Doug Stanhope has a yelp account. Must read.

30  2014-11-05 by WarmFishSalad


stanhope is one of those comics that is "edgy" but it doesn't seem fake and forced, he genuinely seems like he doesn't give a fuck.

Yep. Seems genuinly likely to kill himself.

Stanhope helped his own mother kill herself. I have no doubt he will off himself if he doesn't die by accident first. Hopefully that day is a long way away, because he is a national treasure.

His story about killing his mom was amazing.

He's the ballsiest comic there is.

McDonald's "You won't sell me a single breakfast burrito? 'We only sell them in pairs.' What are you, fucking Noah?"

Goddamn i wish i had that quick wit

Thank you for turning me on to this. This has already improved my life.

Suicide can wait another day!

Holy shit that's funny.