Live Listening Thread - 11/5/2014

4  2014-11-05 by Hahrrgis

Sam Roberts is a quay.


Opie has no business being in radio.

i agree.

Tuned in late, did opie bring up haters again today? He sure is obsessed and may need more therapy.

Well he thinks he can host The Tonight Show, so you two may be in agreement there.


Do I buy my own oil well or my own gym empire or my own dry cleaning franchise?!?!?!? So many choices in one commercial break...

Invest all your savings into Boy Butter. Trust me. It's a sure thing.


The new show always seems to do an hour-long discussion of a movie before having the movie's creator come in (which will undoubtedly fill up another hour of rehashing the first hour). No need to turn a film into a 2+ hour discussion. No one cares.

Not to mention the 1-hour discussion they had the day before. Jesus Christ, enough with the fucking Santa movie.

It's really the best they can do.

Fuck yeah, Santa Claus and ex-wrestler talk!!! Stinkeroo

Why do they insist on test driving every interview they do by having a on-air discussion that covers everything they're going to ask the guest about prior to the guest arriving?

They've dedicated about 4 hours to this Santa Movie. No one is remotely interested in hearing Opie and Jim talk about it for more than 15 minutes.

I'm so glad Vic was there and not participating in the Foley cock sucking party.

Is the app down for anyone else?

Yes. Was coming here to ask the same thing.

Yep. Stuck on the signon screen

just crashed again. and thy wonder why no one wants to pay for their internet radio serive

Yep, went down about 5 minutes ago. To be fair, I haven't had an issue with the online player for a very long time.

EDIT: Back up

not here. still down.

It's back up, on my desktop, anyway.

Mine is working but the channel is not showing up or my favorites...Howard channel is on and I don't normally have that

Vic Henley = nah, I'm out. He seems like a cool enough guy, but it's just not my thing.

I concur, but I'm from Texas and his accent makes me nauseous.

Every single call so far has been about the "Camel Clutch" song...


It's all liker agenda man. Soccer moms and WWE nerds are coming out in force.

Troy is gonna make Jimmy cry

You shouldnt have done that .. hes just a boyy

WOW where's Opie's wallet

I was really hoping it was a Jimmy/Travis fight.

i wouldnt hesitate with an opportunity like healthy vending machine owner

full show can be heard here:

App now working on my droid

give us all the business Opie!

dirty Puerto rican caller

Notice how opies voice increases as he talks over the tightrope walker guy. Then at the end of the sentence opie sounds winded... Another reason he can fuck off and die.

Jesus did this turn when Vic called out Mick Foley.

Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra in studio.

I fee like I've won something knowing that I have no idea who Mick Foley is with the exception of his appearances on the show.

Sam Roberts is NOT a quay.

He is a sweet afro-headed angel.

Opie said "We'll have you on again. FOR SURE" instead of his usual "For real". Can't help but think he read my post about him saying "for real" too much yesterday

Oh, please. Can't you people just listen (or not listen)? Do you have to contrive these imaginary connections to the show?

Could you act more like a middle aged Jewish mother?

No. This is my best shot.

He's fucking around.


Its fun