful or abusive content" for bullying. For people who don't know the video is a work, they may think he is bullying a mentally ill woman. What a shame.

I was kinda hoping we'd get the Camel Clutch age-restricted like the Latte one as well. Fuck Opie in his pocket-change.

is Dipshit on another TBS show we don't know about yet?

I'm guessing by tonight he will pull the video. "Above all else...REAL"

Dont forget to hit unsubscribe after you post your hateful comment!

This made me laugh: I heard it in a friendly and helpful voice.

Holy shit that's embarrassing

One of Opie's 'fans' want to explain how he is not the most detestable hack in radio? Is this what you people want from your entertainment? Utter garbage again. How is he not too embarrassed to upload this shite?

for someone who's supposed to be in 'comedy' these videos incite douchechills of biblical proportions. Those viral spiral paychecks cant be worth the damages these are doing to his already tattered image

You wouldn't think so. But here we are, another day another shitty video from Gregg

ME: I howled.

The more I think about this the more embarrassed I get for him. This is rock bottom. He thought this would be a good idea and his comedian buddies would be impressed with his banksy style gonzo prank. He spent his easy earned money on this so he could get upvotes essentially. I feel sick when I think about him following his kid around a park and checking his numbers only to get more and more disappointed that another great idea bombed and cursing the haters under his breath. He will likely be short with his wife at dinner and she will wonder how much longer she will have to stick around until she gets her tenure in divorce court.

Has YouTube called Opie to tell him it's the same 10 haters that are down voting this abortion of a video? We know they value his channel enough that in less than 24 hours they used all of their resources to pull IP's, emails, etc. to give him that info.

This stuff is really the quality of something a high school student would do as an "awesome prank" and then watch it a few years later & be too embarrassed to show anyone

A better title would be Opie from the Opie & Anthony show has paid this terrible actress to go around New York and get into these "crazy hi jinx" in an attempt to make a viral video. His attempt is steeped in folly.

He's so fucking stupid he can't even get a video about a virus to go viral.

That titles a bit wordy but I like it.

You're right. I sound like Vos trying to get a punchline out.

And above all "Real"

I go back and forth on the Opie hate. Probably most of the time I tend to think the guy may have no natural talent but he's tried to entertain us for years and has built a show of talented people around him that we might not otherwise ever have had.

Then I see something like this and it reminds me.

It's not just that he's not good at what he tries to do, it's that he's a fucking Todd Pettingale level phony hack. I can deal with failed attempts to entertain an audience but stuff like this, stuff that's so clearly a cynical attempt to trick an audience he feels superior to into making him 'viral', it's fucking sickening. Fuck him with his click baiting 'omg crazy lady acts crazy' phony shit. Consider me firmly back on team Fuck Opie.

alright guys, i just logged in and out of like 195 youtube accounts to down vote that video and leave negative comments.

could the next 1337 hater take over from here? preferably one with 1900 accounts? thannkkkks

I with someone would've yelled "WORLDSTAR!" and beat the shit of both of them.

ya but you could tell that wasn't gonna happen from the beginning the way the video was filmed.

Roland looks like shit and needs a hair cut

I want to know how Jimmy feels about these videos.

I can imagine him tearing them apart in private.

Jim is too busy working on material for his act and radio to worry about what this stupid shitbag is doing in his spare time.

Grandpa cc'd it to the Huffington Post on twitter

the last tweet "Hi Opie!"

there's his fanbase

Hey Ope! Can I get a retweet?

A crazy person where crazy people are commonly seen. He literally saw that crazy people on trains is popular and copied it. That's the level of his creativity. This video is the perfect indictment of stupidity and desperation. The lack of understanding is very transparent, his critical thinking skills clock in around the level of a child who still thinks learning is 'listen & repeat'. This is why you teach children to think and not to regurgitate, and what happens to those who don't transition.

His next one will be getting her into a psych ward so he can film her shitting her pants and giving the nurses a hard time.

The only video starring that fat beast that I want to see is one that is directed and produced by ISIL.

Usually when i see some unfunny shit, at least i can tell what the author was going for. I got no fucking clue what was supposed to be funny or in any way entertaining about this video tho. A fat cunt is paranoid about ebola so she puts on gloves? How the fuck does this work? Am i the thicko here or what?

Is this like a bad attempt at female "metaChip" or?

You know the opster has a direct line to the president of YouTube, right?

That... that was bad.

There's really no defending him at this point.

For the love of Pete, Opie, let it breathe before you try to force another viral video with the same unfunny person.

And if you want to pretend that your video subject is some random person in NYC, maybe pick someone who doesn't subscribe and retweet your videos and other people associated with the show.

I feel bad for the guy. Co-created one of the greatest radio shows in the last 30 years, and can't see why this kind of thing is just sad.

You're a millionaire with nothing to do all day. Go play with your kids, or take a subway downtown and play some pickup basketball. Maybe take an art class or learn how to play guitar. Just stop doing this.

Just stop doing this... Perfect!

Jazz Uncle Paul in the back left.

so Opie hangs around this fat cunt in his spare time

I cant tell if the youtube comments from people saying "isnt this the same lady from the pumpkin latte video?" are serious or not. Are there really people that dont recognize this as being the same woman? Or is it people being sarcastic?

This dope doesn't even understand how to make a viral video.

Alright everyone, get out one of your many dozen shadow accounts that you have all created in your free hate-time. Commence hating.

Thia video is indeed terrible.




Jesus people.

Quit downvoting the video. Opie's deranged mind now takes all those thumbs down as good attention now.

Just leave his videos unwatched like they were before with only a measly 1.2k views. Viral Spiral

At the very least, make his video age restricted like the last one, but don't give him ANY THUMBS up/downs

It's fractions of pennies to visit and downvote. A heavily negative video will get less attention in the long run. It's just sending a message.

Sending a message of what?

How do you know this is what he exactly wants from us. Like somebody said, any attention is good attention. If there is 34 thumbs up and 1032 thumbs down, Opie accomplished his task.

Lets not give it any attention and make it even more difficult for people to watch it or make it viral by making it age-restricted so it can fade away in mediocrity with 1-2k views so all that effort of hiring that fat tub of lard to act for him in his videos was a complete waste of time.

I think you're giving him too much credit. I'll continue to downvote these shit videos. Given his delusional reaction last time of multiple hater accounts causing the downvotes, this obviously annoys him.

It already paid off, almost immediately. There's a zero percent chance of irony when he goes on twitter and acts like a spited little baby. The reactions are exactly what you would expect when someone who's massively insecure takes criticism seriously, and badly.

This is just terrible, absolutely awful. I think he's probably decent behind the scenes with the logistics of running a radio show, but the man couldn't be less funny. This guy has met and hung with more funny people than almost anyone, and yet none of it has stuck???

This is the same bitch from his occupy Wall Street video. What a hack.


For years I thought that was Jenny Hutt.

Is that the same woman from the spill video? The one revealed to be some local hack comic? No please no.

Jesus this hack again? Fuck me, OPIE YOU TWAT! We all know this your fucking comedian lapdog you fucking wetnurse.

There are pranksters out there willing to risk their lives by saying shit to feral negros for prank videos. Meanwhile, Opie is such a wuss he needs to hire some fat slob to do his pranks for him.

At least I will give multimillionaire Opie credit for at going on a subway filled with the trash of the first and third world.

Stop following Opie, I cant believe how many crybabies are on this site. You dont like him, fine then stop listening and watching his videos.

Eat shit, go listen to some sweater shopping talk faggot

How about you go fuck yourself, cunt. Opie and Jimmy are a package deal. I'm not going to give up on 4 hours of Norton a day just so some faggot gets his wish and doesn't have to hurt his poor little sensitive eyeballs reading opinions he doesn't agree with. Die in a train wreck.

just downvoted your post, thanks for the instructions!

Hey Ope! Can I get a retweet?