"Don't try 'Divide and Conquer' with us!": This is the phrase that protected Opie for years and Anthony bears some blame for allowing it to persist.

10  2014-11-07 by ryanasimov

The vast majority of callers over the years that voiced criticism would call out Opie, not Anthony. But at some point Opie's knee-jerk defense was, "Hey, bro... don't try 'divide and conquer' with us!".

'Divide and Conquer' means to separate a unit and go after each individual, but this is never what the callers intended. I guess Anthony knew poor Greggshells couldn't defend himself effectively and half-heartedly tried to defuse the criticism with the 'divide and conquer' rebuttal, which Opie latched onto like a life preserver. He then dragged it out whenever a caller dared to say anything even remotely derogatory against him and clung to it like a security blanket.

Loyalty to a colleague is admirable, but Anthony is partially responsible for Opie's brittle ego by over-protecting him from criticism for years.



i like how this still turned to a 'fuck you opie'


I don't blame Ant, it's never a good idea to burn bridges particularly in your professional life which is part of the reason the destroyer can't get a good guest anymore. Ant was also protecting himself because splitting them up would result in....well you know.

Let's not forgot that they both mentioned time after time that management tried divide and conquer on them. Greg often brings that up and said that the tactic never worked on them.

Guess things are a lot different now.

Good point. In the end opie didn't give a shit when they did divide and conquer. He knelt down and sensually sucked their cocks until they came into his pockets again.

so i was reading the opie bam sex tape thing Chaunce Hayden wrote the other day, in the article he said opie called him to claim credit for WOW after he and ant said it was both of their idea in the interview, if i remember correctly thats one of the thing opie called Divide and Conquer on, and opie denied ever making the call

also hayden said its no surprise to him opie is hated by ex-staff since he love to lie on air http://images.nymag.com/images/2/daily/intel/08/06/27_assholeoftheweek_lg.jpg

I don't much care for Opie, but that writer just comes off as an undeniable cunt.

"send gossip to [email protected]"

That sounds a lot like Fez's meltdown about Ron.
