Anyone ever listen to Carolla?

5  2014-11-10 by joshqueens2

I think he's really cool...probably Rogan-tier. I just can't fucking stand the hole on his podcast. What dost say thou?


Carolla sucks. He's the funniest guy on the construction site... the shitty uncle you're forced to laugh at on Christmas. How he has a career is beyond me.

He's the funniest guy on the construction site

fucking nailed it


theyre gonna downvote you to hell but you're right. i read his shitty book on a whim and wondered how he managed to get as far as he did too.

I'll tell you how he has a career. Because he had the good fortune to come along in the 90s, when it was a thousand times easier to make it in entertainment.

Shit, Chris Rock built a 20 year career off of one bit in the 90s.

Jimmy Kimmel gave him a career. After realizing what a drag the cunt was Kimmel booted him and moved on up.

Carolla is still waiting for someone else to give him another leg up .


I like him. He's funny and he tells good stories. I'm pretty sure the broad on his podcast is very attractive if I'm not mistaken.

"for a Jew" or "get yourself some glasses, son!"

the last time I saw a mouth like that it had a hook in it!

she's terrible; terrible voice, terrible fake "I can hang with the guys" attitude, terrible everything

Alison has a rough and fairly thankless gig on that show. I can't stand women in comedy/talk radio in general, but Ali can hang, for the most part. She kind of found her niche in the whole system and is actually pretty funny sometimes. And yeah, she's a doll. I fucking love jew girls, babe.

I love TACS, my biggest complaint is that a lot of his guys (Dave Damshek, Deaf Frat Guy, DAG, Jo Koy) I absolutely can't stand and he has them on a lot. The Adam & Drew show I always loved, but has deteriorated into pretty much listening to your parents about to get a divorce. He treats Drew like Nicholson treats Karen Black in 5 Easy Pieces.

I have a theory. I think he's drunk whenever he does the "Drew & Adam" podcast. He sounds different than on his podcast and he seems more surly and angry. Also, on that show it sounds like he does that thing drunk people do where, when asked a question, they just take that little extra beat to answer

That's not a terrible theory.

Dr. Drew is a gigantic cunt so who cares. Loveline was great when I was 14, but the only reason it was great was Adam. Ever try listening to it now?

Yeah, Loveline stinks without Adam. I'm talking about the Adam & Drew podcast though. Why is Dr Drew a cunt?

See Doug Stanhope's comedy. He's a real ambulance chaser.

Edit: doug even did his podcast. He went extremely easy on Dr. Drew on it. I'm guessing because Drew had the balls to even talk to him publicly.

I like Stanhope, but I think most of his problems with Dr Drew are knee-jerk and reactionary without putting much thought into it. His biggest gripe seems to be that rehab facilities use religion as part of the recovery process, and Drew is an atheist, for Christ's sake.

Lawyers are ambulance chasers, not doctors, so that's not even the right insult/reference. It's easy to just throw Drew under a bus because of Celebrity Rehab. Whether you agree with that show or not (the celebrities that croaked were life long addicts anyway and generally beyond help), he's certainly helped a fuckload more people than you could ever purport that he hurt. It all just seems like a big bandwagon thing, further exacerbated by Opie's inexplicable criticism of him on the show.

The recovery rate of people that go to rehab is worse than the recovery rate for ebola.

Uh huh.

Of course Stanhope criticizes him. Stanhope is a proud functioning alcoholic after all.

The reason why stanhope criticizes it is because he grew up with it and sees how fucking stupid it is.

it's not like he has a better solution, being an alcoholic and cokefiend.

I admit I haven't checked out the podcast. Does it have retarded pregnant 13 year olds with beeping smoke detectors calling in? Because if not I'm not interested.

I always thought Dr. Drew was arrogant and smarmy, and it would annoy me when he went off on a rant about marijuana addiction. My good friend Doug Stanhope can articulate how I feel better than I can:

No. The show is Adam in usually an even more cantankerous state than he is on ACS, and basically an hour of him belittling Drew, yelling at him for touching anything in the studio, and just general bickering & battling between them. They'll literally get to 2-3 calls in an entire show. I honestly don't know why I listen; it's the rotten ghost of what their old Loveline show was.

He's a cunt because he's a scumbag doctor who always puts his own wealth before the health of his patients. Whether it's a show exploiting train wreck celebrities (who later die) or straight-up taking payments from a drug company to lie about their product:

You have some kind of personal agenda with the guy or just don't like him for whatever reason, obviously. So nothing I say is going to make a difference. But I think you're exaggerating greatly.

Read the story. It's a very big deal when a doctor chooses money over wellness, and even worse when they do it on a national platform. Taking under the table payments to promote off-label uses is a huge violation that could result in deaths - that's why it's completely illegal.

I don't have an agenda, I just worked in the medical field with hard-working ethical doctors who are ashamed by scumbags who choose money over human beings, such as Dr. Drew or Dr. Oz.

I really can't follow the intricate in's and out's of medical morality when it comes to big pharma. I mean for all I know, most doctors probably do some form of this. I could see if he knew it was hurting people and prescribed it anyway just for the money, the moral outrage. But from what I've read and when I heard him explain, (just last week on Maron's show) it was in the genuine interest of his patients. Maybe you're right, and I don't know enough about the topic.

Even if that's ALL the evidence against him, he doesn't seem like a guy that's out to fuck over his patients. I mean he did a free advice show for 20 years, probably saved dozens of lives just from that, for christ's sake. People don't seem to give the guy credit for anything.

It's unethical to take risks with patients for money. No, most doctors do not take payments from big pharma because it's illegal, and it's illegal because it's unethical and dangerous.

Even radio has similar rules for payola, because that's unethical, and that doesn't even affect anyone's health. Dr. Drew is simply unethical. He takes money illegally to promote prescription drugs, exploits addicts who are down on their luck. Yes, he's a good broadcaster, and his character is a caring, concerned doctor, but in real life, he chooses money over human beings time and time again.

Allison is fine. She does the job and doesn't step over people or bring the mood down. Adam runs a good show, but I take long breaks because I can only hear his political rants so many times. I don't even disagree with all of them, they just get repetitive.

Bald Brian doesn't get enough cred as one of the best sharpshooters in the biz, he is one funny son of a bitch. He's like a perfect co pilot for Adam. Knows just when to get in & get out. (Although I detest his movie reviews/taste in movies) He's a fucking genius on that sound board too, esp at the live shows. That thing where Adam argues with sound board Elliott Gould is a perfect example of how well they compliment each other. "Who gives a shit."

Yeah, I like Bald Brian too. He can improv really well with Adam. He never seems to get credit for that, though.

Bald Bryan is a talentless hack. You should be ashamed of yourself to listen to O&A and think that MorningZoo hacky sound drop man is funny. Do you clap your hands with glee when he plays the "nbc - the more you know" sound drop?

You're right, cool guy. Sorry, what was I thinking. And Im sure you can just get up there and do what he does, right? I guess you missed the whole first part when I said what he says on the show is funny too.

Name 1 thing funny he's ever said or done? Agreeing with Adam that tomatoes aren't good pizza toppings for the 12,000th time?

What will it matter, you obviously don't like him or find him funny. Nothing I say is going to change your mind. The episode last week with Patrick Warburton, Brian was almost funnier than Adam, all the shit he was slipping in. He was on fire. I could list you all the funny things he said because I still remember, but it's not going to change anything.

Uncleluke has some kind of personal relation with the ACS. He's not going to agree with you. I do, however. I've listened to 3 of the shows and it's not good. It feels like a morning zoo show with cursing. Carolla should drop the sidekicks.

he has softened a lot on his political rants, I think for awhile he was very frustrated because he was on the road a lot and not making a lot of money all while getting sued -- since many of those things have cleared up he has focused a lot more on comedy and a lot less complaining about society.

Love carolla, listen everyday, he's like the west coast version of Ant. He can be repetitive with his stories (to put it kindly) but he can take any subject and riff on it for a good 20 minutes and it will be funny and entertaining and have a unique perspective.

There are better podcasts out there, so it doesn't make it into my regular rotation, but Carolla is better than O&J.

Here's the deal with Carolla. I think he is very funny & talented. But I hate his podcast

Here's the issue. He set up his podcast in the style of "I'm the man with all the answers and everyone should praise me". So the staff of the show (bald Bryan with hacky sound drops & Alison Rosen on news) never disagree with him. In fact, they sound as if they are bending over backwards just to agree with him.

The thing is, Carolla is funny when he is challenged. What makes him funny is he is a weirdo with a weird take that kinda makes sense. So the whole set-up of his podcast is wrong for him. He was funny on Jay Mohr's podcast because Mohr challenged him.

Some other things if you decide to listen to Carolla. You will hear the same stories over & over & over again. Also, he's become very Andy Rooney with endless stories of "when I was a kid it was so hard". Most of his observations about the world is so L.A.-centric that it's hard to relate to too.

that's the bit!

He's a funny guy and I think he's more cogent on race and class than Ant'ny - at least I think he makes his case better. I don't listen every day because he doesn't have a ton of material and tends to repeat himself a lot, but every now and then he's a good listen. And Alison is not a hole.

He definitely makes a much better case a lot of the time, and while he gets pegged as a racist to SJW's who catch one little soundbite, he's actually pretty spot-on in most cases, and I'm pretty liberal. it does get repetitive, but he does put out several hours of free content per week.

I don't really like his podcast, but I used to love listening to him when he was on Loveline. He's one of the fastest improv-ers I've ever heard and really funny at times. I stopped listening because I don't like the format of his podcast where everyone just sucks up to him and I've heard all his theories at this point, but he's entertaining. Better than most.

They have a fuck-ton of old Lovelines on Itunes now, under "Classic Loveline." I find them pretty hysterical, even the dated parts or the retarded kids calling in.

I don't like his schmug face.

You are a douche for saying "What dost say thou".

I have listened to every Carolla podcast since it came out, it is my favorite. Allison is really funny she is the absolute antithesis of a hole. Listen more and I would venture you agree.

It's okay, I listened for a few weeks, he has a more structured format likely carried over from his radio days, and I think that's why I didn't care much for it. Ali and Bald Brian are good co-hosts, and the sound quality is professional, it just didn't quite do it for me.

I like Carolla on other people's podcasts but I can't stand his.

Get it on, have no choice to get it on. mahalo, ska music. UGH. I have listened when people I like are on, but I just don't get it.

Yeah I listen every now and then. Carolla is great.

She's hot though (for a jew)

I JUST watched his show "To Catch a Contractor" for the first time last night. I think I will check out his podcast after seeing that. The guy seems pretty decent and funny

He's past his prime. Loveline was great but the podcast blows.

The reason why stanhope criticizes it is because he grew up with it and sees how fucking stupid it is.

Name 1 thing funny he's ever said or done? Agreeing with Adam that tomatoes aren't good pizza toppings for the 12,000th time?

I really can't follow the intricate in's and out's of medical morality when it comes to big pharma. I mean for all I know, most doctors probably do some form of this. I could see if he knew it was hurting people and prescribed it anyway just for the money, the moral outrage. But from what I've read and when I heard him explain, (just last week on Maron's show) it was in the genuine interest of his patients. Maybe you're right, and I don't know enough about the topic.

Even if that's ALL the evidence against him, he doesn't seem like a guy that's out to fuck over his patients. I mean he did a free advice show for 20 years, probably saved dozens of lives just from that, for christ's sake. People don't seem to give the guy credit for anything.

They have a fuck-ton of old Lovelines on Itunes now, under "Classic Loveline." I find them pretty hysterical, even the dated parts or the retarded kids calling in.