In the beginning of XM days... how long do I have to listen to that piece of garbage Brother Joe?

6  2014-11-10 by slowcom

I didn't listen to the beginning so I thought I'd go back and start from day 1. I'm on day 3 and I can't stand the fucker.

When does he leave?


Brother Joe army 4-lyfe, NIQQAAA.


The first couple of months are pretty rough in general. They try to bring back people like Frenchy, and it doesn't work, they pretend to care about baseball and talk about it a lot, and for some reason Opie keeps saying F-this and F-that instead of cussing.

I have noticed that and Jim is fucking angry.

Yeah, he is full of coffee in those early days (like that one day last week).

They try to bring back people like Frenchy, and it doesn't work

Frenchy vs other French guy was pretty damn funny

Eff you in the Aaaaaaa you c-suckair!

That was funny. I forgot about that. Did that battle end Frenchy on XM?

I think he came on one time a few years later.

He comes into the studio on Day 5 and they play all his parodies. If I recall he is moderate throughout 2004.



I must have completely blocked it out, because I honestly don't remember him on the show. I remember Anthony and his "babybabybaby" rants, but I don't remember Joe on the show at all in the beginning.

Leave? He's going to be more conspicuous as ever now with his very own show that is starting next week: