Why are Opie's fans such haters.

8  2014-11-04 by snoopkhat

From time to time a thread appears here criticizing the show or having a dig at Opie,nothing too serious, just some fans of the old show offering their 2 cents on how the show or the Opster could improve. I've noticed recently that instead of engaging in a bit of dialogue RE the criticism, Opie's Army Of Haters just hurl abuse at the poster,shit like..

Fuckoff Faggot!

Why do you still listen Faggot!


...and other hateful stuff. If you can't stand to see the occasional uncomplimentary thread about Opie "why come here at all?"


opie sucks!

Opie has always been my least favorite and then Ant got fired and Opie said we was under contract and couldn't walk and I was disappointed, but I understood. The day that Opie re-signed with the company that he hated so bad - he lost me forever - fuck him - two faced no talent bitch - ah that felt good!

Opie Raqio fans on facebook

fuck off you goddamn faggot

Are you out of your mind? Occasional? All this place is now is unbridled Opie hate. It's annoying

After Opie angrily asks him how he learned to shit on someone, the Pest shouts, "You, all right?! I learned it by watching you!"

The show has changed, whether it's for the better or worse isn't the issue, it's that the change is permanent, and the children in this sub can't handle it. Mommy and Daddy aren't together anymore, and instead of acting like human beings and moving on with their lives and trying to grow and accept the change, they're rebelling, throwing tantrums, and spewing nonsense (I'm sorry, "Just criticizing") at the show. Because they don't like that they're powerless to change the situation.

Because you regurgitate the same fucking shit every single day and it's old as fuck now. I don't care if it's fucking Opie, Anthony, or Jimmy that was getting relentlessly bashed after awhile it just becomes a circle jerk for karma points and let's see who can jump on the bandwagon first. Half the shit people criticize Opie for could be applied to Anthony and Jimmy as well. It's not actual criticisms either in hopes the show improves. People are attacking opies private life and family too. I'd say it's rather pathetic behavior I'd expect from 4chan. Also if you do hate something why do you listen? It's a valid enough question if you ask me. We're several months removed from Anthony being fired. Opies doing the show he wants to and he's not going to listen to anyone here so when you comeback daily just to criticize the show you hate so much you do sound a little bit like a butt hurt faggot. I've also never been against people criticizing the show but literally the same exact threads pop up every day. It gets old. Learn to use the search button and comment in one of the many threads already made about Opie. It just clogs the board up with horse shit no one wants to read again.

And why don't you seek your own advice? If you don't like the show at all why do you continue to comeback and listen? Just like I could ignore your shitty Opie thread you could ignore the show. Oh but wait... You can't.

Hey we all knew this faggit would show up. He lives for this...

First of all, I like using the word faggot. Second, it's not some little snide comment made about Opie, it's the hate some of the faggots spout that pisses me off. I don't like anthony because he is a racist but I don't make post after post saying how much I hate him and wished he died or killed himself, or talk about his stupid kid, or how his wife/SO might of fucked someone else. I'm not a bitch like that. And I defended Anthony when he got fired. You homos would not defend Opie for shit.

Anthony is not a racist. He's standing up for white people and calling out blacks for the privileged protected class they've become. That is, if a white person says anything remotely negative about them, they are instantly called a racist.

I'm a veteran liberal Hispanic. So he has no love for my kind. Even though his bitch ass never served.

We don't care that you served.

I don't give a Fuck if you cared if I served. Faggot.

Clearly you do if you posted it.

So you must of saw my posts and said "Fuck I clearly cared about his post, so I must now reply" you're a fucking stupid faggot.

The point was, you care what everyone thinks. We've established that, Paco.

must of

Jarhead confirmed

Lol....but you sure seem to have deemed it neccesary to announce your service, now didn't you?

So you defended him, even though in your mind he is a racist and that is why you don't like him to begin with.

Thats some Inception level of retardation right there.

No, Stupid ass, I defended his right to say whatever he wants, especially if he said the same thing on the show.

Im readng all your tweets like you are Mars

I'm reading all your posts like you're Opie.

I sound more like Ant, beaner.

Yep, just like a racist.

listen spic, that word doesn't affect me. That is a bullshit communist word, you can leave my country anytime you don't like all the free shit I gave you.


Fuck You, Bitch. I've always thought racists were stupid and you are proving me right.

Anyways, I was born in the great olé USA, so it makes it Our Country. And the way we're breeding, you Fucks will be obsolete. I'm fucking one of your kind, too. And making babies, so I'm taking your kind to make more of my kind.

I hope you don't live off of food stamps or any of that welfare bullshit, because white people are the majority of the recipients. Entitledfirstworlder

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Such birth defects. Such a tool of Uncle Samuel. Good Goyim.

Whites should be the majority you fucking spic!!! whites are the majority of the population. Your fucking brown ass should learn the meaning of proportion. Just like niggers, your shit race mooches at a rate higher than whites.

I wonder if all of cumia ' s fans are racist faggots like you. I just wanna say that I love white people, I'm fucking one right now. So you might think your fucking my race, but I know I'm fucking your race. Say whatever you want, at least I don't fucking take handouts from the government like the majority of whites do.