Opie doing his best to ruin the Pete Holmes appearance

6  2014-11-06 by Speclester

Opie needs to stop making it about him and let Pete do his thing.


His interrupting is driving me fucking crazy, let someone finish a sentence.

Guess the show has passed you by, huh?

Stop hating on them. Them, get it?

ME: me!

Nice try on the hate.


I'm no white knight but I disagree on this one. I was surprised how well Opie actually did with the conversation. Most enjoyable segment I've heard in a while. Pete Holmes and Jimmy's dynamic is great. Also I'm a big Pete Holmes fan.

UGHHHHHH!!!! AIDS!!!!!!!!!


He wants to prove that he's preparing for the show with all the "informative" questions that really reveal everything ol' Greggshells researched while steamrolling over anything the person is trying to say. I think he had those same intentions when he "made notes" during Dane Cook's comedy special then recited them on the air "like a fukin' Maya Angelo poem". Look guys, Greggshells cares now! He's researching the guests before the show!