Anthony is on Bobby's podcast this week

2  2014-11-10 by JMueller2012

Just downloaded it. Haven't listened yet. Hope it's good


Anthony was hilarious but, as always with YKWD, too many unfunny cunts in the room.

Yea the funny regulars seemed to be absent this week. That guy who works for the show, Chris Scopo, may be the most unfunny person alive. I couldn't believe it when they said on the show that he's a comedian

I love how stupid this subreddit is about YKWD. The show is great because after you listen for awhile you get to realize how comedy works for young comedians. They get better and you still stay the same moron that only listened to 5 minutes of one episode.

I mentioned the "funny regulars" (list, Gomez, Soder) but they aren't on this episode. I listen. But u gotta admit that there are a lot of bad comics on that show often. Chris Scopo has yet to say anything funny as has that Paul Virsi guy. Kelly Fastuca was painfully unfunny to the point I started to think her presence on the show was getting a little too cruel. But Joe List always kills on that show

Joe list is extremely underrated

Scopo is funny he's been coming out of his shell as of late. Not everybody can be funny before they're comfortable. There are lots of funny regulars. Yannis, Will, list, soder, Gomez, bobby, and many others that do the show every so often. Kelly was on the show because she put it together and because she created drama. You might not like it but I did. The show has evolved big time over the years. I'm glad Derosa isn't on anymore. Now we get to hear conversationally funny people. Nothing is better to me than a packed YKWD show. I love when Gulman, list, and 3 other comics are on. It feels like an actual backstage comedy experience. Like the green room with paul provenza.

Edit: the show volleys back and forth from being funny to emotional and I love that. I like the real moments mixed in with the smelly cunt jokes. It's the only podcast I wait to download before a new one comes out. The show is sentimental. Because bobby needs these newish comics and they need him. It's really a beautiful balance between exploitation and a fat guy helping young comedians.

Tania has never said anything funny

I will just not give you Scopo is funny. I know they really try to get him over so whenever he does open his mouth there's a ton of "Scopo finally said a good one!" But he is nowhere in the same league as the other guys. & he seems shitty at his job too. No other podcast in 2014 has the problems ykwd had (I assume Deepu will fix that)

Whatever Fastuca's reason initially to be on the show was, by the end it was really sad. She got way worse when she got a little confidence. I think she said she's been doing comedy 8 years?

No other podcast in 2014 has the problems ykwd had? You're saying that on the subreddit of a radio show that constantly complained about it's problems. The foot thing fell on his foot man.

I'm talking about how many times they have to redo the show because it wasn't recording. It happened atleast 3 times this year

I want that woman who was on to kiss a bullet

She was really, really bad.

Yea the comics on this show stunk. No soder gomez or joe list and yet he still has 10 people talking on mic. Really annoying how it was an event everytime ant or anyone else made a racial joke... followed by the hole and everyone going woahhhhh look out! If youre gonna have an uncensored show just do it. Really annoying to hear even comedians apologizing and walking on egg shells. Especially ones who arent even funny to begin with.

I kind of understand the un-funniness, since most of them are new comics, most of them are still waiters and shit, I imagine at least half of them will give up comedy. I'm sure saying nigger will ruin their nothing career in this current society. Also it's a free podcast. I personally hate it for the same reasons you do. And I'm not sold on Gomez yet, it sounds like he's just trying to say every edgy thing he can to sound cool, Real Ass Douche. Bobby should either let it die or do a side podcast with just him alone or just ONE guest.


Having Ant on his podcast was a chance for Bobby to maybe pick up some new listeners. People who would never normally listen to his podcast, but would listen to Ant on anything he does.

The fact he filled the room with the people he did, and not his 'all star' lineup, was stupid on his part.

I agree. He should have brought in the big guns. Soder, and crew.

I watched it live. It's fucking great. I would seek out the video before listening. The video makes a big difference for the opening scene.