Opie is more of a hole than Robin

38  2014-11-10 by beleca

I was listening to some Stern tapes from the early 2000s on YT, shortly after listening to nothing but (Ant-era) O&A for a couple weeks, and I can honestly say that I yelled "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" at my radio (or computer) much, much, much more often when Gregg was talking during O&A than I did when Robin was talking during Stern. At the very least, Robin knows when to shut up. All Gregg knows is when to repeat the same unfunny "joke" 5 times in a row (the answer is "constantly". Constantly repeat the same "joke" 5x in a row) and saying the words "bit" and "make believe" 20x/show.

Robin's job is to encourage Howard to keep going when he's poking around for the comedy in an idea; to laugh enough to keep him from getting self-conscious and backing off or giving up a good idea too soon. At least in the early 00s that was her job.

But imagine if Robin believed that her job wasn't to encourage the other, funnier people on the show (Howard and Artie) by laughing, but instead to come up with her own funny lines and inject them as often as possible, preferably repeating the same one several times...

Hell, Robin's been there for roasts where she got hit with some great, hilarious, very personal one-liners, and she took it like a man and laughed... whereas, you know, Greggshells.

If Opie knew his role (and shut his mouth), the show might even be listenable, but when every single fucking thing he says just makes you shiver with douchiness or yell "SHUT THE FUCK UP!", its just like god damn... he is a hole. Or, at least, he is more of a hole than Robin.


Hi, im Opiesucks and I approve this message.

Remember all the downvotes? You were just ahead of your time. You're a pioneer, my friend.

He hasn't been down-voted since Ant was fired.

Your RES score was at least 300+ on my screen before the firing.

Up vote every day

After Robin publicized the fact that she was suffering from cancer, yucko the clown asked if she had watermellonoma and she laughed. Opie couldnt take 1/100th of that. Id have robin over opie anyday

On top of that, Robin had mentioned many times she was sexually abused by her dad in some way (I forget, was a big topic when her book came out years ago) and at a roast Nick DiPaolo said "Robin Quivers, and so would you if your father finger fucked you when you were 10" and she took it much better than anything that can be said to the opester. He would never ever agree to participate in a roast, period.

I listen to both shows, and I'll admit Opie has made me chuckle plenty of times. But so has Robin, I'm not keeping track but she's just as much as a on air pro as opie and is smarter and doesn't trample everyone.

Hahahahahaha great line

Gee tell us how you really feel right guys?!


Robin has agreed with every fucking thing Howard has ever said, say what you will about opie, at least he doesn't exist purely for the purpose of stroking someone's ego, that's sams job.

I have never once heard Opie take an independent opinion on anything.

Listen to the old Patrice shows and every single time that the grown ups are having an argument, Gregg will just pick the apparent winning side and and state that "you know I think I'm with ______ on this one".

Or he'll go, "Where are we at with X" and if the studio says they have it and he loves it or vice versa he'll yell out DAMMIT! Opie has no opinions of merit on anything. Like his political stance, "They're all just douches, anyway." Ooh, such insight. Such courage of your convictions. Really sticking your neck out, huh?

but he has original thoughts, a lot of people don't like them, but he doesn't just echo what other people say, or at least at the rate that Robin does.

IMO while I find robins interjections as insightful as nails on chalkboard, I agree she takes her shots & has publicly admitted she's just playing a character on the show.

Greg, on the other hand, seems like a thin skinned douche on the regular & his "viral" videos prove it. The recent one where he's disrupting model photoshoot with Kenny as bodyguard/hype man particularly made my blood boil.

Side note: Florentine used to bang Blobin, If he gets third mic gig he needs to spill the beans on that saga

Find myself listening and thinking "Holy shit Opie, just shut the fuck up" at least once a show. Also, barely listen anymore and if so, maybe for a few minutes because of that reason. Sam should produce daily "best of" which would be 5/10 minutes of the 4 hour show.

Nobody is more annoying than Robin. Nobody. She think's she's a genius, Opie is the most humble person in the universe next to that cunt.

Robin is funnier than Opie.

To be fair, Robin isn't allowed to speak unless Stern gives her permission. If he wasn't the biggest megalomaniac in the world, I'm sure that annoying brat would chime in more often.

How long did you listen to Stern? Before Jackie left, she was completely different, Jackie kept her in check, if she got too pompous he'd go after her viciously. She was a LOT less pompous back then. When Jackie left, I knew she'd get worse, and she did.

Myyy neeeewwwwsssss


It's so telling just how ANGRY Opie always got at the hole. It's complete self hatred. Just like how Anthony hates the blacks because of his great great great grandmother.



i think I have douche chill PTSD from hearing the opester say "road sodas" so many times. it literally haunts me

Drink some wobbly pops, motherhucker. It'll take the edge off.

I can't even listen to old shows anymore because of fucking Opie. Everything he says is a crutch, he seems to have about 15 interchangeable lines that he can use and that's about it.

The only positive is that the more you listen to old shows the more you realise that a lot of the people who came on found Opie enormously exhausting, I'm going through the Patrice episodes (again) and you can hear him just sigh when Opie starts reiterating the same grade-school point for the fourth time.

"...but that's just my dumb opinion"

Is it?

They should have their own show together. Opie and Robin in the Mornin'.

You used a lot of words to tell us something everyone has said numerous times already. Congrats?

Cool name


The problem is that Gregg can't simply "shut the fuck up for a while" like Robin, because there's no Howard on Gregg's show to take the stick for hours at a time.

I think you guys forget how Robin was from 2007-2010 on Sirius. Nothing could be said that wasn't interrupted, no guest could get a word out without that cunt yelling over them with pointless babble.


You nailed it. She was an insufferable cunt.

who the fuck is robin?

of course he is a bigger hole

Robin is more or less in the Jimmy-Position on the show, while Opie is in the Stern-position.

Of course it's worse for the ship when the captain is a moron, instead of the second mate being a moron.

Lmao what a terrible analysis.

stop hating

funny how fans of the show still doesn't know what 'hole' means

Now now don't say that, he was just giving his opinion. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

This is just reaching ridiculous levels of revisionist history. Holy shit, you should be embarrassed for not only typing that long explanation out but more for actually having that opinion.

Nailed it


I haven't been in this subreddit in a while but has it totally become Opie bashing? I never really liked his humor or his hold on shit but if this reddit is only opie bashing, what's the point? IMO, they need a replacement for Ant badly. I have no desire to listen to the Anthony Cumia Show since the one thing I liked about Opie was that he kept Ants annoying political conversations in check and I truly think all three allowed a tolerable balance since Ant, Jim, and Opie stink when they are unchecked with their annoying tendencies. The death of Patrice and the success of Burr and CK killed the show either way.

Oh, hey, look, yet another "I haven't been here for a while, but at least Opie kept Ant from ranting about the Blacks". Looks like someone figured out how to make throwaway accounts.

Shut the fuck up.

This is my only account, you guys take this shit way too seriously.

You never really liked his humor? No shit, he doesn't have any humor. The only thing he is there for was to take shitty callers, "move the show along" while simultaneously stopping it dead in its tracks when there was a good flow going. Also, Opie never kept Ant "in check", Ant said whatever the fuck he wanted and would frequently go on extended rants while Opie would specifically take black callers or liberals to argue with him.

Fair enough

the one thing I liked about Opie was that he kept Ants annoying political conversations in check

Do you mean when Ant would tell races of people to behave, and Ope would try to beat level 142 on Candy Crush, or finish his sudoku...on the radio??? ...right, who wouldn't love that?

Yeah, when was Opie the "voice of reason guy" like everyone seems to think?

Jimmy was the only one who tried to have a rational conversation with Ant. Opie was happy to let Ant fill hours of radio while he sat back and collected his big fat paycheck

Your title is a shitty lie. She is the queen hole. He might be an narcissistic douche, but come on, Now, You guys, stahp.

Don't take offense or think i'm making accusations but I pose the following questions:

Is it possible that you're attracted to a small (and subsequently young) looking penis because that is an age range you're most attracted to? Do you perhaps have a small, or "shallow" vagina and this is based on comfort?

Did you have a bad experience with a large or even average size penis?