Finally something positive to say about the show: "opieradio Accelerated" ROCKS!!

5  2014-11-07 by [deleted]

Just kidding.. opie sucks balls plus ass.

I tried to listen this morning but when i heard the words "Mike Francesa" I'm there, "i'm out". And happened to check back hours later when they'd finally stop harping on about it. So i tuned back in when Marc Maron was on and that was ok. At least I kept listening, unlike most of the dreck lately where you go, "this blows" and change the station.

They were mentioning some show at the boston garden. I noticed lots of old comedian friends are "passing opie by" the way they've become more successful than him. Too bad eh opester about you being stuck in neutral and going in reverse with your career lately.

Then i tuned back in later noticed him mentioning "opieradio Accelerated". So what do you think that conversation was behind the scenes with pear-shaped office people brainstorming and thought of "opieradio Accelerated"? What was their reasoning? Did they say, "Ya know, numbers are down since Ant left. Maybe "opieradio Accelerated" is a way for fans who've tuned out recently to catch up without having to sit thru the whole show still waiting for some funny".


hey asshole, it's 'Xcelerated'

get with the times ...


I wonder what Accelerated will eventually turn into. The after-show was supposed to be a Classic O&A type of show where they played back funny shit from years passed that may have come up in conversation on the show. The podcast was supposed to be funniest clips from the week and it just turned into one of the week's guest interviews (usually decided by which guest is the most well-known, not who was the most entertaining or funniest during their appearance on the show or anything like that).

My guess is that Accelerated just turns into something Vos & Bonnie said, or some stupid bit from the week that Pile of Shit drove into the ground for three days too long.

Here's what I think is the philosophy behind and reason there is an hour Opie Radio Accelerated:

In today's media landscape most people (including the SXM management) won't listen to a full three hour show five days a week. However most will have time to listen to an hour of content.

Since it's the only hour that your bosses might listen to, you want to make sure it's your best stuff. Although you've been working in radio for almost 30 years, unfortunately it's impossible to find sixty minutes out of the 12+ hours of radio you do each week that could be considered quality material. Lucky for you the channel that bears your name broadcasts other shows (in addition to the show you host) that you can use content from whenever there's not enough good material from your own show to fill an hour of quality material.

Accelerated is nothing more than something Opie can use to demonstrate to the bosses and others that everything is going great without Anthony.


Down voted for not saying "aPpLe Falls".

Accelerated is extreme maaaaan. I heard it can land a 180, like no prob!
