HOLD ON clip played on The Anthony Cumia Show (plus more)

25  2014-11-08 by Peter_______________


Man these callers are dogshit awful.


Sometimes, in order to take the high road, you have to change/distort the question/argument.

This was one of those times.

Anthony is being extraordinarily disingenuous when he says "Opie was never supposed to be the funny one". It implies that it's just Opie's unfunniness, and people's unrealistic expectations about how funny he could/should be, that's generating all this hate.

It's not, and Anthony knows this.

Opie's not merely unfunny; he's anti-funny. He kills the funny, in the douchiest manner possible.

the thin skin, the lame choice of subjects to talk about, the incredible stupidity/daily foot-in-mouth quotes, the incredibly douchey responses to the "haters".........Anthony obviously knows all about all of these things, but sidestepped talking about any of them.

I don't even blame him, necessarily; there isn't much to be gained by burning that bridge. But make no mistake; these aren't his real feelings.

At the very least, they're not his complete feelings; we ain't gonna get those.

During the infamous grape argument he revealed his true feelings about Opie's radio skills. Something we all know.


no, just leave it alone

Just look up Opie and Anthony fight on youtube.

But that's the bit. No, you don't get it, that's the bit.

You should call Ant's show and tell him that. It'll be a hoot.

I like how Anthony said "Opie's not known as the funny guy". He's not known as the "good at radio guy" either. For a guy who's supposedly been doing this since he was 18 you would think he would be honest and realize the show isn't working. The lies about subscriber numbers and "multiple account" haters has killed any respect the fans had for that cocksucker. Opie Raqio will be cancelled in a year and go down one of the worst radio shows ever.

Someone is going to feel silly in about a year, sirius will keep them, I mean they still have covino and rich.

And we all know that opie and jimmy have showed time and time again that they will dance for the bosses and take pay cuts before they leave, because they have nowhere to go and dont want to end up in their basement with some guy called keith the cop trying to run a subscription model on 2014.

I honestly don't think management cares enough to cancel the show, look at the other shit on SXM.

Dude they have a fucking Elvis show with nobody who ever actually met Elvis. SXM loves dog shit programming. I'm sure they will continue to re-sign Opie and Yimmy to new contracts until car manufacturers realize that satellite radio is a rapidly dying archaic medium and move onto something relevant and the entire industry falls onto its ass.

With more and more cars coming with WiFi/Bluetooth podcasts are going to surpass SXM in the very near future. The only reason I caved and got my internet radio sub back was because CSPAN isn't broadcast anywhere and their Android app is complete shit. I'd much rather listen to TACS, MWHM and JRE than 95% of the programming on SXM. Nobody has needed a music channel since the iPod was invented.

I think we all assumed he meant that Opie is the straight man. Like Bud Abbott.

Don't take offense or think i'm making accusations but I pose the following questions:

Is it possible that you're attracted to a small (and subsequently young) looking penis because that is an age range you're most attracted to?

Do you perhaps have a small, or "shallow" vagina and this is based on comfort?

Did you have a bad experience with a large or even average size penis?

Anthony handled that like a boss. That's why he's my radio hero.

Really? he looked extremely uncomfortable hearing the Opie Clips and stumbled for words.


Probably because the audio was shit and mostly unintelligible.


It was the uploader.

Be sure to drone on and on, while bringing up every little irrelevant thing. That guy was fucking babbling worse that the douche bags on YouTube who talk shit about us here. I just want to point out that only Jerry should be representing us on phone calls.

Ants point about Opie resigning is fine if Opie doesn't get canned next year bc had he walked those 3 could have gotten back together and not skipped a beat, but now opie has been exposed and the show and fan base are fubar. There's no going back now. Had Opie been smart he would have realized the show was 70% Ant, 25% jim, 10% staff and -5% himself, but bc he's a delusional pre-parkison psycho he thought somehow he could now pull 10%. He blew it.

I miss Ant :(. His self-awareness makes me loathe opies lack of it even more.

This clip's probably going to get taken down, but Ant's show is fucking brilliant.

How much longer can Ant defend Opie. He's a pro, but he seems to be wearing thin

What's wearing thin, is his callers refusal to move on and accept that they are two different shows now.

Ant knows ALLLLLL this better than anybody, but they are friends, well, they used to be, and if someone was ever your friend, UNLESS THEY JAM A KNIFE IN YOUR BACK, which Opie has not done, you don't shit on them.

"Oh and AR-15s fucking ROCK!" Douche chills all down my spine.


Ok. I didnt get the whole "hating opie" thing until now. Now i get it. And i hate both opie and jimmy. Both are traitors and hypocrites. My mind has been totally changed.

Just an entertaining fuck that Ant. I miss that shit.

That one caller (Jimmy) sounded like Bill Burr disguising his voice....

ME: Hold on, hold on, hold on! I'm not the funny guy?????

This is actually fans trying to "divide and conquer." You're not gonna get Ant to trash Ope, stop trying so hard.

I was immature, and extremely jealous. I placed importance of very wrong things and really did the relationship a disservice. However, there's always the possibility that I'm very likely only remembering the best things about former partners and the worst of myself. I've considered reaching out but I'm hesitant.

You just have to wonder how many people have the same interests, click with you, you find each other attractive, and you're both single. The odds are astronomical.

Anthony is right, they are improving. Thursdays (wednesdays?) show was genuinely listenable aside from the music talk. But maybe it was only cuz they had the artie lang thing to discuss.