Caller just asked Sam about jimmy playing the "hold on" clip on the air

43  2014-11-04 by arobben

Holy cow, did Sam sidestep that question. Claimed he didn't know where the clip came from, claimed Erock is responsible for cutting the replay which led to that part not being in the replay, claimed they haven't talked about it off the air...



Why that "hold on" clip can be found right here!

With all the times Opie's said "hold on" I thought it'd be more than just a 4 second loop

When is somebody going to make a dub step remix that goes viral?

Are you a bunch of autists? In what job situation can an employee publicly bash the boss? What do you expect him and Jim to do?

And above all else -- Real

Both comments are valid. The "real" part of the intro is the most fraudulent piece of audio in human history. On the other hand, Sam knows this, and thus has to remain subscribed to Opie's phoniness.

In what job situation? The Opie And Anthony show, that's where.

Too bad that show is gone. It had balls.

Are you being sarcastic? Im not saying i expected sam to tell the truth, but do you not recall all the hours complaining about management? The calling scott greenstein an asshole? I understand its a little different between sam and opie but just saying what actually happened with that clip isnt the same as calling someone an asshole and ranting about how shitty the company is everyday for hours. They atleast used to pretend they were being "real" or honest.

Those crazy 80's kids.



You know John Lennon? John Lennon said: "Im an autist. Ya gimme a fuckin TUBER, I'll get ya somethin out of it."


on a nationally broadcast radio show whose benchmark bits include dumping shit on women in 55 gallon drums and having people have sex in a church. A show that used to brag about the "hang" atmosphere of the show where everyone was fair game in the name of a good laugh.

Most of them don't have jobs, so there's no point of reference.

At the very least he could've just dismissed the video as something a "hater" sent Jimmy. This whole situation from the very moment it played and everyone got uncomfortably quiet, Jim wouldn't say what it was ("just a video...I'll tell you after the show..."), it being cut out of the replay, Sam sidestepping the question, just proves the "Greggshells" theory to be correct. There's no honesty when it comes to how people deal with Opie and they all run interference to keep him insulated from what the fans are saying outside of his twitter of sycophants that get blocked if they do anything but praise him.

Dude, no one on the show even cares. Your belief that this stupid clip matters to anyone on the shows actual life is embarrassing.

If they didn't care why the fuck take the time to cut it out of the replay and why didn't Jim just tell Opie what it is instead of it getting all awkward and vague and saying he'd tell him later?

You know what's creepy, how you described that fucking hack as 'gregshells' . That's how that fuckwit describes his mother, the needy mother with the mental illness. Gotta walk on egg shells around her.... but this could be some Norman bates Psycho shit. His mother is perfecctly fine and normal, It's opie that's the complete fuckup & the staff have to treat Opie the way he pretends he has to treat his mother.

Hold-on Gate coming directly after Tyson-gate is proving it.

If walking on Greggshells is an art, Sam is Picasso.

If this is all true, what kind of fucking nightmare is it to work for Opie that Erock would take the time to edit the show just in case it may upset Opie if they left it in. I think, behind-the-scenes, Opie crying about haters is a big deal

Ask took him what, 3 minutes to throw up "the Anthony Cumia Show" site? He must be so happy to be away from Opie.

Sam stinks too.

obviously lying. makes sense. the fact they cut it out of the replay proves it wasnt a bit. Opie HooHoo ME: HOLDONHOLDON Hughes is as sensitive/crazy about his appeal to the masses as brother Joe

those two unappealing old farts should just be the O and J show so it can die quicker.




Everyone here hates Opie and thinks he's a terrible broadcaster. While this is certainly a legitimate opinion that has arguably been proven over the past several months, the members of this subreddit are apparently in junior high school, and are intent on making Opie feel bad for being so lousy. So, someone made a sound collage of Opie being terrible, and Jimmy played it on the show from his phone (apparently by accident). The clip was deleted from replays. Thus, these 13 year-olds rejoiced that they had gotten to Opie and finally shown him that he is atrocious. And now people are mad at Sam for not calling his boss a terrible broadcaster, as if that's something the show used to do "back when it was good"--taking legitimate potshots at each other questioning their qualifications to host a radio show.

Oh! So.... Tuesday.

Opie doesn't have the intellectual capacity for self-reflection, he's not reading this shit, and if he was, he'd convince himself we're all just "haters" and that he's doing everything right.

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

I have no more feelings about this one way or the other.

When in show did this happen?

During the preshow. Maybe about 15 minutes in?

Sam is smart and doesn't want to lose his job. Opie is a cunt.


I think the 9-11 conspiracy is more likely than the "hold on" one. Everyone knows he says it, no one gives a shit. Opie stinks end of story.

You guys should join us at /r/joerogan2

That sub is fucking clownshoes. We actually have someone worthy of crucifying here.

This is still being discussed like it's actually something that matters?

Yes unlike your sex life. This is Opie's white knight.

Shut up you virgin.

"Get the fuck out of the road, virgin!"

It's not about cocks... and ass.... and tits....

..and the dirty san-CHEZ..

It's not about the cincinatti bowtie, and the pussy juice cocktails, and the shitstained balls.

I'm glad my sex life doesn't matter to you?

Do you hail from Philly by chance TP?

What an exciting day for you losers!!

So are you Opie or do you work for the show?

That's such a strange notion. Why would Opie or anyone from the show come to this sub and try and defend the show one comment at a time? It's obvious that most everyone here jerks off to the idea of hating Opie, so what possible good could come of trying to fight it on the comment level?

Frankly this sub is small potatoes, it's not on their radar because it has never, and will never impact their lives or the show in any measurable way.

Except for the fact that Opie spends all of his free time on the internet trying to go viral and responding to fans on his twitter. He cares way too much what reddit and the internet in general thinks about him and that's why he can't actually talk about it honestly on the air the way Ant does. Sam's been on reddit for a long time and he is Opie's gateway to all things young and hip. If it wasn't for the "haters" he can't deal with Opie would be all over reddit trying to get upvotes.

Why would he talk about them openly and honestly? That's giving them exactly what they want. To acknowledge their existence in the context of a real conversation gives them a credence they don't deserve.

He'll keep doing his show, they'll keep complaining, and calling in trying to get to him on the air, but the people who call in are morons and Opie knows exactly what to do with them. It's not their fault, they're misguided babies, and they don't realize they can't stand up to actual scrutiny. But then they'll come here and everyone will pat each other on the back for how they "told him off" on the show, when really, they didn't do anything of the sort.

It's nothing but a bizarre circle-jerk of fake hatred, self-aggrandizing and masturbatory ego inflation. If only those people knew how little time and thought they occupied in Opie or anyone else's lives, maybe they'd reconsider their idiocy.

Opie's the one who can't stand up to actual scrutiny. Both times Jerry has called in to voice legit criticisms Opie has just talked over him, hung up on him, then spent the next 10 minutes arguing against a straw man argument that Jerry didn't make. He'll allow people to criticize the show itself, but when it comes to talking about Opie himself and what he does specifically that sucks on the show he quickly shuts it down.


It's not on their radar? Opie is constantly defending himself against "haters" from this board, and Jimmy played the "HOLD ON" clip live on the air....linked from this board. Idiot.

And yet... they soldier on. In spite of how much the people on this board think they're "getting" to Opie, the show continues. And will continue. Because anything this sub can produce is minuscule bordering on meaningless. It has never, and will never impact their lives or the show in any measurable way.

With the obvious exception of Jocktober, which was always great.

He said "and yet they soldier on."

I did. It's called, "Overstated Verbal Irony." But I'm sure you knew that. Upstanding gent such as yourself probably uses it all the time.

Fuck off professor.

Some of us just want Opie to absorb constructive criticism. Jim is good at it and seems to genuinely care about his fans (since it's obviously good for his brand), but Opie seems to be oblivious.

This sub doesn't do constructive criticism. Nothing about it is constructive. It's vitriol.

You're racist. There. I win.

Well they've inadvertently referenced it. I don't really care either. Jim is still funny. I just casually listen. This sub picking apart Opie is definitely funny. The weird hypocrisy of the guy is hilarious.

Everyone is a hypocrite. He's admitted to being a hypocrite, not that he needed to, because EVERYONE IS. This sub's desperate search for any little tid-bit they can latch onto and use to fuel their hatred is strange.

Their search isn't a desperate one because there's so little to hate about Opie, it's desperate in the nature in which they search. The need it, they crave it, because they have nothing else.

There's a difference. They openly called out other shows, celebrities, etc. for their hypocrisy. You do that shit, you better make sure your not doing the same which is becoming more transparent by the day.

There are degrees of hypocrisy, Opie. You just don't have that knack with connecting with people.

God do you really think he'd post here? Like... really?? Why would he degrade himself like that? You people aren't worth it, you're not worth his time. You're not special, he's never going to pay attention to you, the show will always go through changes, get over it.

You know who else is small potatoes? Frankie Pentangeli.

He's a dead man.

Stupid. People behaving that way with guns.

Isn't it great that Opie defenders do EXACTLY what opie does, EXACTLY the type of behavior that takes it past contempt and brings it to a level of outright hatred: pretending things that undisputably are the way they are, simply aren't. Instead of trying to come up with an actual counter-argument, they dive into their little hidey holes of outright denial.

You think the defenders are the ones in denial?

You think one ounce of the "constructive criticism" and "counter-arguments" your side comes up with are valid? The people who hate the show, who believe that Opie is the great ruiner of all things, are wrong because all of their conclusions and beliefs are based on fallacies. None of you have a cohesive argument other than, "HE'S BAD, AND I DON'T LIKE IT!" Your points aren't well thought out, they're easily refutable and finally, nobody cares.

You're small and insignificant, and if you think you aren't then you're the ones who are pretending that things that indisputably are the way the are, simply aren't.

it's not on their radar

The only thing that's in any dispute at all is if you actually believe this statement. I could see you knowingly saying something that's as absurdly ridiculous and false as it gets, and I could see you needing to believe it and subconsiously lying to yourself. So that, at least, could go either way.

"Get the fuck out of the road, virgin!"