Jay Thomas is a fucking asshole...and so are Opie and Jimmy for not sticking up for Rich Vos.

81  2014-11-08 by dirtyernie23

On Thursday's show, Opie and Jim played audio from Jay Thomas's show where he threatened Vos, Bonnie, and then even went on to say that he would open up Vos's daugther's vagina.

Opie and Jimmy acted like fucking wimps and listening to it was infuriating. Rich is a friend to both of them and they just let this go like it wasn't a big deal.

Supposedly, Opie is going to talk to some suits about it, not because he wants Jay Thomas fired, but because he wants to get TroyQuan back on the air.

Fuck you Opie. Fuck Jimmy. You two really are fucking pussies.

And fuck Jay Thomas.

Here's the audio...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVwS611BiIw


Well in the past what would have happened is that the fans of the show would have attacked jay thomas, now instead we just attack the show.

Yeah, also its not really a big deal when Rich gets attacked like this. He can handle himself very well.

Agreed, even as marble-mouthed as Vos is, Opie's the LAST person he needs defending him.

It's not because we think that autistic dolt is the best advocate for the job, it's about a) his moral compass and decency as a friend and b) our last reason to support or like Dopie.

I'm not concerned for Rich, the guy is unshakeable. What pisses me off is the vile garbage that Jay Thomas says on the air and he's still employed, while Ant was summarily erased from the history books after a couple of tweets.

Fan attacks were always the exclamation point, so to speak. O&A would nut up and lead the first strike, hint they wanted the fans to go at it and then they would. Much like jocktober. While the fans attacking the facebook pages was great, it was never the main attraction and not the first line of assault.

The only thing these faggots are attacking is their fathers' assholes.

I wish I could go back to high school and see through skin problems. Jesus christ I was an idiot.

and..... another one of my comments from my post history. This is fascinating!

It's getting creepy.

I miss the virus.

Yeah attacking someone's kid is fucking low. O&A would have went to bat. This new Opie Raqio zoo show won't touch it. My guess is SiriusXM has a stronger clause in their new contract that they can't disparage other company talent. This new no-hate Opie is deplorable.

ME: Nice try bro but the only hate is from the 10 losers with 1,000 youtube accounts each.

Is this coming from the same Opie and Anthony sub which regularly bashes opies wife and kids? Yeah you people are full of shit.

I bash a lot but have never mentioned his kid. But yes it is hypocritical of people to take that stance if they have went after opie's kids. I've never given a half a shit about Bam in any context, even ten years ago when I was supposed to give a fuck about him.

thank you for your service. 'You people"

Who goes after Opie's kids here, and how? Surely, if it's happening "regularly", you could cite several examples.

Please do.

I've referred to them as "li'l Margeras" before; is that "going after them" in your book?

It's not. If anything, it's a compliment to imply they're not the spawn of Bitch-Tits Magoo. It's a knock on Opie.

Also, Opie not condemning Thomas' comments is tacit approval to go after Opie's kids, imo. Not that I'll start doing it; I think it's a scumbag move. But nobody has a right to cry about it.

Why should Opie be treated better than he acts/has broadcasted/has allowed to be broadcasted on his show?!?

However unwittingly, Greggshells created, not to mention deserves, all of this.

Several people have spent hours making fun of Opies wife as well as his kids. Saying they hope his wife leaves him, they hope his kids stop talking to him, etc. It's around just open your eyes. I'm not going to go around and going to find specific examples. And why would you even bring his kids up? They have absolutely nothing to do with the show or the show getting better.

I also don't give a fuck about what Opie has done in the past for people to justify going after someone's family. Are we on 4chan or maybe can you just grow the fuck up? Also Opie even admits he's changed and doesn't care to go after people's personal lives like he used to. And don't try justify your actions based on something Opie used to do. Going after people's families and especially there kids is tasteless no matter who does it. And why is it okay for you to attack Opie like that but when jay Thomas goes after vos and his daughter it's not okay?

Also what should Opie do to Jay Thomas? Fucking Vos is a grown man that can handle this himself. Why do you think Vos and Bonnie needs Opie and Jimmy coming to there rescue? They gave Vos plenty of time to say what he wanted about the situation. Otherwise what should they have done? Scream? Oh yeah that would have really showed jay. I'm sure he'll back off now that Opie and Jim are angry. Just shut up.

Maybe you didn't listen to the clip. It's not about just sticking up for him, but they even tried to justify why the dickhead would even go on to say it. Jimmy sounded more of a nutless bitch than Opie.

I don't go after Opie's kids. And I don't say anyone go after Jay Thomas's family either. But it would've been that fans would have stuck up for Vos and Opie, Ant, and Jimmy would've led the way. It's just the perfect example of how the guys and the show have changed so much.

Vos had no idea what Jay Thomas had even said about his daughter, you hear the surprise in his voice on this, and he sounded like a wounded puppy. Probably because two of his friends sat there and didn't think it was a big deal.

I don't shut up, I grow up. And when I look at you I throw up.

You're a fucking delusional ass wipe. You really think Vos sounded like a wounded puppy? I don't think he even cares about what Jay Thomas had to say and if he didn't even know jay Thomas said that how would he have known Opie and Jimmy didn't stick up for him? You talk out of your fucking ass.

And eeeeeewwwwwwww. I can't believe you used that line about "I don't shut up I grow up...." how fucking old are you faggot?

And again vos can defend himself and they even gave vos a chance too and even he sounded lethargic about the whole thing yet you want Opie and Jim to sit there and come to his rescue. Someone end this fucking stupid thread already. Vos and Bonnie can trash jay Thomas without anyone's help and I assure you vos has much thicker skin than you do and probably doesn't even care that much.

Also did you not think jay sounded over board and like he was doing a bit? I'm sure Jimmy wasn't that far off base. There's just not much to get worked up about but I know you can. Right? Anything to further fuel the Opie hate circle jerk.

And eeeeeewwwwwwww. I can't believe you used that line about "I don't shut up I grow up...." how fucking old are you faggot?

Grown men dont say eeeeeww either!

I think you just solidified why you still like the show - you don't get jokes.

You really think that I added that last line because that's something I say when someone tells me to shut up?

I said it because YOU are the delusional one who will continue to white knight around here, sticking up for the show NO MATTER WHAT, and try to join the Philly Crew.

Call everyone who doesn't agree with you a fucking faggot and whatever words you remember from the playground when you were the fat kid stealing money from the rich kids, but everyone can tell that you are the one that's the delusional fuck you thinks that the show is still amazing.

Go buy another t-shirt from Opie's store, he just resupplied the XXXXL section.

How was I supposed to know that was an attempt at being funny? Because it wasn't even remotely funny at all. No one chuckled at that.

A fat kid stealing lunch money? Good one. Glad I'm the only one that has the childish insults and that you're above all of it, right? Full of shit maybe?

White knighting for the show so I can join the Philly crew. I'm sure Opie doesn't even know who I am so you can relax. Yes. I defend the show? What's the big deal? It still bests your position which is to obsess about a show you seemingly hate yet can't stop following. I'd say that's far more pathetic.

Ouch another fat joke. Home run chipperson! Oh and what's that you said about playground humor? Again, you're full of shit.

There was literally nothing to get worked up about over the jay Thomas thing but you've some how managed too. They even gave Vos airtime and he sounded like he didn't even care that much. Also I do believe Opie has said he's going to for a more positive show these days so I ask you what's wrong with that? He's not interested in doing the show he did with Anthony. Move along Nancy. Go find something else to do.

Fuck you AND Vos's kid's vaj.

watch out, no being edgy allowed on this sub anymore.

No kiddin'! And FUCK YOU, down-voting haus-frau fags.

...and Vos's kid's gaping vaj.

upvoted for putting me in my place.

Can I get your number?

I don't like a lot of your posts thermite, but I have to admit the attacks on Opie's wife and kids (and the Bam nonsense) never sat well with me either.

It's because Opie deep down knows he's got very few behind him now. Everyone hates what the guy does.


Let's call Rich Vos and ask him about the situation so I can just talk over him the entire time. I've been doing this since I was 18.

I haven't listened to the show in a bit and I am awestruck by how fake their opening conversation sounds, when Opie is doing a delirious newsread of some random sex tape. They sound like they're trying to set each other up all the time by neither of them being informed on what's going on in the culture. Yimmy, read a fucking paper, browse some sites. Take some fucking time to craft a different perspective so you don't need to fall back on the "lovable perv" character all the time.

Its fucking atrocious. Opie is sounding more and more like an old man trying desperately to be cool but failing miserably. He only gets 10% of the jokes Jimmy is trying to make, and when he does he repeats the last word like it was actually him who made the funny. When he hung up on Vos because he didnt realise Jimmy was impersonating Jay Thomas we got the Opie verbal crutch "I'm heating up". TIL men in their 50's go through menopause. Awkward!

"Awkward!" LOL!

I fucking love Jimmy, and he's the only reason I'm here, but in the past few months he seems to slowly be assimilating to the Opie. Can't blame the li'l fella, but I won't abide it for too much longer. Little shit recently's gotten under my skin: Jim's retweeting Opie's lame "hug" video (with canned background music), and how Jim bullshitted his way through why he would appear on Midnight after they dumped Artie. Gotta qualify: I don't give two shits about Artie, but it's about honesty, and Jim's spin on it was just that: SPIN. For someone who champions honesty and professional integrity, the excuse of "My agent told me he WASN'T dropped, so Artie may have misinterpreted what they told him. But then my agent might have.". That's basically what Jim rode on...AND I DON'T CARE if he blew off Artie, just don't be a bullshitter like every other bullshitters he blasts.

This. Jimmy's hypocrisy has become transparent silence O&J started. They don't have a leg to stand on anymore.

gay. fake.

I defended Opie's kids and wife on here because I don't think they deserve to be in the crossfire, for whatever small fucking dumb pittance defending a stranger's children on Reddit might carry. I don't like Opie. And he can't even go to bat for Vos, the only comedian besides Jim from the show who is like actually his pal? Or seems to be. Fuck they must have had their balls yanked off after July 4th. I don't see why you guys listen to this show.

I don't see why you guys listen to this show.

I don't. But why do you care if people do and want to bash the idiot?

Oh you misunderstand me. I appreciate the effort!

Ha! Ok :)

Agreed, I really didn't like the way they handled this.

i was thinking the other day that it is time guys like Vos and Bawby started calling Opie out on some of his bullshit.

They have known Op long enough.It's not the O&A show anymore,he isn't the "destroyer" anymore.If the show is changing direction it wouldn't hurt to make a few gags at the Opsters expense.You know,for the show.

The feud between O&A and Howard Stern became a forever-feud once they started talking about his daughters "huge, luscious tits" - and the guys know Jay is playing shock 'n' jock for laughs. They'd be Howard-level pussies if they got butt-hurt for real about Jay's jokes. And I say that as a fan of all 3 shows. Funny is funny.

That being said, I'm all for a radio war!!!

You do know that they are Howard level pussies, right?

I disagree, but I've come to terms with the divorce. Mommy still needs to work even though Daddy is gone. It sucks, it's unfair, and it over, Johnny.

The difference here is Vos's daughter is 8 years old.

It was a joke. ME: Period


Jesus Fucking Christ Opie, way to steer the ship and go with the bit when Vos called and Jimmy tried winging it and impersonating Jay

the destroyer sure did rear his head

The one chance they good have had a good bit all week and that dummy wrecks it.

Why does Opie say everyone's surname in the clip? Sam Roberts, Jim Norton, Jay Thomas etc... SHUT UP! Oh, and he butchered a potentially funny bit.

I noticed that a few years ago. He always does it to re-identify celebrities and occasionally staff members they're talking to or talking about. "This Tiger Woods," "This Mel Gibson".

Cumia was the only one with balls. The O&J show has all the appeal of a post op tranny.

Jay cried and whined about them using Ira on their show back in the day, because it wasn't being done through the correct channels. He's a tool.

The chemistry between Jimmy and Opie is so weird, the whole show is all over the place.

Opie's still rediscovering...finding his pace....patience.

Ugh. A bad radio show listening to clips from an even worse radio show, had to tap out in the middle, it was just too horrible.

But fuck Jay Thomas, seriously. Rich would destroy him anyway.

Ronnie B is a fan of Vos and Bonnie. He is certainly not afraid to speak his mind. I would love to hear what he had to say about it.

One of the five? remaining "pests" called on friday and tried to start something. I believe Ron told the caller to mind his business and stop worrying about what other shows do.

opie and jimmy have a show? whats it like?

Like a hard dick pounding each of my ears.

So not bad, huh?

Rich and Bonnie are more than capable of defending themselves. Plus, if Opie were to do it, it'd probably be some limp-wristed defense with a lot of faux outrage from Jimmy.

Best to let the experts deal with this, even if those experts are Rich and Bonnie.

Their balls went out the window with the merger. They lost most of their pull then. The rest went bye bye when Anthony got fired because they know they're clinging to the paycheck and as Anthony said, Sirius doesn't care anymore about them than they do someone working at "60s on 6" or whatever. They are now run of the mill "Ham and eggers" holding on to a job. So they aren't going to risk anything by sticking up for Voss and not being company men.

wha happen, your balls drop off?

Did no one hear Vos discuss this with Opie and Jim the other day?

Vos didn't seem to think it's an issue the way that the OP and Opie are trying to force it to be one.

Rich Vos is at his best when he is smashing someone who annoys him and it's usually pretty hilarious when he does it. If Rich has an issue with this, I look forward to the smashing he gives Jay Thomas because it will be awesome.

Jay Thomas really is a dumb piece of shit. They should have attacked every thing about him and his shit show.

Is there just a clip of what Jay Thomas said?

I can't listen to Opie stumble and fumble his way to the clip.

LOL! Great point. (the fact that this sounded like a patented Opie response hasn't escaped me)

I thought that was kind of funny.

He's going to get Lena Dunham to spread her pussy open?

Sounds like something you'd hear on O&A a few years ago.

But it's only okay if you do it as a character like Uncle Paul. As a father, Opie can't stand for that.

Jay Thomas stinks, but he's doing schtick, and the vag opening thing is a Lena Dunham reference. The whole angry tough guy bit is apparently his thing. Vos has been beating him up off and on for a few weeks now, but I don't think he really cares all that much.

This show is such a piece of shit shell of its former self..they would never let this old cunt talk shit like this without fighting back. Now Opie just bends over and takes it up the Asshole like a good ol' company boy faggot fuck. Ugh ugh ugh

Well, its not like Vos is a friend to the show, a personal friend to both Jimmy and Opie and someone who has taken brutaliziations from fans just to entertain them. What do they owe Vos?!?!?

On an unsarcastic sidenote, anyone remember when vos gave out his twitter, facebook etc password on air. I think it was "comic66". What a nimrod! I love that jackass.


Jay Thomas blows, but he has been sticking it to them since the Ira bs.

I don't know much about Jay Thomas, he seems shitty but the way he is reacting shitting on Vos is the exact same thing the boys have done. Some listener called and said Vos was talking shit so he just unloaded on him, the boys have done the same thing a million times with very similar shock jock reactions. That's the only reason why I don't care how they reacted, plus Jay Thomas didn't start this, Vos did so it's whatever. Vos didn't seem very concerned with it either

When opie hung up on vos, I got fucking angry. This radio show is ruining my life.

this, Opie-defenders, is "going after a guy's kid(s)".

We should be fair to Opie, though; as soon as management gives him the ok to defend his friend Vos, he might.

Jay Thomas has a long history of being an obnoxious asshole. He's such an abrasive prick they killed him off on "Cheers", the fuckin' cakeiest, big-timiest gig in all of television at the time.

I don't know if it's the asbergers or what, but he's callous to the point of it being a mental illness. He'll come up with some vile shit, then act surprised or try to brush it off when people react to it, then try to play the victim.

He's a weird, thoroughly unlikable dude.

Paging Anthony Cumia for the defense

Anthony got fired for "violent nature" of tweets about someone who assaulted him. Jay Thomas says he wants to murder Rich Vos' 6 year old daughter, no problem. That seems fair.

If he was fucking assholes he'd be Gay Thomas..... Tssssss

homerun you fukkin' cokSUKKAH!1111

He's not worth taking seriously. He's a douchechillingly corny, phony tough guy who would love to be in a radio war. Why give him that? The only thing he's worth is an eye roll. O&J would look like dopes if they fired back.

He won't get fired for making violent threats to Rich's wife and daughter because they're white and there's no racial element.

Fucking babies in this subreddit


dose babies are loyin


an you like to fuk 'em with yore PEKKAH, COCKSUKKA!!!


I don't see why you guys listen to this show.

I don't. But why do you care if people do and want to bash the idiot?

homerun you fukkin' cokSUKKAH!1111

One of the five? remaining "pests" called on friday and tried to start something. I believe Ron told the caller to mind his business and stop worrying about what other shows do.

and..... another one of my comments from my post history. This is fascinating!